Book Review: Immigrants, Unions, and the New U.S. Labor Market
In: Work and occupations: an international sociological journal, Band 33, Heft 3, S. 370-372
ISSN: 1552-8464
5 Ergebnisse
In: Work and occupations: an international sociological journal, Band 33, Heft 3, S. 370-372
ISSN: 1552-8464
Investigates immigrants' earnings in the NJ labor market 1990 US census data & compares findings to data on US immigrants as a whole presented by George Borjas (1995). According to Borjas, improvement in earnings over time for immigrant groups as compared to native-born populations is due less to labor market assimilation than to a decline in the immigrants quality. As immigrant populations shifted from European to Asian & Latin American origins in the 1970s & 1980s, earlier migrants experienced a wage increase relative to native-born populations, while later migrants experienced drastic wage inequality. However, this finding was not true for NJ immigrants, who experienced a steady earning increase across cohorts. Moreover, the skill mix of recent immigrants is found to be about equal to that of earlier migrant groups. Results may not be generalizable to the US as a whole, because NJ immigrants tend to be better educated & more highly skilled in compared to immigrants in other parts of the US. Further, the NJ economy experiences a wage restructuing in the 1980s that increased the return to skills over this period. More research is needed on other regions ofthe country to develop a more complete picture of immigrants' labor market assimilation across the US. 7 Tables, 1 Appendix, 28 References. D. M. Smith
Investigates the fiscal impacts of immigrants on NJ, drawing on a microanalysis of 1990 US census household-level data. It is found that both immigrants & native-born residents in NJ receive more in government assistance than they pay in taxes. However, the relative burden of immigrants is greater than that of native-born residents, because they have larger household fiscal deficits. Much of this burden is placed on local governments rather than the state government. Directions for future microanalysis are briefly discussed. 6 Tables, 34 References. D. M. Smith
In: Social science quarterly, Band 83, Heft 2, S. 537-553
ISSN: 1540-6237
Objectives. To explore differences in the appointment and election method of selecting state high court justices in promoting gender diversity, and to explore the effect of existing gender diversity within the political institutions on the selection of women to office. Methods. Our data include all justices who have been selected to state courts of last resort from 1980 through 1997. We use logistic regression analysis to test the effect of existing gender diversity on a high court on the likelihood that a woman will be selected to fill a vacancy. Results. Women are significantly more likely to be selected to a state high court when initially appointed, and this effect is particularly pronounced when the governor is Democratic. When an appointment system is used, women are much more likely to be appointed to an all‐male court than to a gender‐diverse court. Conclusions. Appointment systems are more likely to create gender diversity on state courts; however, this effect operates primarily to diversify all‐male courts. This difference between appointment and election systems may reflect differences in knowledge between elite actors and the mass public about the composition of the institution.
In: Social science quarterly, Band 83, Heft 2, S. 537-553
ISSN: 0038-4941
Objective. Accumulating research suggests that state expenditures on immigrant households modestly exceed revenues returned to state governments, while immigrants pose significant net fiscal burdens on local governments. This article examines the extent to which immigrant-native differences in household public service use & tax remittances are attributable to nativity status rather than to socioeconomic & demographic characteristics. Methods. The analysis uses 1990 census data for NJ & OLS regression to identify the effect of nativity on household public benefit receipt & tax payments. Nativity status is parameterized along several dimensions. Results. Differences in households' economic & demographic characteristics account for most of the differential fiscal impact of immigrant households on state & local governments. Immigrant households generally pay higher state & local taxes & receive fewer state government services than statistically equivalent native households. Conclusions. Little of the immigrant-native difference in net fiscal burdens is attributable to nativity status per se, but is primarily due to household characteristics that are closely correlated with government expenditures on households. 6 Tables, 18 References. Adapted from the source document.