Der von der Regierung am 5. 1. 2018 vorgelegte Gesetzesentwurf zur Indexierung der Familienbeihilfe ist derzeit ein umfassend diskutiertes Thema in der Politik und in den Medien. Diese Arbeit hat sich das Ziel gesetzt, die rechtlichen Grundlagen, die sich durch die Änderung ergebenden Konsequenzen sowie alternative Möglichkeiten zu einer rechtskonformen Umsetzung darzustellen. In erster Linie werden die Gründe dargelegt, die zu der Reformierung geführt haben. In weiterer Folge wird kurz erklärt, worum es sich bei der Familienbeihilfe handelt und warum sich eine Indexierung nicht nur in Bezug auf den Gleichheitsgrundsatz, sondern auch auf die Grundfreiheiten der Europäischen Union bedenklich auswirkt. Abschließend wird auf die Problematik einer unionsrechtskonformen Umsetzung eingegangen. ; eingereicht von Bettina Gonzales Lopez Msc ; Universität Linz, Diplomarbeit, 2018 ; (VLID)2845452
Aus der Einleitung: Kündigungen sind in Zeiten der Globalisierung der Märkte und der Umstrukturierung von Unternehmen eine Massenerscheinung. Neben dem Erlöschen des Vertragsverhältnisses zwischen Arbeitgeber (im Folgenden: ArbG) und Arbeitnehmer (im Folgenden: ArbN) kommen auf den ArbN noch weitere Aspekte zu. Neben finanziellen Engpässen muss der ArbN auch in sozialer Hinsicht einstecken. Nicht nur, dass das Verhältnis zu ehemaligen Arbeitskollegen von heute auf morgen zerfällt, auch werden Arbeitslose in unserer heutigen Gesellschaft schnell zu einer Randgruppe. Daher stellt die Kündigung ein ganz zentrales Thema im Arbeitsrecht dar und sie berührt jeden ArbN, denn jeder von ihnen kann betroffen sein. In Betrieben ab 5 bzw. 11 wahlberechtigten ArbN (In Deutschland bzw. in Spanien) können sich Arbeitnehmervertretungen konstituieren, die dem einseitigen Beschluss des ArbG namens Kündigung entgegenwirken können. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der arbeitgeberseitlichen Kündigung eines bestehenden Arbeitsverhältnisses und der Mitbestimmung von Seiten des Betriebsrats zu dieser Maßnahme. Dabei ist sie in drei Teilen gegliedert. In den ersten beiden Teilen werden jegliche Aspekte der individuellen arbeitgeberseitlichen Kündigung nach spanischem bzw. deutschem Recht sowie die Kriterien und Voraussetzungen der betrieblichen Mitbestimmung in Kündigungsfragen in Spanien bzw. der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Die Massenentlassung ebenso im Rahmen eines Exkurses) dargestellt. Der dritte und letzte Teil beinhaltet einen Rechtsvergleich zwischen den beiden Staaten mit anschließender Stellungnahme, bei dem versucht wird, einen Kompromiss zwischen beiden Systemen zu erzielen.
The chapter discusses the social & economic situation for working married women in post-1960s Spain, where the influences of both modernity & traditionalism seem to have resulted in female educational achievement & professional orientations while institutional changes still lag behind. Focusing on assortative marriage choices & work transitions based on statistical models, the author finds high levels of marital complementarity or specialization among homogamous partners, regardless of income levels; a correlation between educated women's assortative marriages & low job-interruption incidence; & constraints on married women's potential labor-force reentry by a rigid labor market. Occupational prestige, more than spousal characteristics, seems to determine married mothers' capacity to remain in or reenter the workforce. 3 Tables, 2 Figures, 1 Appendix, 45 References. K. Coddon
Welfare state commitment to gender equality, as evidenced by the expansion of dual-earner families, is assessed according to the characteristics of family policy or specific social policies that challenge the traditional gender division of labor, eg, state support to working mothers. The research is based on a comparative analysis of GB & Spain, which provide very distinct examples of welfare state developments. Despite the maturity of the British welfare state & the longer tradition of female paid employment, the analysis reveals that the proportion of dual-earner families (women ages 26-45 in 1991) is very similar in both countries. In GB, this finding can be partly attributed to a continued trend toward the privatization of domestic responsibilities. 2 Tables, 2 Figures, 2, 60 References. Adapted from the source document.
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to describe the current state of the research field of business process architecture (BPA) and its design methodologies.Design/methodology/approachA systematic literature review (SLR) was conducted using meta- and content-based perspectives.FindingsFrom over 6,000 candidate studies, 89 were selected. A fifth of these primary works corresponded to BPA design methodologies. Though the BPA research field remains in an early stage of development, it bears promising growth potential. Regarding BPA design methodologies, the following aspects susceptible for further research were detected: identification and modeling of business process relationships; specification of inputs; standardization of models, notations and tool support; consideration of managerial concerns; integration of knowledge from other areas; and validation of methodological and product quality aspects.Research limitations/implicationsThe main limitation of the work lies in not being fully reproducible due to the fixed number of data sources and their digital nature, together with subjective decisions in work selection, data extraction and data analysis.Originality/valueTo the best of the authors' knowledge no study has yet analyzed the BPA research field by means of an SLR. This study will benefit practitioners and research groups working on this topic by allowing them to get a rigorous overview of the BPA research field with an emphasis on available BPA design methodologies, and become aware of research gaps within the BPA field to position further research.
