4 Ergebnisse
Efecto de los post en Facebook de los principales candidatos españoles en las elecciones generales de 2016 sobre la polarización de la sociedad
According to Hallin and Mancini (2004), the Spanish media system fits in the Polarized Pluralist Model. This model shows a situation where the media don´t act as an independent element of the politic power. Instead of that, the media give themselves up to proselytism and the attack to the opponent. The objective of this investigation is to prove how the social media Facebook works in relationship with the political polarization phenomenon. It will be analysed qualitatively the post of the four leading candidates to the Spanish government in the last general elections (June 26th, 2016) during one week of the electoral campaign (from the 19th to 25th of June). It will be considered the polarization level generated by the post attending to the number of the sent comments. ; Según Hallin y Mancini (2004), el sistema mediático español encaja en el modelo denominado como pluralismo polarizado, que describe una situación en la que los medios de comunicación no actúan como elementos independientes del poder político, sino que se entregan al proselitismo y el ataque al adversario. El objetivo de esta investigación es comprobar cómo se comporta la red social Facebook en relación al fenómeno de la polarización política. Se analizarán cualitativamente los post de los cuatros principales candidatos a la presidencia del Gobierno en las últimas elecciones generales (26 de Junio de 2016) durante una semana de la campaña electoral (del 19 al 25 de junio) y se valorará el nivel de polarización que generaron atendiendo al número de comentarios recibidos.
Stable isotopes applied to the study of the concrete/bentonite interaction in the FEBEX in situ test
Stable isotope analysis was carried out on a set of samples from the concrete-bentonite interface from the FEBEX real-scale in-situ experiment. The concrete and bentonite that simulated the engineering barriers system of a deep geological repository have interacted for 13 years in saturated conditions up to dismantling. The monitoring of the experiment during the years of operation has made possible to know not only the baseline status but also the evolution of the system and the mass transfer processes. Thus, the FEBEX experiment has been a unique opportunity to study concrete degradation within a broader multi-proxy approach under real-scale repository conditions. Analysis of carbon and oxygen isotopes of carbonates in groundwater, concrete and clay have provided evidence of how dissolution and mass transfer processes occur in the Engineered Barrier System (EBS). Spatial distribution of δ13C values points to the existence of a dominant process of diffusion of carbon species from bentonite towards the concrete/bentonite interface. Variations in δ18O values suggest a non-homogeneous geochemical and hydraulic behavior of the EBS in the vicinity of both, the granite-concrete interface and the concrete-bentonite interface. These differences might be related to different degrees of exposure of each sample to bentonite porewater, groundwater and concrete/bentonite leachates. This seem to be in agreement with the existence of different chemical environments depending on the location of the samples in the experiment. ; The work was financially supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 grant agreement n° 662147 ( and the Annex XLII of the ENRESA-CIEMAT framework agreement. The FEBEX project was financed by ENRESA and the EC Contracts FI4W-CT95-006 and FIKWCT-2000-00016. The FEBEX-DP Consortium (NAGRA, SKB, POSIVA, CIEMAT, KAERI) financed the dismantling operation and onsite determinations in 2015.