Open innovation during web surfing: Topics of interest and rejection by Latin American college students
The university is currently involved in complex processes of open innovation through permanent dialogue with institutions and companies in the economic, social, and political fields. Professors, researchers, students, and other members of the institution take part in these processes. This is a phenomenon that has emerged in today's network society due to digitalization and globalization. It is therefore essential, in this context of open innovation, to know the behaviors, habits, consumption, or lifestyles of university staff and students to achieve, in the best and most effective way, integration of higher education in this new reality. How we interact and communicate with the surrounding people has transformed with wider access to the Internet and the development of information and communication technologies (ICTs), especially through smartphones and the use of apps and social networks (WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, etc.). This digital revolution has reconfigured our interests, dispositions, and social participation. From the university field, knowing the interests of students who access the Internet is of vital importance to guide teaching methodologies, adapt content, facilitate communication processes, develop digital literacy practices, etc. The present research, focused on the Latin American sociocultural space, has a double objective: (GO1) to know which are the issues of most interest and consumption for university students; (GO2) to determine which issues they reject while they surf on the Internet. A quantitative research has been developed (n = 2482) based on the validated questionnaire COBADI®. The topics of greatest interest to the Latin American university students were, in this order: "use of social networks", "news", "music", "education", "work", and "videos". The fact that they put education in fourth place, as students, shows that it is not a high priority in their use of the network. On the opposite side, those that show more rejection are "celebrity journalism", "online games", and "pornography". Among their topics of rejection is also "politics", which is not prioritized by university students. These topics have been presented in different proportions according to the country analyzed, depending on their specific social and political circumstances, and have experienced a different evolution from 2012 to 2019-the time covered by the study.