Healthcare-Compliance: Praxisleitfaden für Unternehmen und Leistungserbringer im Gesundheitswesen
In: Compliance für die Praxis
24 Ergebnisse
In: Compliance für die Praxis
In: Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Deutsches, Europäisches und Internationales Medizinrecht, Gesundheitsrecht und Bioethik der Universitäten Heidelberg und Mannheim 25
Der Autor befasst sich mit der Problematik der Errichtung einer Interessenvertretung für Patienten im Gesundheitswesen und den mit einem solchen Institutionalisierungsprozess zusammenhängenden rechtlichen Fragen. Ausgehend von einer Bestandsaufnahme, in welcher der Verfasser zunächst untersucht, wie es derzeit um die Repräsentanz der Patienteninteressen auf der Systemebene bestellt ist, wendet er sich der Frage zu, wie sich eine Patientenpartizipation an gesundheitspolitischen Konsensverfahren begründen lässt. In dem anschließenden konzeptionellen Teil entwickelt der Verfasser ein Ombudsmannmodell, in dem Patientenbeauftragte einerseits als Ansprechpartner für Patienten fungieren und andererseits deren Interessen auf der Systemebene repräsentieren. Ein Schwerpunkt der Erörterungen liegt dabei auf der verfassungsrechtlichen Dimension der Problematik. Geschrieben für: (Gesundheits-)Ministerien, Gesundheitsbehörden, Verbraucherzentralen und Patientenberatungsstellen Schlagworte: Gesundheitsrecht Medizinrecht Patientenbeauftragte Patientenrechte Verfassungsrecht
In: Neue Kriminalpolitik: NK ; Forum für Kriminalwissenschaften, Recht und Praxis, Band 25, Heft 2, S. 136-148
ISSN: 0934-9200
Boundaries in various guises are a mainstay of classical social science theory and have generated a fair share of empirical research. The tremendous transdisciplinary interest in state borders and borderlands that has been apparent since the late 1990s was matched in recent years by a similar upsurge in empirical (and, though to a lesser degree, theoretical) work on frontiers, i.e. loosely-administered spaces rich in resources and therefore coveted by non-residents. Freeing the frontier notion from an exclusive association with the past age of Caucasian colonialism and the pioneer lore of settler nations, the present thesis advances the frontier concept as a frame of analysis for the contests for property and resources and the struggles for cultural dominance which take place at the internal peripheries of developing nations. It insists that these peripheries are very unlike the center, and pinpoints the characteristics that render them highly peculiar geographical, political, social and cultural spaces . ; + zhb_1103013 + Sprache: eng + Code Diss LU: UNILU Diss 2009 F2 EL
In: Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Deutsches, Europäisches und Internationales Medizinrecht, Gesundheitsrecht und Bioethik der Universitäten Heidelberg und Mannheim 25
In: Springer eBook Collection
Begriffliche Grundlagen -- Entwicklungslinien der Organisationstheorie -- Strukturierung von Aufgaben -- Integration von Individuum und Organisation -- Organisation und Umwelt -- Emergente Prozesse in Organisationen -- Organisatorischer Wandel und Lernen. .
In: Organization studies: an international multidisciplinary journal devoted to the study of organizations, organizing, and the organized in and between societies
ISSN: 1741-3044
This article examines how organizations coordinate routines to achieve reliable collective action in sustained, temporally complex crises. We conducted an observational study of the Uganda Red Cross Society's Ebola emergency response operation, which lasted for almost two years. Our findings reveal that sustained crises necessitate both the enacting of clusters of interrelated routines to achieve reliable operations and the accommodating of unexpected events when coordinating these clusters. Thereby, this study contributes to research on coordinating routines in sustained crises in two ways. First, we challenge traditional views of routine clusters as stable and path dependent, arguing that tolerating temporal conflicts between routines enables the flexible coordination of routine clusters during sustained crises. Second, we introduce the concept of temporal manipulation, which challenges existing thinking about the need for temporal alignment of routine performances. Temporal manipulation is the ability of routine participants to exercise agency by altering the past and/or future to successfully coordinate routines with diverging temporalities. This suggests that manipulating time, rather than aligning it, can be an effective means of coordination in sustained crises.
In: Journal of contingencies and crisis management, Band 32, Heft 4
ISSN: 1468-5973
ABSTRACTWhilst research on extreme contexts has mainly studied responses to and perceptions of urgency in abrupt crisis settings, this paper examines the construction and contestation of urgency in ambiguous creeping crisis settings. It builds on the empirical case of the Alpine Region of Tyrol and the discourse that emerged around the climate crisis and ski tourism. By taking an abductive approach, we investigate how the temporal dynamics of urgency contestation unfold between different actors. Our findings show three discursive dynamics that drive the contestation of urgency over extended periods of time. We further reveal that actors draw on specific temporal dimensions when constructing high or low senses of urgency – a measurable, normative or synchronicity dimension. This contributes first to research on urgency by uncovering that urgency is not something that can be taken for granted in crises, but instead a multidimensional and relationally contested construct. Second, we point to the nestedness of crises by showing that the urgency of a crisis is shaped by the perception of urgency in related crises. Third, we contribute to crisis research outlining that creeping crises do not necessarily peak in a "hot phase" but instead remain contested and continue to creep on forever.
In: Organisation, S. 435-498
In: Organisation, S. 121-185
In: Organisation, S. 287-355
In: Organisation, S. 357-434