ECOS-LINCE : a high-intensity heavy-ion facility for nuclear structure and reactions
Presented at the XXXIV Mazurian Lakes Conference on Physics, Piaski, Poland, September 6–13, 2015 ; During the last years, the ECOS working group has been considering the construction of a new high-intensity accelerator of stable ion beams for the next Long-Range Plan of the nuclear physics community in Europe. The new facility (LINCE) will be a multi-user facility dedicated to ECOS science: fundamental physics, astrophysics, nuclear structure and reaction dynamics. In this paper, we summarize preliminary design studies of the low-energy part of this facility based on the use of a multi-ion supercon- ducting linac. ; Work partially supported by the Spanish Government under the grant Feder-Interconnecta "Aceltec" ITC-20111070. The authors are also grateful to the companies Alter Technology-Tüv, Avs, Cibernos, Elitt Energy, Faysol, Idom, and Tti Norte for partial funding of this work and active participation in the design and prototyping carried-out in this study.