Vázquez González, S., Cid de León Bujanos, B y Montemayor Rodríguez, E. (2015). "Riesgos y Trabajo Social". México: MaPorrua. ISBN: 978-607-401-997-1
In: Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, Band 35, Heft 1, S. 227-230
ISSN: 1988-2572
3 Ergebnisse
In: Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, Band 35, Heft 1, S. 227-230
ISSN: 1988-2572
One of the most significant conclusions of this research is that the NEET label is a perverse indicator focussing on the differing structures of education and employment, so that the attempt to blame young people in the situation they adopt during their different transitions can be said to have failed. The term NEET does not, therefore, reflect the diversity of characteristics presented by young people in the course of their biographies. Moreover, in the description in question here, it is inevitable to consider that, in the struggle to resolve the fragmentation of young profiles in an unstable educational and employment situation, one cannot act with a single policy that does not assimilate the heterogeneity of particularities presented by young people in their transitions into adult life. The profiles of young NEET present such a variety of widely differing realities that they require political action aimed at the origin of the problem. Examples are the anomic NEET, the strategic NEET, the waiting NEET, the precarious NEET, NEET with health problems, the hidden NEET and NEET with domestic problems. Each of these profiles indicate that being young should not be considered as a homogeneous condition, but quite the opposite, and is marked by the diversity of characteristics that makes each different to the rest. In other words, instead of speaking of young NEET, we could refer to "mirror-like youth" who reflect a social reality with no real opportunities for independent life, where responsibilities do not fall on them directly, but reveal the difficulties they confront in order to achieve a solid life. The weight of this youth context now falls on the institutions that have so far been unable to tackle and solve this scenario of lack of social, educational and, above all, employment guarantees. To conclude, this study presents the limitations found in the design of research, future prospects and political actions meant to tackle these problems and offer solutions contributing to the improvement of society in general and its citizens in particular ; Como conclusiones de la investigación destacamos como la etiqueta NI-NI es un indicador perverso que pone su foco de atención en estructuras que difieren entre sí: la educación y el empleo, por lo que se considera fallido el intento de culpabilizar al joven en la situación que asume en sus diferentes transiciones. De esta manera, la palabra NI-NI no refleja la diversidad de características juveniles que presentan los individuos en el trascurso de sus biografías. Además, en el trazado que nos ocupa, es inevitable considerar que, en la lucha para solucionar la fragmentación de perfiles juveniles en una situación educativa y laboral inestable, no se puede actuar con una sola política que no asimile la heterogeneidad de particularidades que presentan los jóvenes en los tránsitos hacia la vida adulta. En este sinfín de objeciones, se presenta una serie de perfiles de jóvenes NI-NI que visibilizan realidades muy diferentes entre sí y que precisan de una actuación política más enfocada al origen del problema. Nos referimos al NI-NI anómico, NI-NI estratégico, NI-NI a la espera, NI-NI instalado en la precariedad, NI-NI por problemas de salud, NI-NI oculto y NI-NI por razones domésticas. Cada uno de estos perfiles denota que el ser joven no debe ser considerado como algo homogéneo, sino todo lo contrario, luce por la diversidad de características que lo hacen diferente al resto. Es decir, en vez de hablar de jóvenes NI-NI, podemos referirnos a "jóvenes espejo", que reflejan una realidad social sin oportunidades reales para una vida autónoma, donde las responsabilidades no recaen sobre ellos de forma directa, sino que ponen de manifiesto las dificultades que afrontan para alcanzar una vida sólida. Es decir, ahora el peso de este contexto juvenil recae sobre las instituciones, incapaces de afrontar y revertir este escenario sin garantías sociales, educativas y, sobre todo, laborales. Para finalizar, se presentan las limitaciones encontradas en el diseño de la investigación, prospectivas de futuro y acciones políticas para afrontar estos problemas y ofrecer soluciones que contribuyan a la mejora de la sociedad en general y de la ciudadanía en particular. ; Tesis Univ. Granada.
In: Societies: open access journal, Band 14, Heft 7, S. 117
ISSN: 2075-4698
The implementation of the dual vocational training policy establishes horizontal training between schools and the labour market, contributes to educational continuity and is an effective measure against early school leaving. In addition, it has a link with the business sector that enables labour integration and also participates in the training and qualification of students. To approach it, we start from a historical overview of education, where we analyse the different laws passed in recent decades and investigate dual vocational training as an effective policy for training for employment and training of skills, abilities and competences necessary for the acquisition of a job. To this end, we present a study in which we make visible, through interviews, the perspective of students in relation to vocational training in the autonomous community of Andalusia. The majority of those interviewed gave a positive assessment of these studies. Moreover, the interviews show how this educational policy has a positive impact on the labour market insertion of the participants.