Combining static and portable Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensor data to assess catchment scale heterogeneity in soil water storage and their integrated role in catchment runoff response
We thank the Macaulay Development Trust and School of Geosciences, University of Aberdeen for KDP's scholarship. JG would like to acknowledge funding from the Royal Society (RG140402), the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland (project 70112) and the UK Natural Environment Research Council (project NE/N007611/1 and CC13_080). RR received funding from the Natural Environment Research Council (projects NE/M003086/1, NE/ R004897/1 and NE/T005645/1) and from the International Atomic Energy Agency of the United Nations (IAEA/UN) (project CRP D12014). MW and AL were funded by the Rural & Environment Science & Analytical Services Division of the Scottish Government. We thank Lucile Verrot for helping with the depth-distance weighting of soil moisture. We thank to Hydroinnova for making available the solar intensity data from Jungfraujoch to us. Special thanks to Jessica Fennell, Lucile Verrot and Mark Grundy for assistance with fieldwork as well as to David Finlay and his team for enabling land access in Elsick. ; Peer reviewed ; Postprint