105 Ergebnisse
Many children left behind?: Textbooks and test scores in Kenya
In: NBER working paper series 13300
The Economics of School Quality Investments in Developing Countries: An Empirical Study of Ghana
In: Studies on the African Economies Series
This book presents a method to estimate the economic returns to investments in school quality. While economists have long had methods to estimate rates of return to additional years of schooling, until now there has been no method for analyzing returns to investments in school quality. This is regrettable, because many, if not most, government education policies focus on school quality. Empirical work using data from Ghana shows that investments in school quality have higher rates of return than investments in increased years in schooling. The bulk of the study is written by Paul Glewwe, with some coauthored and contributed pieces from his co-researchers Jaikishan Desai, Dean Jolliffe, Raylynn Oliver and Wim Vijverberg, who worked as research assistants on this project.
How does schooling of mothers improve child health?: evidence from Morocco
In: Living Standards Measurement Study working paper, 128
World Affairs Online
Targeting assistance to the poor using household survey data
In: Policy, planning, and research working papers 225
In: Welfare and human resources
The distribution of welfare in Côte d'Ivoire in 1985
In: LSMS working paper no. 29
The role of theory and randomized trials for education policy in developing countries
In: World development: the multi-disciplinary international journal devoted to the study and promotion of world development, Band 127, S. 104801
Bob Baulch, ed. Why Poverty Persists: Poverty Dynamics in Asia and Africa. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011. Pp. 296. $125.00 (cloth); $42.00 (paper)
In: Economic Development and Cultural Change, Band 62, Heft 2, S. 417-422
ISSN: 1539-2988
Measurement Error Bias in Estimates of Income and Income Growth among the Poor: Analytical Results and a Correction Formula
In: Economic Development and Cultural Change, Band 56, Heft 1, S. 163-189
ISSN: 1539-2988
Measurement error bias in estimates of income and income growth among the poor: analytical results and a correction formula
In: Economic development and cultural change: a journal designed for exploratory discussion of the problems of economic development and cultural change. Supplement
ISSN: 0013-0079
World Affairs Online
Why Does Mother's Schooling Raise Child Health in Developing Countries? Evidence from Morocco
In: The journal of human resources, Band 34, Heft 1, S. 124
ISSN: 1548-8004
Estimating the impact of peer group effects on socioeconomic outcomes: Does the distribution of peer group characteristics matter?
In: Economics of education review, Band 16, Heft 1, S. 39-43
ISSN: 0272-7757
The relevance of standard estimates of rates of return to schooling for education policy: A critical assessment
In: Journal of development economics, Band 51, Heft 2, S. 267-290
ISSN: 0304-3878
Tageting assistance to the poor Efficient allocation of transfers when household income is not observed
In: Journal of development economics, Band 38, Heft 2, S. 297-321
ISSN: 0304-3878