The olive processing industry has till date been dominated by a small group of cultivars, leading to the possibility of some olive cultivars becoming extinct in the near future. In this study, we determined the composition of some chemical components in the olive oils from 31 minor olive cultivars of the Valencian Community. Our main aim was to identify suitable cultivars, which could produce differentiated olive oils, thus aiming towards their valorization. The average oil content of minor olive cultivars was found to be good, with some of them reporting approximately 60% (dry basis). On average, the total phenolic content was 229 mg kg− 1, with cv. Mas Blanc reporting the highest content (570 mg kg− 1). Among the various tocopherols found in olives, α-tocopherol was the main constituent, with a maximum concentration of 290.6 mg kg− 1. Linoleic acid was the main polyunsaturated fatty acid and varied between 3.4% (cv. Del Pomet) and 16.9% (cv. Blanqueta Enguera). Special attention needs to be paid to the composition of sterols, since some olive oils exceeded the limits established for some sterols by the current European legislation. Some of the cultivars studied were highly productive, and originated differentiated olive oils with a rich composition of antioxidants and essential fatty acids. In some cases, these beneficial compounds were higher than those of commercial oils obtained from the most common cultivars worldwide. These results could contribute to the commercial exploitation of some of the studied cultivars. ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Esta investigación tuvo por objetivo analizar las mediciones de masculinidad, feminidad, machismo y sumisión, características asociadas a la personalidad, de un grupo de docentes de Educación Física. Participaron en el estudio 53 docentes de nivel básico que laboran en un programa implementado por una institución gubernamental en la Ciudad de México. El muestreo fue de tipo no probabilístico. Se empleó como instrumento el Inventario de Masculinidad y Feminidad (IMAFE), instrumento confiable y válido en México, sujeto a prueba en otros países, en él se incluyen aspectos de los papeles de género tradicionales: machismo y sumisión. El análisis de los datos se efectúo mediante la prueba "t-Student" y el análisis de varianza de una clasificación, así como la comparación de medias de los resultados arrojados. Se concluye que no hay diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las cuatro escalas propuestas por el IMAFE y las variables de trabajo, sexo, edad y estado civil, en el grupo de docentes de Educación Física, en lo que respecta a las características asociadas a la personalidad ; This research aimed to analyze the measurements of masculinity, femininity, machismo and submission features associated with the personality characteristics of a group of physical education teachers. Participated in the study53 basic level teachers working in a program implemented by a government institution in Mexico City. The sampling was not probabilistic type. As a tool for data collection was used the Inventory of Masculinity and femininity (IMAFE), reliable and valid instrument in Mexico, subject to testing in other countries, there aspects of traditional gender roles: machismo and submission. Data analysis undertaken using the "t-student" test and analysis of variance classification and comparison of the results obtained. It is concluded that no statistically significant differences in the four scales proposed by IMAFE and work variables sex, age and marital status in the group of physical education teachers in regard to the characteristics associated with personality
6 pags., 2 figs. ; Matrix product states and projected entangled pair states (PEPS) are powerful analytical and numerical tools to assess quantum many-body systems in one and higher dimensions, respectively. While matrix product states are comprehensively understood, in PEPS fundamental questions, relevant analytically as well as numerically, remain open, such as how to encode symmetries in full generality, or how to stabilize numerical methods using canonical forms. Here, we show that these key problems, as well as a number of related questions, are algorithmically undecidable, that is, they cannot be fully resolved in a systematic way. Our work thereby exposes fundamental limitations to a full and unbiased understanding of quantum many-body systems using PEPS. ; This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grants No. 648913 and No. 636201). S. I., D. P. G., and G. S. acknowledge financial support from MINECO (Grants No. MTM2014-54240-P and No. MTM2017- 88385-P), CAM research consortium QUITEMAD-CM (Grant No. P2018/TCS-4342), and Severo Ochoa Project No. SEV-2015-556. S. I. also acknowledges funding by the Ministerio de Ciencias, Innovacion y Universidades, PGC2018-095862-B-C22 (Spain) and by Quantum CAT (001-P-001644), Generalitat de Catalunya, and María de Maeztu Project No. CEX2019-000918-M (Spain). J. J. G. R. acknowledges financial support from MINECO Project No. FIS2015-70856-P, CAM research consortion QUITEMAD-CM Grant No. P2018/TCS-4342, MINECO research network FIS2016-81891-REDT. A. M., Y. G., and N. S. acknowledge support from the DFG (German Research Foundation) under Germany's Excellence Strategy (EXC2111-390814868).
