« Nous protégeons l'infortune » Les origines populaires de l'économie sociale au Québec, Martin Petitclerc. VLB éditeur, 2007, 283 p
In: Recma: revue internationale de l' économie sociale, Heft 311, S. 98
ISSN: 2261-2599
18 Ergebnisse
In: Recma: revue internationale de l' économie sociale, Heft 311, S. 98
ISSN: 2261-2599
In: Vie sociale: cahiers du CEDIAS, Band 4, Heft 4, S. 39-52
L'opposition de la mutualité au plan français de Sécurité sociale peut surprendre. Pourquoi un mouvement, dont l'activité séculaire a servi de laboratoire pour la mise au point du modèle de prévoyance repris et généralisé en 1945, s'est-il dérobé devant sa propre réussite ? Pour autant, le rendez-vous manqué n'est-il imputable qu'à la seule mutualité ? Quelle responsabilité attribuer aux autres protagonistes, le législateur, le mouvement syndical, le patronat, les classes moyennes, etc.? Enfin, et peut-être surtout, quelle influence l'histoire française contemporaine a-t-elle exercée sur la relation entre régimes obligatoire et volontaire, pour qu'un tel rapport s'oriente dans une perspective plutôt alternative que complémentaire ?
In: Lien social et politiques: revue internationale et interdisciplinaire de sciences humaines consacrée aux thèmes du lien social, de la sociabilité, des problèmes sociaux et des politiques publiques, Heft 33, S. 64-77
ISSN: 1703-9665
Si la contribution de la mutualité à la constitution du système de protection sociale français est relativement bien connue, l'intervention des compagnies d'assurance privées à finalité commerciale comporte encore bien des zones d'ombre. Or elles sont activement présentes dans l'histoire de la protection contre les risques sociaux. On peut voir l'une des clefs de la greffe tardive de l'assurance sociale en France dans la relation privilégiée établie de longue date entre les grandes législations sociales et l'essor des organismes à but lucratif. Elles contribuent aussi à forger l'identité d'un tnutualisme également structuré au dix-neuvième siècle par la résistance à l'hégémonie de la production marchande et par l'adaptation aux règles du système. Aujourd'hui encore, l'un des problèmes cruciaux de la protection sociale reste le contenu de la relation entre les pôles marchand et non marchand qui en structurent le champ.
In: Recma: revue internationale de l' économie sociale, Heft 284, S. 93
ISSN: 2261-2599
In: Recma: revue internationale de l' économie sociale, Heft 281, S. 183
ISSN: 2261-2599
In: Mouvements: des idées et des luttes, Band 14, Heft 2, S. 38
ISSN: 1776-2995
In: Recma: revue internationale de l' économie sociale, Heft 279, S. 89
ISSN: 2261-2599
In: Annales: histoire, sciences sociales, Band 52, Heft 4, S. 934-935
ISSN: 1953-8146
In: Collection Politique sociale / Nouvelle série
World Affairs Online
In: Recma: revue internationale de l' économie sociale, Heft 316, S. 5
ISSN: 2261-2599
The NeuroBase project aims at studying the requirements for federating, through the Internet, information sources in neuroimaging. These sources are distributed in different experimental sites, hospitals or research centers in cognitive neurosciences, and contain heterogeneous data and image processing programs. More precisely, this project consists in creating of a shared ontology, suitable for supporting various neuroimaging applications, and a computer architecture for accessing and sharing relevant distributed information. We briefly describe the semantic model and report in more details the architecture we chose, based on a media-tor/wrapper approach. To give a flavor of the future deployment of our architecture, we de-scribe a demonstrator that implements the comparison of distributed image processing tools applied to distributed neuroimaging data.
The NeuroBase project aims at studying the requirements for federating, through the Internet, information sources in neuroimaging. These sources are distributed in different experimental sites, hospitals or research centers in cognitive neurosciences, and contain heterogeneous data and image processing programs. More precisely, this project consists in creating of a shared ontology, suitable for supporting various neuroimaging applications, and a computer architecture for accessing and sharing relevant distributed information. We briefly describe the semantic model and report in more details the architecture we chose, based on a media-tor/wrapper approach. To give a flavor of the future deployment of our architecture, we de-scribe a demonstrator that implements the comparison of distributed image processing tools applied to distributed neuroimaging data.
The NeuroBase project aims at studying the requirements for federating, through the Internet, information sources in neuroimaging. These sources are distributed in different experimental sites, hospitals or research centers in cognitive neurosciences, and contain heterogeneous data and image processing programs. More precisely, this project consists in creating of a shared ontology, suitable for supporting various neuroimaging applications, and a computer architecture for accessing and sharing relevant distributed information. We briefly describe the semantic model and report in more details the architecture we chose, based on a media-tor/wrapper approach. To give a flavor of the future deployment of our architecture, we de-scribe a demonstrator that implements the comparison of distributed image processing tools applied to distributed neuroimaging data.
The NeuroBase project aims at studying the requirements for federating, through the Internet, information sources in neuroimaging. These sources are distributed in different experimental sites, hospitals or research centers in cognitive neurosciences, and contain heterogeneous data and image processing programs. More precisely, this project consists in creating of a shared ontology, suitable for supporting various neuroimaging applications, and a computer architecture for accessing and sharing relevant distributed information. We briefly describe the semantic model and report in more details the architecture we chose, based on a media-tor/wrapper approach. To give a flavor of the future deployment of our architecture, we de-scribe a demonstrator that implements the comparison of distributed image processing tools applied to distributed neuroimaging data.
The NeuroBase project aims at studying the requirements for federating, through the Internet, information sources in neuroimaging. These sources are distributed in different experimental sites, hospitals or research centers in cognitive neurosciences, and contain heterogeneous data and image processing programs. More precisely, this project consists in creating of a shared ontology, suitable for supporting various neuroimaging applications, and a computer architecture for accessing and sharing relevant distributed information. We briefly describe the semantic model and report in more details the architecture we chose, based on a media-tor/wrapper approach. To give a flavor of the future deployment of our architecture, we de-scribe a demonstrator that implements the comparison of distributed image processing tools applied to distributed neuroimaging data.