Punishing mayors who fail the test: How do voters respond to information about educational outcomes?
In: Journal of development economics, Band 171, S. 103315
ISSN: 0304-3878
2 Ergebnisse
In: Journal of development economics, Band 171, S. 103315
ISSN: 0304-3878
The productivity of any scientist is affected by cumbersome, tedious and time-consuming tasks that try to make the heterogeneous web services compatible so that they can be useful in their research. MOWServ, the bioinformatic platform offered by the Spanish National Institute of Bioinformatics, was released to provide integrated access to databases and analytical tools. Since its release, the number of available services has grown dramatically, and it has become one of the main contributors of registered services in the EMBRACE Biocatalogue. The ontology that enables most of the web-service compatibility has been curated, improved and extended. The service discovery has been greatly enhanced by Magallanes software and biodataSF. User data are securely stored on the main server by an authentication protocol that enables the monitoring of current or already-finished user's tasks, as well as the pipelining of successive data processing services. The BioMoby standard has been greatly extended with the new features included in the MOWServ, such as management of additional information (metadata such as extended descriptions, keywords and datafile examples), a qualified registry, error handling, asynchronous services and service replication. All of them have increased the MOWServ service quality, usability and robustness. MOWServ is available at http://www.inab.org/MOWServ/ and has a mirror at http://www.bitlab-es.com/MOWServ/. ; The National Institute for Bioinformatics, a platform of the Genoma-España Foundation; the European Union co-funded project 'Advancing Clinico-Genomic Trials on Cancer' (contract-026996); Red de Investigación de Reacciones Adversas a Alergenos y Fármacos – Redes Tematicas de Investigación Cooperativa Sanitaria (RIFAAF – RETICS RD07/0064/0017); Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, proyecto I+D AGL2009-12139-C02-02; Universidad Pablo de Olavide (CABD-CSIC/JA/UPO). ; Peer Reviewed