The unpredictable Anthropocene poses the challenge of imagining a radically different, equitable and sustainable world. Looking 100 years ahead is not easy, and especially as millennials, it appears quite bleak. This paper is the outcome of a visioning exercise carried out in a 2-day workshop, attended by 33 young early career professionals under the auspices of IPBES. The process used Nature Futures Framework in an adapted visioning method from the Seeds of Good Anthropocene project. Four groups envisioned more desirable future worlds; where humanity has organised itself, the economy, politics and technology, to achieve improved nature-human well-being. The four visions had differing conceptualisations of this future. However, there were interesting commonalities in their leverage points for transformative change, including an emphasis on community, fundamentally different economic systems based on sharing and technological solutions to foster sustainability and human-nature connectedness. Debates included questioning the possibility of maintaining local biocultural diversity with increased connectivity globally and the prominence of technology for sustainability outcomes. These visions are the first step towards a wider galvanisation of youth visions for a brighter future, which is often missing in the arena where it can be taken seriously, to trigger more transformative pathways towards meeting global goals.
This work was funded by the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme through the Blueprint Consortium (grant agreement 282510), the International Cancer Genome Consortium (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Genome consortium to E.C. and C.L.-O.), La Caixa Foundation (CLLEvolution-HE17–00221, to E.C. and C.L.-O.), the World Wide Cancer Research Foundation Grant No. 16–1285 (to J.I.M.-S.), the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO), Grant No. SAF2015-64885-R (to E.C.) and Grant No. PMP15/00007
Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Angola, Gnomoniopsis angolensis and Pseudopithomyces angolensis on unknown host plants. Australia, Dothiora corymbiae on Corymbia citriodora, Neoeucasphaeria eucalypti (incl. Neoeucasphaeria gen. nov.)on Eucalyptus sp., Fumagopsis stellae on Eucalyptus sp., Fusculina eucalyptorum (incl. Fusculinaceae fam. nov.) on Eucalyptus socialis, Harknessia corymbiicola on Corymbia maculata, Neocelosporium eucalypti (incl. Neocelosporium gen. nov., Neocelosporiaceae fam. nov. and Neocelosporiales ord. nov.) on Eucalyptus cyanophylla, Neophaeomoniella corymbiae on Corymbia citriodora, Neophaeomoniella eucalyptigena on Eucalyptus pilularis, Pseudoplagiostoma corymbiicola on Corymbia citriodora, Teratosphaeria gracilis on Eucalyptus gracilis, Zasmidium corymbiae on Corymbia citriodora. Brazil, Calonectria hemileiae on pustules of Hemileia vastatrix formed on leaves of Coffea arabica, Calvatia caatinguensis on soil, Cercospora solani-betacei on Solanum betaceum, Clathrus natalensis on soil, Diaporthe poincianellae on Poincianella pyramidalis, Geastrum piquiriunense on soil, Geosmithia carolliae on wing of Carollia perspicillata, Henningsia resupinata on wood, Penicillium guaibinense from soil, Periconia caespitosa from leaf litter, Pseudocercospora styracina on Styrax sp., Simplicillium filiforme as endophyte from Citrullus lanatus, Thozetella pindobacuensis on leaf litter, Xenosonderhenia coussapoae on Coussapoa floccosa. ; Canary Islands (Spain), Orbilia amarilla on Euphorbia canariensis. Cape Verde Islands, Xylodon jacobaeus on Eucalyptus camaldulensis. Chile, Colletotrichum arboricola on Fuchsia magellanica. Costa Rica, Lasiosphaeria miniovina ontreebranch. Ecuador, Ganoderma chocoense ontreetrunk. France, Neofitzroyomyces nerii (incl. Neofitzroyomyces gen. nov.) on Nerium oleander. Ghana, Castanediella tereticornis on Eucalyptus tereticornis, Falcocladium africanum on Eucalyptus brassiana, Rachicladosporium corymbiae on Corymbia citriodora. Hungary, Entoloma silvae-frondosae in Carpinus