Free Exercise of Religion in the Liberal Polity: Conflicting Interpretations
In: Palgrave Studies in Religion, Politics, and Policy
In: Springer eBooks
In: Religion and Philosophy
59 Ergebnisse
In: Palgrave Studies in Religion, Politics, and Policy
In: Springer eBooks
In: Religion and Philosophy
In: Religion and politics series
Religion and sexuality: setting the stage -- The impossibility of neutrality -- Same-sex marriage: social facts and conflicting views -- Religious establishment and the endorsement test -- Free exercise and the right to conscience -- Establishment and free exercise: who should be outsiders?
In: Politics and religion: official journal of the APSA Organized Section on Religion and Politics, Band 15, Heft 4, S. 841-845
ISSN: 1755-0491
In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics
"The Intersection of LGBT Rights and Religious Beliefs in the United States" published on by Oxford University Press.
In: Politics and religion: official journal of the APSA Organized Section on Religion and Politics, Band 7, Heft 1, S. 224-227
ISSN: 1755-0491
In: The review of politics, Band 76, Heft 1, S. 93-117
ISSN: 1748-6858
AbstractAdvocates for the equality and dignity of LGBT persons often suggest that the immutability of sexual orientation is their strongest argument. I believe that it is a weak one. First, the individual freedom that liberalism accords to people, absent harm to others, as necessary for human flourishing applies to sexuality as well as to other areas of existence. Second, the distinction often made between status and conduct is a false one, and the argument from immutability effectively protects neither. Third, I examine the notion of constitutive choice, arguing that the line between immutability and choice is more complex than many realize. Finally, greater attention to the notion of constitutive choice may broaden liberalism's hospitality to conceptions of the good in ways that better respect human moral agency and autonomy.
In: The review of politics, Band 76, Heft 1, S. 93-117
ISSN: 0034-6705
In: Perspectives on politics, Band 11, Heft 3, S. 927-928
ISSN: 1541-0986
In: Perspectives on politics: a political science public sphere, Band 11, Heft 3, S. 927-928
ISSN: 1537-5927
In: Politics and religion: official journal of the APSA Organized Section on Religion and Politics, Band 4, Heft 1, S. 189-191
ISSN: 1755-0491
In: Freedom of Expression in a Diverse World, S. 147-161
In: Politics and religion: official journal of the APSA Organized Section on Religion and Politics, Band 2, Heft 3, S. 353-377
ISSN: 1755-0491
AbstractThis article compares the difficulty in achieving a public stance of neutrality toward sexual orientation with the difficulty in achieving neutrality toward religious belief. Strict separation treats religion as a private commitment, with firm limits on government cooperation with religion and strong protection for free exercise. Formal neutrality discounts religion as a basis either for conferring special benefits or for withholding generally available benefits. Positive neutrality attends to the practical effects of public policy, sometimes requiring an abandonment of nonestablishment in favor of policies that allow for greater protection for free exercise of religion. I argue that none of these forms of neutrality establishes impartiality regarding either religious belief or same-sex marriage. First, Michael McConnell's "disestablishment" approach to sexual orientation and same-sex marriage instantiates are neither neutrality nor civic equality. Second, while formal neutrality may render an establishment more inclusive, it may exclude those whose beliefs and practices are not deemed in accordance with public purposes. Third, although positive neutrality may remove burdens from same-sex couples whose conscientious convictions may impel them to marry, it may still favor some kinds of practices over others.
In: Coercion and the State, S. 115-127
In: The review of politics, Band 69, Heft 4, S. 706-708
ISSN: 1748-6858