Simulation of direct run-off in a forest basin in northern Spain ; Simulación de la escorrentía directa en una cuenca forestal del norte de España
[ES] One of the most widespread methods to simulate the direct run-off hydrogram in the field of hydrological design is the Unitary Hydrogram (HU) technique. On the basis of a HU model based on an association of linear depots established on the basis of the drainage network of the river basin, a formulation is proposed to allow for the spatial variability of rain, with the ability to introduce different yethograms recorded in different locations. This model has been applied in the Oiartzun basin, with an area of 56.6 km², located in the eastern part of the province of Guipúzcoa, where three continuously recorded pluviometers are available. This basin in terms of uses, soils and physical characteristics is representative of the area. Four rainy events have been selected to evaluate the model. For these four events, the aggregated Hydrogram Geomorphologic Depósitos (HUIGD) model has been applied, introducing a single yethogram determined by Thiessen polygons, and the variant of the distributed HUIGD model that allows the introduction of the three yethograms. Although both models have a good simulation capability, the results provided by the distributed model improve in different respects those of the aggregate. Goñi, M.; López, J.; Gimena, F.; Aguirre, U. (2008). Simulation of direct run-off in a forest basin in northern Spain. Engineering of water. 15 (1): 19-28. López J.J., F.N. Gimena and M. Goñi, (2007). Geomorphological unit hydrogram of deposits. Basis for the calculation of design hydrograms in medium river basins. Cedex, Ministry of Public Works and Ministry of the Environment, Madrid. ; 19 28 15 1 ; [ES] One of the most widespread methods to simulate the direct run-off hydrogram in the field of hydrological design is the Unitary Hydrogram (HU) technique. On the basis of a HU model based on an association of linear depots established on the basis of the drainage network of the river basin, a formulation is proposed to allow for the spatial variability of rain, with the ...