betulus-Pinus sylvestris mixedforest. Iran, Pseudopyricularia persiana on Cyperus sp. Italy, Inocybe roseascens onsoilinmixedforest. Laos, Ophiocordyceps houaynhangensis on Coleoptera larva. Malaysia, Monilochaetes melastomae on Melastoma sp. Mexico, Absidia terrestris fromsoil. Netherlands, Acaulium pannemaniae, Conioscypha boutwelliae, Fusicolla septimanifiniscientiae, Gibellulopsis simonii, Lasionectria hilhorstii, Lectera nordwiniana, Leptodiscella rintelii, Parasarocladium debruynii and Sarocladium dejongiae (incl. Sarocladiaceae fam. nov.) fromsoil. New Zealand, Gnomoniopsis rosae on Rosa sp. and Neodevriesia metrosideri on Metrosideros sp. Puerto Rico, Neodevriesia coccolobae on Coccoloba uvifera, Neodevriesia tabebuiae and Alfaria tabebuiae on Tabebuia chrysantha . Russia, Amanita paludosa on bogged soil in mixed deciduous forest, Entoloma tiliae in forest of Tilia × europaea, Kwoniella endophytica on Pyrus communis. ; South Africa, Coniella diospyri on Diospyros mespiliformis, Neomelanconiella combreti (incl. Neomelanconiellaceae fam. nov. and Neomelanconiella gen. nov.)on Combretum sp., Polyphialoseptoria natalensis on unidentified plant host, Pseudorobillarda bolusanthi on Bolusanthus speciosus, Thelonectria pelargonii on Pelargonium sp. Spain, Vermiculariopsiella lauracearum and Anungitopsis lauri on Laurus novocanariensis, Geosmithia xerotolerans from a darkened wall of a house, Pseudopenidiella gallaica on leaf litter. Thailand, Corynespora thailandica on wood, Lareunionomyces loeiensis on leaf litter, Neocochlearomyces chromolaenae (incl. Neocochlearomyces gen. nov.) on Chromolaena odorata, Neomyrmecridium septatum (incl. Neomyrmecridium gen. nov .), Pararamichloridium caricicola on Carex sp., Xenodactylaria thailandica (incl. Xenodactylariaceae fam. nov. and Xenodactylaria gen. nov.), Neomyrmecridium asiaticum and Cymostachys thailandica fromunidentifiedvine. USA, Carolinigaster bonitoi (incl. Carolinigaster gen. nov.)fromsoil, Penicillium fortuitum from house dust, Phaeotheca shathenatiana (incl. Phaeothecaceae fam. nov.) from twig and cone litter, Pythium wohlseniorum from stream water, Superstratomyces tardicrescens from human eye, Talaromyces iowaense from officeair. Vietnam, Fistulinella olivaceoalba onsoil. Morphological and culture characteristics along with DNA barcodes are provided Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Angola, Gnomoniopsis angolensis and Pseudopithomyces angolensis on unknown host plants. Australia, Dothiora corymbiae on Corymbia citriodora, Neoeucasphaeria eucalypti (incl. Neoeucasphaeria gen. nov.)on Eucalyptus sp., Fumagopsis stellae on Eucalyptus sp., Fusculina eucalyptorum (incl. Fusculinaceae fam. nov.) on Eucalyptus socialis, Harknessia corymbiicola on Corymbia maculata, Neocelosporium eucalypti (incl. Neocelosporium gen. nov., Neocelosporiaceae fam. nov. and Neocelosporiales ord. nov.) on Eucalyptus cyanophylla, Neophaeomoniella corymbiae on Corymbia citriodora, Neophaeomoniella eucalyptigena on Eucalyptus pilularis, Pseudoplagiostoma corymbiicola on Corymbia citriodora, Teratosphaeria gracilis on Eucalyptus gracilis, Zasmidium corymbiae on Corymbia citriodora. Brazil, Calonectria hemileiae on pustules of Hemileia vastatrix formed on leaves of Coffea arabica, Calvatia caatinguensis on soil, Cercospora solani-betacei on Solanum betaceum, Clathrus natalensis on soil, Diaporthe poincianellae on Poincianella pyramidalis, Geastrum piquiriunense on soil, Geosmithia carolliae on wing of Carollia perspicillata, Henningsia resupinata on wood, Penicillium guaibinense from soil, Periconia caespitosa from leaf litter, Pseudocercospora styracina on Styrax sp., Simplicillium filiforme as endophyte from Citrullus lanatus, Thozetella pindobacuensis on leaf litter, Xenosonderhenia coussapoae on Coussapoa floccosa. ; Canary Islands (Spain), Orbilia amarilla on Euphorbia canariensis. Cape Verde Islands, Xylodon jacobaeus on Eucalyptus camaldulensis. Chile, Colletotrichum arboricola on Fuchsia magellanica. Costa