Breakup channels for C12 triple-α continuum states
The triple-α-particle breakup of states in the triple-α continuum of C12 has been investigated by way of coincident detection of all three α particles of the breakup. The states have been fed in the β decay of N12 and B12, and the α particles measured using a setup that covers all of the triple-α phase space. Contributions from the breakup through the Be8(0+) ground state as well as other channels-interpreted as breakup through excited energies in Be8-have been identified. Spins and parities of C12 triple-α continuum states are deduced from the measured phase-space distributions for breakup through Be8 above the ground state by comparison to a fully symmetrized sequential R-matrix description of the breakup. At around 10 MeV in C12, the breakup is found to be dominated by 0+ strength breaking up through the ghost of the Be8(0+) ground state with L=0 angular momentum between the first emitted α particle and the intermediate Be8 nucleus. For C12 energies above the 12.7 MeV 1+ state, however, L=2 breakup of a C12 2+ state through the Be8(2+) excited state dominates. Furthermore, the possibility of a 2+ excited state in the 9-12 MeV region of C12 is investigated. © 2009 The American Physical Society. ; Supported by the Academy of Finland under the Finnish Center of Excellence Programme 2000–2005 (Project No. 44875, Nuclear and Condensed Matter Physics Programme at JYFL); by the European Union Fifth Framework Programme "Improving Human Potential—Access to Research Infrastructure," Contract No. HPRI-CT-1999-00044; by the Spanish CICYT Agency under project number FPA2007-62170 and the MICINN Consolider project CSD2007-00042; and by the EU-RI3 (Integgrated Infrastructure Initiative) under Contract No. 506065. ; Peer Reviewed