The Evaluation of Selected Air Pollutants in Košice for the Period 2008-2010 / Analýza Znečisťujúcich Látok Vo Vybraných Monitorovacích Staniciach Mesta Košice Za Obdobie 2008 - 2010
In: GeoScience Engineering, Band 60, Heft 1, S. 22-34
ISSN: 1802-5420
In general, air quality is determined from the concentrations of pollutants in ambient air. Air quality criteria (limit and target values, margin of tolerances, upper and lower assessment thresholds) are based on the current legislative framework. In Slovakia, the air quality criteria are imposed by Decree No 360/2010 Coll, on air quality, of the Ministry of Environment [1]. In relation to the implemented measurements, it is necessary to choose effective tools needed for the pre-processing and post-processing of overall air quality assessment. The article aims at applying suitable GIS tools in the assessment process of air quality in the Košice agglomeration for the selected period 2008-2010. In the overall assessment of the area in question, the processing of information on emissions declared as particulate matter (PM) was considered in terms of a conservative approach to the assessment of air quality for PM10. For the assessment, the yearbooks and reports on air quality in Slovakia in 2008-2010 of the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMI) and professional publications were used