Gypsy and Traveller Girls: Silence, Agency and Power
In: Studies in Childhood and Youth Ser.
Intro -- Preface -- Contents -- Abbreviations -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- 1 The Outsiders Within: Stereotypes, Definitions and Boundaries -- Terminology -- Gypsies and Travellers -- Girls or Young Women -- Ethnicity and Race -- Educational Experience -- Boundaries and Limitations -- The Collection of Data -- Participants -- References -- 2 Power and Silence: The Social Construction of Gypsies and Travellers -- The Scope of This Work: A Disclaimer -- The Construction of 'Gypsies and Travellers' in Scotland -- Definitions and Language -- The Myth of Nomadism as Defining Characteristic -- Problematising Identity and Community -- History and Origins of Gypsies and Travellers in Scotland -- The Demonised Other: Past and Present -- Gendering the Gypsy and Traveller Experience -- References -- 3 Gypsies and Travellers in Education: Hidden, Deviant or Excluded -- Academic Literature in England and Wales -- The Scottish Educational Context -- What Does 'Being in Education' Mean in Scotland? -- Academic Literature in Scotland -- Reports, Recommendations and Guidelines -- References -- 4 Gypsies, Travellers and Intersectionality -- What Is Intersectionality? -- Using an Intersectional Framework -- Differences in Interpretation -- Intersectionality and Gypsy and Traveller Girls -- Challenges of Intersectionality -- Gaining Access -- Ethical Considerations -- References -- 5 'I Am Not Big, Fat or Just Gypsy': The Racialised and Gendered Experiences of Gypsy and Traveller Girls in School -- Types of Schools -- Definitions and Understandings of Education and Learning -- School Experience-Positives -- Challenges and Barriers -- Friendships -- Coping Strategies -- Relations with Staff -- Silences, Tensions and Contradictions -- References -- 6 'Honour Thy Father and Mother': Love, Freedom and Control at Home -- Cultural Norms and Expectations.