Resumo O sistema de alimentação produz impactos ambientais que não são evidentes para o consumidor final, especialmente em relação às distâncias percorridas. O objetivo da pesquisa foi avaliar os teleacoplamentos urbanos e os impactos ambientais a partir do cálculo do consumo energético e das emissões ambientais dos produtos alimentícios orgânicos. Por meio de quantitativos, distâncias, perdas e análise dos teleacoplamentos, mediram-se as emissões de Gases de Efeito Estufa - GEE, a pegada energética e a pegada de carbono dos alimentos orgânicos comercializados na CEASA/PR, Curitiba. As emissões representaram baixo impacto ao meio ambiente, pois a maior quantidade de orgânicos transportada origina-se de locais de produção que se situam na Região de Curitiba. O estudo evidencia um padrão de consumo privilegiando o alimento produzido nas regiões adjacentes ao comércio, de modo saudável e seguro, que deve estar associado a maior consciência dos impactos ambientais decorrentes das distâncias percorridas.
Abstract The environmental impacts of the food system, especially the distances covered, are not clear to the final consumer. The aim was to evaluate and calculate the urban telecoupling and the environmental impacts and calculate the energy consumption and the environmental emissions of the organic foods. Through the calculation of quantities, distances, losses and the analysis of telecouplings, we measured Greenhouse Gas (GG) emissions, as well as the energy and carbon footprints of organic foods traded at the CEASA/PR, Curitiba. Emissions had a low environmental impact because the largest quantities of transported organics originate from production sites located within the greater Curitiba region. The study showed a consumption pattern supporting food produced in regions adjacent to the trading center in safe and healthy and safe way, which may be associated with a greater awareness of the environmental impacts resulting from the distances covered.
Even though pedestrians represented 40% of all urban displacements in Brazil in 2017, they are still highly vulnerable to traffic accidents, with a mortality rate of 2.89 per 100 thousand inhabitants in 2018. The literature suggests a relationship between the occurrence of traffic accidents and demographic, socioeconomic, and urban structure variables. In this study, this relationship was investigated through a data-driven statistical model (logistic regression) combined with GIS spatial analysis, applied to estimate the pedestrian susceptibility to traffic accidents in the City of Curitiba, in Southern Brazil. By adopting broadly available spatial information, the proposed methods were robust in estimating the events, presenting an area under the ROC curve of 0.82 in the cross-validation. Additionally, the results highlighted a strong and statistically significant correlation between the pedestrian crashes and the analyzed variables of road system hierarchy, presence of BRT routes, land-use, population density and per capita income.
Abstract The importance of institutional arrangements for nature conservation, like Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) is recognized in the literature but needs more empirical exploration in peri-urban contexts where power imbalances play out more strongly due to urbanization drivers. We documented the actor configurations in the peri-urban environment of a watershed PES in Curitiba and conducted a Social Network Analysis (SNA) to enhance our analysis with a power layer. The analysis points to access advantages of powerful urban stakeholders to promote the commoditization of nature through PES, lacking stakeholder engagement which amplifies inequalities in peri-urban territories. In Brazil's current political scenario the neglect of environmental institutions shows increasing effects on conservation. We point out potential for participation of more diverse actors and the integration of institutions to benefit the PES arrangement in terms of ecosystem flows and social equity.
Abstract The capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) is a South American native rodent with an outstanding capacity to colonize urban environments. In Curitiba, a city worldwide known for its urban planning, the capybara adaptation comprises an interesting case to better understand the challenges in addressing Aichi targets at the local level. Specialized literature, official data and interviews indicate that this species is spreading throughout parks interconnected by rivers. This study illustrates an intricate relationship between capybaras and the urban socio-ecological environment, suggesting that the city only partially addresses Aichi targets. Local authorities are likely to face several challenges for adopting a global agenda on biodiversity. Producing robust knowledge on the urban biota is one fundamental step towards this goal.
