Since the rise of the Bolivian Revolution back in 1999, Venezuela has seen multiple violations of human rights. As a matter of fact, these violations have increased steadily through the years, and the international community has not acted properly to thee terrible facts. Almost 20 years later the United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner published Report No A/hrc/41/18 of Human Rights details the situation in the Bolivian Republic of Venezuela, which presents the horror that Venezuelans have lived with quite a long time. Furthermore, the International Community must use Transitional Justice for restoring democracy, justice and peace in the South American country.
Mexiko wird wieder auf den Kapitalmärkten der Welt begrüßt. Nach dem Beinah-Bankrott im August 1982 wird Mexiko als lebendes Beispiel für die Wirksamkeit der IWF Stabilisierungsprogramme bejubelt. Der Artikel versucht, das Mißverständnis dieses Standpunkts zu illustrieren und eröffnet eine tiefere Einsicht in den Prozeß der mexikanischen Verschuldung und mögliche Auswege. Die mexikanische Krise ist keine zeitweilige, sondern eine strukturelle. Sie ist das notwendige Ergebnis der von Mexiko in den letzten Jahrzehnten verfolgten Wirtschaftspolitik. Das Ungleichgewicht zwischen Industrie- und Agrarprodukten auf der einen Seite und die Auslandsabhängigkeit von Kapitalgewinnen auf der anderen Seite werden als eines der besonderes schwierigen Probleme des Landes angesehen. Die allgemeine Situation führte zu einer Krise am Beginn des letzten Jahrzehnts. Aufgrund der starken Zunahme im ausländischen Austauschtransfer und der Entdeckung neuer Ölfelder hätte diese Krise trotzdem vermieden werden können. (RWübers)
Enlightening and entertaining, Philosophical Tales examines a few of the fascinating biographical details of history's greatest philosophers (alas, mostly men) and highlights their contributions to the field. By applying the true philosophical approach to philosophy itself, the text provides us with a refreshing 'alternative history' of philosophy.Opens up new philosophical debate by applying the true philosophical approach to philosophy itself Provides summaries of the most celebrated and philosophically interesting tales, their backgrounds, and assessments of the leading players Explores phi
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With an analytical and comparative approach, the study of the principles of legal certainty and judicial independence, will be addressed, which are unknown and circumvented by various sectors of society. In addition, it will be seen that despite enjoying broad regulation and protection in the contemporary legal system, since it seeks to ensure its observance, the recurring transgression of these principles is a reality that generates all kinds of legal conflicts that in the end are transferred to the user primary of justice and the raison d'être of democratic states, the social conglomerate. Situation that leads to thinking about fundamental reforms that integrate a true separation and autonomy of the branches of power. ; Con un enfoque analítico y comparativo, se abordará el estudio de los principios de seguridad jurídica e independencia judicial, los cuales, son desconocidos por varios sectores de la sociedad. Además, se verá que, a pesar de gozar de amplia regulación y protección en el ordenamiento legal contemporáneo, donde se busca asegurar su observancia, la transgresión recurrente de estos principios es una realidad que genera toda clase de conflictos jurídicos, hacia el usuario primario de la justicia y la razón de ser de los Estados democráticos, el conglomerado social. Esta situación lleva a pensar en reformas de fondo que integren una verdadera separación y autonomía de las ramas del poder.
Executive Summary Why some residents around the world facing chronic and acute stressors seek to exit their home communities while others do not, remains an unanswered question. People living in Venezuela face poverty, inflation, and food shortages and hold strong reasons to seek life elsewhere. Using a new survey of 100 residents in two communities in Venezuela — Santa Rita and Maracaibo — we qualitatively and quantitatively capture the intention to leave a failing state along a variety of potential explanatory characteristics at the individual and environmental levels. Testing the relationship with several sets of factors, including social capital, access to critical infrastructure, and anxiety about the political and economic environment, we find that optimism and access to electricity strongly correlate with intention to depart. Venezuelans who hold positive views of the future and have more regular access to electricity indicate less desire to emigrate, while individual and communal resources like social capital and individual resources like access to US dollars have no measurable impact. These findings bring with them important policy recommendations for NGOs and policymakers alike. Policies that promote optimism and psychological well-being within communities may indirectly contribute to reducing emigration intentions. Moreover, policymakers should be aware of the limits of bonding ties in helping communities experiencing multidimensional shocks. Our findings also point to the limited effectiveness of external resources in fostering a desire to stay and improve local conditions, and instead reinforce the importance of critical conditions at home.
SARS-CoV-2 RNA detection in wastewater is being rapidly developed and adopted as a public health monitoring tool worldwide. With wastewater surveillance programs being implemented across many different scales and by many different stakeholders, it is critical that data collected and shared are accompanied by an appropriate minimal amount of meta-information to enable meaningful interpretation and use of this new information source and intercomparison across datasets. While some databases are being developed for specific surveillance programs locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally, common globally-adopted data standards have not yet been established within the research community. Establishing such standards will require national and international consensus on what meta-information should accompany SARS-CoV-2 wastewater measurements. To establish a recommendation on minimum information to accompany reporting of SARS-CoV-2 occurrence in wastewater for the research community, the United States National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Coordination Network on Wastewater Surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 hosted a workshop in February 2021 with participants from academia, government agencies, private companies, wastewater utilities, public health laboratories, and research institutes. This report presents the primary two outcomes of the workshop: (i) a recommendation on the set of minimum meta-information that is needed to confidently interpret wastewater SARS-CoV-2 data, and (ii) insights from workshop discussions on how to improve standardization of data reporting.