"Mikro"finanzierung als Beitrag zur Armutsminderung in Theorie und Praxis
In: Entwicklungsethnologie, 27./28. Jg. (Doppelband 2020/2021)
18 Ergebnisse
In: Entwicklungsethnologie, 27./28. Jg. (Doppelband 2020/2021)
World Affairs Online
In: Entwicklungsethnologie, 25./26. Jg. (Doppelband 2018/2019)
World Affairs Online
In: Entwicklungsethnologie 23./24. Jg. (Doppelband 2016/2017)
In: AVE-Studie. Wege aus extremer Armut, Vulnerabilität und Ernährungsunsicherheit, 6/2017
World Affairs Online
In: Beiträge zur Kulturkunde 15
In: AVE-Studie 13/2019
In: Beiträge zur Kulturkunde, 21
In ghanaischen Haushalten herrscht das Prinzip der getrennten Kassen. Ghanaerinnen sind darum gezwungen, eigenes Einkommen zu erwirtschaften. Die Autorin untersucht die "finanziellen Strategien" der Frauen, d.h. wie und wozu sie dieses Einkommen erwirtschaften, wie sie es verwalten und investieren. Sie untersucht die Rahmenbedingungen und die Möglichkeiten, diese zu verbessern (Zusammenschluss der Frauen, Unterstützung durch staatliche und nichtstaatliche Entwicklungsinstitutionen usw.). Basis ist eine einjährige Feldforschung in je zwei Dörfern der Distrikte West Gonja und Fanteakwa. (DÜI-Cls)
World Affairs Online
In: AVE-Studie, 2
World Affairs Online
In: AVE-Studie 27/2022
In: Dortmund international planning series, volume 62
World Affairs Online
In: AVE-Studie 28/2022
In: Springer Geography Series
Intro -- Foreword -- Einhard Schmidt-Kallert: A Life in Search of Understanding -- Editorial -- Contents -- Editors and Contributors -- Abbreviations -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- 1 Theoretical Reflections on Ghana's Decentralisation: Increasing Discretional Funding Through the District Development Facility -- Abstract -- Introduction -- The Framework for Decentralisation in Ghana -- The District Development Facility (DDF) -- The Functional Organisational Assessment Tool (Foat) -- The FOAT Principles and Key Conditions -- The Assessment Process -- The Pre-assessment Activities -- The Actual Assessment Activities -- Post-assessment Activities -- Management and Administration of FOAT and DDF -- Reflections on FOAT and DDF -- Conclusions -- References -- Journals and articles -- Books and chapters -- Online Publications -- Policy Papers -- 2 Decentralisation and Local Economic Development Promotion at the District Level in Ghana -- Abstract -- Introduction -- Research Approach -- An Overview of the Concepts of Local Economic Development and Local Government -- The Evolution of Decentralisation in Ghana -- Legal Framework and Structure of the Local Government System in Ghana -- The Regional Coordinating Councils -- The District Assemblies -- Sub-district Political/Administrative Structures -- Local Government and Local Economic Development Promotion in Ghana -- Legal Context of Local Government Involvement in LED -- LED Approaches and Strategies -- Institutional Structures for LED Promotion -- Local Economic Development Planning -- The Role of Policy in LED Promotion -- Funding of Development Activities -- Perspectives Towards Making Decentralisation Work for LED Promotion -- Improving Institutional Structure for LED Promotion -- Integrating a Detailed LED Planning Process into Local Governments' Medium Term Planning Process.
In: Springer geology
This book analyzes decentralisation, regional development paths and success factors in different governance sectors in Ghana, the Philippines, Tanzania and Chile, and discuss overarching aspects of relevance. Decentralisation, which refers to the delegation of administrative responsibilities, political decision-making and fiscal powers to lower levels of government, is now considered one of the most efficient engines of development. In Sub-Saharan Africa decentralised states have made more progress in reducing poverty than those states with lower decentralisation scores. But in many countries, decentralisation is still considered a 'work in progress' with unsatisfactory results. From a spatial point of view, the link between decentralisation and regional and district development is particularly interesting. Both in the North and in the South, regional or district development is seen as holding the potential for advancing social and economic development, and even more so in decentralised political settings. Space-based networks at the regional or district level are considered instrumental for responding to locally specific challenges, e.g. in areas lagging behind economically.
In: Springer Geography; Decentralisation and Regional Development, S. E1-E1