
45 Ergebnisse


Buch(elektronisch)#120123 Versionen verfügbar

Situating Women: Gender Politics and Circumstance in Fiji



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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#31. Dezember 2024

"Our Cry as Women Leaders": Crisis Response Intervention, Customary Governance, and the Masculinization of Peace in Solomon Islands

In: Pacific affairs: an international review of Asia and the Pacific, Band 97, Heft 4, S. 813-831

ISSN: 1715-3379

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#426. November 2020

Conflict transition, emplaced identity and the gendered politics of scale in Solomon Islands

In: Cooperation and conflict: journal of the Nordic International Studies Association, Band 55, Heft 4, S. 518-534

ISSN: 1460-3691

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#831. Mai 2016

Institutionalising Women, Peace and Security in the Pacific Islands: Gendering the 'architecture of entitlements'?

In: International political science review: the journal of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) = Revue internationale de science politique, Band 37, Heft 3, S. 375-389

ISSN: 1460-373X

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Open Access#102015

Situating Women : Gender Politics and Circumstance in Fiji


Open Access#112015

Contending Masculinities and the Limits of Tolerance: Sexual Minorities in Fiji


Open Access#122015

Contending Masculinities and the Limits of Tolerance: Sexual Minorities in Fiji


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