"The book presents a new vision of the nitrogen cycle and analyzes how the biological knowledge of the different processes involved in it can be used to reduce the environmental risk that nitrogen pollution exerts on the environmental quality of our planet. Problems such as contamination of groundwater or surface waters by nitrates or ammonium and how they can be mitigated by different biotechnologies are discussed in this book. The book will be a useful reference work for scientists, academic faculty and graduate students"--
Abstract This study aims to assess the accuracy of temporary employment as indicator or proxy measure of precarious employment. Using sensitivity and specificity analysis, we compared type of contract (temporary versus permanent) with the Chilean version of the multidimensional Employment Precariousness Scale. Temporary employment exhibited very low sensitivity (<30%) (specificity >90%), resulting in roughly 38% of false negative results. Different EPRES-Ch cut-off scores produced similar results. The main implication of these findings is that the public health relevance of precarious employment is being underestimated both in terms of prevalence and of its association with health, making it critical that valid multidimensional measures of precarious employment be implemented.
Technological advances have exponentially increased and facilitated the international market for sex workers, generating in parallel a black market where human trafficking, leaks of intimate content and the production of abusive material of children and adolescents are the main product. In this sense, the main purpose of this research was to analyze the current legal situation with which the countries are tackling this problem and the efforts of individuals that are joining; Based on this, it seeks to enunciate concrete actions that contribute to eliminate the root problem. To achieve the above, a documentary research was used, and, through content analysis, it was found as the main finding that there are several countries with polarized criteria, this complicates the policy establishment in a globalized environment and is prone to greater number of legal loopholes, making it essential to establish an international and comprehensive legal framework to protect all digital users, especially girls, boys and adolescents; Hence, a multidisciplinary and cooperative approach is considered among the various social and governmental organizations to address and control sexual exploitation online, setting rights, obligations and sanctions for those involved in these activities. ; Los avances tecnológicos han incrementado y facilitado de manera exponencial al mercado de los trabajadores sexuales a nivel internacional, generando de manera paralela un mercado negro donde la trata de personas, las filtraciones de contenido íntimo y la producción de material abusivo de niñas, niños y adolescentes son el producto principal. En este sentido, el propósito primordial de este trabajo fue analizar el contexto jurídico actual con el que los países están combatiendo esa problemática y los esfuerzos de particulares que se están sumando; a partir de ello, se busca enunciar acciones concretas que contribuyan a eliminar el problema de raíz. Para lograr lo anterior se empleó una investigación documental, y, por medio del análisis del contenido, se encontró como principal hallazgo que existen varios países con criterios polarizados, esto complica el establecimiento de políticas en un entorno globalizado y se presta a que exista una mayor cantidad de vacíos legales por lo que resulta indispensable el establecimiento de un marco jurídico internacional e integral para proteger a todos los usuarios digitales, en especial a las niñas, niños y adolescentes; De ahí que se piense en un enfoque multidisciplinar y cooperativo entre las diversas organizaciones sociales y gubernamentales para abordar y controlar la explotación sexual en línea fijando derechos, obligaciones y sanciones para los involucrados en estas actividades.
The aim is to present approaches on social knowledge management from the perspective of the social responsibility of the University to propose strategies aimed at the promotion of sustainable local development. The social management of the knowledge (GSC) should be one of the central functions of the institutions of education (IE), because the attribute work with and on the knowledge is precisely the raison to be and what distinguishes them from other forms of social organization. The development of cognitive abilities, the search for novel approach problems, participation in the resolution of social problems, the development of collective forms of work and, in a Word, become agencies that manage knowledge responsibly is probably one of the ways that has been lost in the IE for internal and external reasons. In the first sense, dominated two options in dispute: the pursuit of knowledge in itself or knowledge subject to results. On the outside, between the subordination to a technical job market and contribution to innovations that meet probable social background. The above, recognizing that around knowledge of power for personal interest reasons and/or group, confrontations occur on political and economic affairs. But, in sum, these disputes in societies like ours - underdeveloped and lagging - in knowledge may be a veil to not move in directions that combine knowledge with problem solving through responsible for knowledge management forms.
The aim is to present approaches on social knowledge management from the perspective of the social responsibility of the University to propose strategies aimed at the promotion of sustainable local development. The social management of the knowledge (GSC) should be one of the central functions of the institutions of education (IE), because the attribute work with and on the knowledge is precisely the raison to be and what distinguishes them from other forms of social organization. The development of cognitive abilities, the search for novel approach problems, participation in the resolution of social problems, the development of collective forms of work and, in a Word, become agencies that manage knowledge responsibly is probably one of the ways that has been lost in the IE for internal and external reasons. In the first sense, dominated two options in dispute: the pursuit of knowledge in itself or knowledge subject to results. On the outside, between the subordination to a technical job market and contribution to innovations that meet probable social background. The above, recognizing that around knowledge of power for personal interest reasons and/or group, confrontations occur on political and economic affairs. But, in sum, these disputes in societies like ours - underdeveloped and lagging - in knowledge may be a veil to not move in directions that combine knowledge with problem solving through responsible for knowledge management forms.