Rica, Lasiosphaeria miniovina ontreebranch. Ecuador, Ganoderma chocoense ontreetrunk. France, Neofitzroyomyces nerii (incl. Neofitzroyomyces gen. nov.) on Nerium oleander. Ghana, Castanediella tereticornis on Eucalyptus tereticornis, Falcocladium africanum on Eucalyptus brassiana, Rachicladosporium corymbiae on Corymbia citriodora. Hungary, Entoloma silvae-frondosae in Carpinus betulus-Pinus sylvestris mixedforest. Iran, Pseudopyricularia persiana on Cyperus sp. Italy, Inocybe roseascens onsoilinmixedforest. Laos, Ophiocordyceps houaynhangensis on Coleoptera larva. Malaysia, Monilochaetes melastomae on Melastoma sp. Mexico, Absidia terrestris fromsoil. Netherlands, Acaulium pannemaniae, Conioscypha boutwelliae, Fusicolla septimanifiniscientiae, Gibellulopsis simonii, Lasionectria hilhorstii, Lectera nordwiniana, Leptodiscella rintelii, Parasarocladium debruynii and Sarocladium dejongiae (incl. Sarocladiaceae fam. nov.) fromsoil. New Zealand, Gnomoniopsis rosae on Rosa sp. and Neodevriesia metrosideri on Metrosideros sp. Puerto Rico, Neodevriesia coccolobae on Coccoloba uvifera, Neodevriesia tabebuiae and Alfaria tabebuiae on Tabebuia chrysantha. ; Russia, Amanita paludosa on bogged soil in mixed deciduous forest, Entoloma tiliae in forest of Tilia × europaea, Kwoniella endophytica on Pyrus communis. South Africa, Coniella diospyri on Diospyros mespiliformis, Neomelanconiella combreti (incl. Neomelanconiellaceae fam. nov. and Neomelanconiella gen. nov.)on Combretum sp., Polyphialoseptoria natalensis on unidentified plant host, Pseudorobillarda bolusanthi on Bolusanthus speciosus, Thelonectria pelargonii on Pelargonium sp. Spain, Vermiculariopsiella lauracearum and Anungitopsis lauri on Laurus novocanariensis, Geosmithia xerotolerans from a darkened wall of a house, Pseudopenidiella gallaica on leaf litter. Thailand, Corynespora thailandica on wood, Lareunionomyces loeiensis on leaf litter, Neocochlearomyces chromolaenae (incl. Neocochlearomyces gen. nov.) on Chromolaena odorata, Neomyrmecridium septatum (incl. Neomyrmecridium gen. nov .), Pararamichloridium caricicola on Carex sp., Xenodactylaria thailandica (incl. Xenodactylariaceae fam. nov. and Xenodactylaria gen. nov.), Neomyrmecridium asiaticum and Cymostachys thailandica fromunidentifiedvine. USA, Carolinigaster bonitoi (incl. Carolinigaster gen. nov.)fromsoil, Penicillium fortuitum from house dust, Phaeotheca shathenatiana (incl. Phaeothecaceae fam. nov.) from twig and cone litter, Pythium wohlseniorum from stream water, Superstratomyces tardicrescens from human eye, Talaromyces iowaense from officeair. Vietnam, Fistulinella olivaceoalba onsoil. Morphological and culture characteristics along with DNA barcodes are provided. ; Tatiana M. Bulyonkova and colleagues are grateful to Dr Rodham Tulloss for his patient guidance and help, and to Dr Torbjørn Borgen Lindhardt for his invaluable advice. Thays G.L. Oliveira, Maria T.C. Felipe, Jadson D.P. Bezerra and Oliane M. C. Magalhães acknowledge financial support and/or scholarships from the CAPES (Finance Code 001), CNPq and FACEPE. Aline O.B. da Cunha, Alexandre R. Machado, Eder Barbier, Enrico Bernard and Cristina M. Souza-Motta acknowledge financial support and/or scholarships from the CAPES (Finance Code 001), CNPq, FACEPE, CECAV and ICMBio from Brazil. Rejane M.F. da Silva and colleagues express their gratitude to the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) for a scholarship to Rejane M.F. da Silva and to the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) for a research fellowships and/or financial support to Gladstone A. da Silva, Cristina M. Souza-Motta, José L. Bezerra and Rafael J.V. de Oliveira (Processes 458622/2014-1 and 312186/2016-9). Olinto L. Pereira, Vanessa P. Abreu, Jackeline P. Andrade and colleagues would like to thank the CNPq, CAPES and FAPEMIG for financial support. The study of Olga V. Morozova was carried out within the framework of a research project of the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS 'Herbarium funds