14 Ergebnisse
Growth effects of fiscal policy and debt sustainability in the EU
In: Forschungsberichte 2000.10
Working paper
Analysis of China's Unequal Income Distribution from the Perspective of Functional Income Distribution
In: Social sciences in China, Band 31, Heft 4, S. 53-72
ISSN: 1940-5952
Analysis of China's unequal income distribution from the perspective of functional income distribution
In: Social sciences in China: a quarterly journal
ISSN: 0252-9203
World Affairs Online
Ethnic Diversity in Houston, Texas: The Evolution of Residential Segregation in the Bayou City, 1990–2000
In: Population review: demography of developing countries, Band 49, Heft 1
ISSN: 1549-0955
The increased racial and ethnic diversity in the United States has been shown to alter significantly the residential landscapes within urban areas. This research investigates the impacts that an increase in diversity has had on the levels of residential segregation among racial and/or ethnic groups in Houston, Texas from 1990 to 2000. Empirical analysis entailed the measurement of two dimensions of segregation evident among Non-Hispanic whites, African-Americans, Hispanics and Asians. Measures of residential exposure were decomposed in order to investigate the relative impacts of metropolitan-wide compositional change and intra-urban redistributive change on segregation among the four groups. During the 1990s, all non-white groups became increasingly segregated from whites and increasingly integrated with one another. Results suggest that both whites and Asians exhibited some degree of "ethnic (or racial) self-selectivity" that functioned to concentrate these groups residentially, although these forces were partially overwhelmed by other redistributive and compositional changes. The evidence further suggests that the degrees of segregation experienced among minorities were strongly impacted by the residential behavior of whites.
Deflationary expansion: An overshooting perspective to the recent business cycle in China
In: China economic review, Band 19, Heft 1, S. 1-17
ISSN: 1043-951X
Deflationary expansion: an overshooting perspective to the recent business cycle in China
In: China economic review: an international journal
ISSN: 1043-951X
World Affairs Online
Use of Remotely Sensed Imagery in Cyber Warfare and Cyber Counterterrorism
In: Cyber Warfare and Cyber Terrorism
Use of Remotely Sensed Imagery in Cyber Warfare and Cyber Counterterrorism
In: Cyber Warfare and Cyber Terrorism, S. 298-305
The Uzawa–Lucas model without scale effects: theory and empirical evidence
In: Structural change and economic dynamics, Band 15, Heft 4, S. 401-420
ISSN: 1873-6017
Geo‐spatial technologies and policy issues in China: status and prospects
In: Regional science policy and practice: RSPP, Band 3, Heft 4, S. 339-356
ISSN: 1757-7802
AbstractThe current status and future prospects for geo‐spatial technologies (GST) including geographic information systems (GIS), digital remotely sensed imagery (RS) and global positioning systems (GPS) in the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan will be discussed. In particular, the use of these technologies and policy issues in such leading application areas as vehicle navigation systems, tourism, real estate/urban planning and cellular communications will be emphasized.Resumen. Se discute el estado actual y las perspectivas futuras de las tecnologías geoespaciales (GST) incluyendo sistemas de información geográfica (SIG), imágenes adquiridas por teledetección (RS) y sistemas de posicionamiento global (GPS) en la República Popular China, Hong Kong y Taiwan. En particular, se hace énfasis en el uso de estas tecnologías y políticas relacionadas con las áreas a la cabeza de su aplicación tales como los sistemas de navegación de vehículos, turismo, ordenación territorial y planificación urbana y comunicaciones por telefonía móvil.
Economic Growth in the U.S. and Europe: The Role of Knowledge, Human Capital, and Inventions
In: Ökonomie als Grundlage politischer Entscheidungen, S. 27-59