Performance recovery of long CsI(Tl) scintillator crystals with APD-based readout
6 pags., 8 figs., 3 tabs. ; CALIFA is the high efficiency and energy resolution calorimeter for the RB experiment at FAIR, intended for detecting high energy light charged particles and gamma rays in scattering experiments, and is being commissioned during the Phase-0 experiments at FAIR, between 2018 and 2020. It surrounds the reaction target in a segmented configuration with 2432 detection units made of long CsI(Tl) finger-shaped scintillator crystals. CALIFA has a 10 year intended operational lifetime as the RB calorimeter, necessitating measures to be taken to ensure enduring performance. In this paper we present a systematic study of two groups of 6 different detection units of the CALIFA detector after more than four years of operation. The energy resolution and light output yield are evaluated under different conditions. Tests cover the aging of the first detector units assembled and investigates recovery procedures for degraded detection units. A possible reason for the observed degradation is given, pointing to the crystal-APD coupling. ; This work has been financially supported by the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grants agree-ments No 262010 (ENSAR) and No 654002 (ENSAR2), the Spanish MICCIN grants FPA47831-C2-1P and FPA2015-69640-C2-1-P, by the Plan Galego de Investigación, Innovación e Crecemento (I2C) of Xunta de Galicia, Spain under projects POS-B/2016/015, GRC2013-011 andED431C 2017/54 and by the German BMBF (No. 05P19RDFN1), TUDarmstadt - GSI cooperation contract, HIC for FAIR.