of the BIN RAS' (АААА-А18-118022090078-2) with the support of the molecular work by the Russian Foundation for the Basic Research (project no. 15-29-02622). Anna M. Glushakova and Aleksey V. Kachalkin were supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), project no. 16-04-00624a. Janet Jennifer Luangsa-ard and colleagues were supported by 'The Promotion Project on Science, Technology and Innovation Collaboration with ASEAN Member Countries under the Office of International Cooperation, MOSTThailand'. They would also like to thank Ms Duangkaew Chongkachornphong, Ms Papawee Nupason (International Cooperation Section, BIOTEC) and Ms Bakeo Souvannalath (Director of Biotechnology Division, Biotechnology and Ecology Institute, BEI) for their kind cooperation. Javier Fernández-López and colleagues are grateful to Marian Glenn for checking the text, and were supported by DGICT projects CGL2012-35559 and CGL2015-67459-P. ; Javier Fernández-López was also supported by Predoctoral Grants (BES- 2013-066429) from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain). Maria E. Ordoñez and colleagues acknowledge Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador for financial support for project M13415. Taimy Cantillo is thankful to PEC-PG/CAPES for the PhD grant (proc. 12636134/2014) (Finance Code 001) and to the International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT) for the Research Grant. Luis F.P. Gusmão is grateful to CNPq for Grant support (Proc. 303062/2014-2). Hugo Madrid was partially funded by Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT), Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (FONDECYT), Chile, project no. 11140562. Tor Erik Brandrud, Bálint Dima, Machiel E. Noordeloos and Egil Bendiksen thank the financial support of the Norwegian Taxonomy Initiative, with funding from the Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre (NBIC) ; The Austrian Entoloma material (by Irmgard Krisai-Greilhuber) was sequenced within ABOL, subproject HRSFM University of Vienna, supported by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research. Adriene M. Soares and colleagues would like to thank the Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade (ICMBio) and the Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente (IBAMA) for support during field trips and R.L.M. Alvarenga for the figures. They also acknowledge CAPES for the Ph.D. scholarship of Adriene M. Soares, and CNPq (307601/2015-3), CAPES (CAPES-SIU 008/13), and FACEPE (APQ-0375-2.03/15) for financial support. Angus J. Carnegie acknowledges support from the Forestry Corporation of NSW, and David Sargeant for assistance with site photos. Adel Pordel and colleagues thank the University of Tehran for financial support. Luis Quijada acknowledges support from 'Fundación Ramón Areces'. Robert W. Barreto and colleagues thank the World Coffee Research/Texas Agrilife for financial support, as well as the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). Sara Salcedo-Sarmiento was supported by the 'Programa de Estudante-Convênio de Pós-Graduação' (PEC-PG) from CAPES. The research of Cobus M. Visagie and Keith A. Seifert was supported by grants from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Program on the Microbiology of the Built Environment. Blaise A. Darvaux acknowledges Keith A. Seifert for help with identification, Nicholas Mauriello for validating the Latin name, Mauricia Lawrence and Meagan Tillotson for help with material preparation. We are grateful to Gavin Phillips, Seed Bank Officer, Australian Botanic Garden, Mt Annan for field assistance and identification of plant species collected in New South Wales, Australia. Collection of specimens from Mungo National Park was supported by the ABRS Bush Blitz program, a partnership between the Australian Government, BHP and Earthwatch Australia. The National Geographic Okavango Wilderness Project is acknowledged for assistance and funding to J. Roux for material collected in Angola. ; Peer reviewed