Gut microbiota analyses for sustainable European local porcine breeds: a TREASURE pilot study
The study of gut microbiota and its effects on hosts has emerged as an essential component of host homeostasisand global efficiency. Besides host's influence on gut microbiota, major quantitative and qualitative changes mayoccur in the composition of the intestinal microbiota due to the influence of diet and other environmental factors.In accordance with the TREASURE project global aim of enhancing sustainability of production systems for localpig breeds, the objective of our task was to conduct a pilot characterisation of intestinal microbiota in order to testits usefulness to characterize several local European pig populations and their production systems. This approachhas been applied to populations belonging to the following European traditional breeds: Gascon (France), Iberian(Spain), Krskopolje (Slovenia), Mangalitsa (Serbia), Moravka (Serbia) and Turopolje (Croatia). For each breed,faecal samples have been collected along different experiments performed in the TREASURE project targetingthe comprehension of a particular traditional production system (e.g. open-air farming), management practice,or the comparison of breeds. In all experiments, the metagenomics technique employed is the re-sequencing ofthe bacterial 16S in an Illumina MiSeq system. Overall, the results have shown that the gut microbiota analysis isa promising approach for the characterisation of these local breeds, by allowing a deeper understanding of theirproduction systems and potentially allowing the development of new certification approaches. Preliminary resultswill be summarized in this communication. Funded by European Union's H2020 RIA program (Grant agreementno. 634476).