Abstract: Biodiversity and ecosystems are important elements for addressing national and global socioeconomic and environmental crises, since they provide new development opportunities, for example, as source of job and income creation, and reduction in poverty and socioeconomic inequity. Brazilian biological diversity is also expressed in its immense cultural diversity, with a great variety of knowledge holders. These peoples possess vast knowledge on agrobiodiversity, fishing, fire management, natural medicine, among others of commercial, cultural and spiritual value. The main conclusions of this Summary for Police Makers is that land use changes and climate changes have been - and will continue to be throughout this century - the main drivers that result in the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the country. Political interventions at different levels (from local to national, from public to private) and the enforcement of existing laws (regulatory mechanisms and incentives) are required to cope with the mitigation of the negative impacts of biodiversity and ecosystem services loss. Brazil has already a wide variety of policy instruments and socioenvironmental governance options, as well as global commitments (ODS, Aich Targets, Paris Agreement) related to the objective of a sustainable future. However, inefficient management control or lack of incentive to comply with the rules pose risks to consolidating the path to this future. The country has strong and capable institutions, but infrastructural problems, slow processes, inefficient measurements and judicial, social and ecological conflicts obstruct a proficient performance. There is a lack of communication between science and society which needs to be improved by establishing an effective flow that makes communication inclusive and representative, reaching public and private decision makers. Permanent efforts to integrate Science and policy knowledges are desirable to build confidence between policy makers and researchers.
A biodiversidade e os ecossistemas são elementos importantes para enfrentar as crises socioeconômicas e ambientais nacionais e globais, uma vez que proporcionam novas oportunidades de desenvolvimento. Incorporar a biodiversidade na vida cotidiana é uma oportunidade de ouro para promover o uso sustentável da biodiversidade e dos serviços ecossistêmicos. A conservação e a restauração da biodiversidade, dos ecossistemas e de seus serviços associados mostram potencial para um novo desenvolvimento social e econômico, como fonte de geração de emprego e renda, redução da pobreza e da desigualdade socioeconômica. A diversidade biológica brasileira também se expressa em sua imensa diversidade cultural, com uma grande variedade de detentores de conhecimento indígenas e tradicionais. Esses povos possuem vasto conhecimento sobre agrobiodiversidade, pesca, manejo do fogo, medicina natural, entre outros de valor comercial, cultural e espiritual. As principais conclusões deste Sumário para Tomadores de Decisão é que as mudanças no uso da terra e as mudanças climáticas tenham sido - e continuarão sendo ao longo deste século - os principais vetores da perda de biodiversidade e serviços ecossistêmicos no país. Intervenções políticas em diferentes níveis (do local ao nacional, do público ao privado) e a aplicação das leis existentes (mecanismos regulatórios e incentivos) são necessárias para promover a mitigação dos impactos negativos sobre a biodiversidade e a perda de serviços ecossistêmicos. O Brasil já possui uma ampla variedade de instrumentos de política e opções de governança socioambiental, bem como compromissos globais (ODS, Metas de Aichi, Acordo de Paris) relacionados à possibilidade de um futuro sustentável. Entretanto, o controle ineficiente da gestão ou a falta de incentivo para cumprir as regras traz riscos para a consolidação do caminho para esse futuro. O país tem instituições fortes e capazes, mas problemas de infraestrutura, processos lentos, medidas ineficazes e conflitos judiciais, sociais e ecológicos impedem a realização de um desempenho eficiente. Há uma falta de comunicação entre a ciência e a sociedade que precisa ser melhorada por meio do estabelecimento de um fluxo efetivo que torne a comunicação inclusiva e representativa, alcançando os tomadores de decisão públicos e privados. Esforços permanentes para integrar essas duas esferas de conhecimento na sociedade são desejáveis para criar confiança entre os formuladores de políticas e os pesquisadores. ; Biodiversity and ecosystems are important elements for addressing national and global socioeconomic and environmental crises, since they provide new development opportunities, for example, as source of job and income creation, and reduction in poverty and socioeconomic inequity. Brazilian biological diversity is also expressed in its immense cultural diversity, with a great variety of knowledge holders. These peoples possess vast knowledge on agrobiodiversity, fishing, fire management, natural medicine, among others of commercial, cultural and spiritual value. The main conclusions of this Summary for Police Makers is that land use changes and climate changes have been - and will continue to be throughout this century - the main drivers that result in the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the country. Political interventions at different levels (from local to national, from public to private) and the enforcement of existing laws (regulatory mechanisms and incentives) are required to cope with the mitigation of the negative impacts of biodiversity and ecosystem services loss. Brazil has already a wide variety of policy instruments and socioenvironmental governance options, as well as global commitments (ODS, Aich Targets, Paris Agreement) related to the objective of a sustainable future. However, inefficient management control or lack of incentive to comply with the rules pose risks to consolidating the path to this future. The country has strong and capable institutions, but infrastructural problems, slow processes, inefficient measurements and judicial, social and ecological conflicts obstruct a proficient performance. There is a lack of communication between science and society which needs to be improved by establishing an effective flow that makes communication inclusive and representative, reaching public and private decision makers. Permanent efforts to integrate Science and policy knowledges are desirable to build confidence between policy makers and researchers.