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32 Ergebnisse
Cover -- Half title -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- dedication -- Preface -- Part I: Hungarian Marxism -- 1. The Socio-Historical Context of Hungarian Marxism -- 2. Three Representative Figures: Erwin Szabo, Paul Szende, and Bela Fogarasi -- 3. Hungarian Marxism after 1920 -- Part II: Karl Mannheim -- 4. Mannheim and the French Public: The Controversy over Ideology and Utopia -- 5. Ideology and False Consciousness -- 6. The Problem of the "Socially Unattached Intelligentsia" -- 7. Mannheim's Second Period (Writings in Emigration) -- 8. Utopian Consciousness -- 9. Critique of Mannheim's Sociology of Knowledge -- 10. Socially Determined Thought and Historical Materialism: Mannheim and Marxism -- Bibliography
In: Explorations in interpretative sociology
In: Publications du Centre Universitaire de Recherche Sociologique d'Amiens 3
In: L Homme et la société, Band 87, Heft 1, S. 115-116
In: L Homme et la société, Band 77, Heft 1, S. 201-204
In: L Homme et la société, Band 71, Heft 1, S. 81-97
In: Canadian Journal of Sociology / Cahiers canadiens de sociologie, Band 9, Heft 2, S. 179
In: Praxis international: a philosophical journal, Band 2, Heft 4, S. 421-437
ISSN: 0260-8448
Racism is explored as a form of ideology in the Marxist sense, focusing on the connections between it & concepts of alienation & false consciousness. Four major criteria of "genuine" racism are examined: (1) unwarranted extrapolation from conceptions of the individual to the group; (2) positing certain groups as biologically superior to others; (3) inferring special rights from the postulate of biological superiority; & (4) degradation of rationality. All four criteria, but particularly the fourth, are seen as necessary to distinguish racial from interethnic conflict; the writings of Max Weber, Georg Lukacs, & Theodor W. Adorno are examined to clarify this conception of racist false consciousness. A structural analogy between racism & clinical alienation, particularly schizophrenia, is then developed, noting autistic aspects of racist perceptions & their projective character, which appears to correspond to the clinical "mirror syndrome" of schizophrenia. Dialectical/historical education of the public is concluded to be central to any antiracist praxis. Modified HA.
In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie: KZfSS, Band Supplement 22, S. 384-392
ISSN: 0023-2653
In: Telos, Band 29, S. 181-186
ISSN: 0040-2842, 0090-6514
The concept of 'false consciousness' has been rejected by both Marxism & bourgeois thought for a considerable time. This concept should be understood as referring to something beyond simple error, ie, to schizophrenic inadequacy. The relation of utopian consciousness to false consciousness is not one of simple identity; two kinds of utopia must be distinguished, a surrealist utopia serving as an instrument of social change, & a subrealist utopia which is in fact totalitarian. The second type is essentially similar to dystopian thought, as exemplified by G. Orwell; it is rooted in describing an imaginary society based on reason. A fuller understanding of such social scientific concepts as utopia is needed for any progress in them. W. H. Stoddard
In: L Homme et la société, Band 41, Heft 1, S. 105-109
In: Telos, Band 25, S. 185-191
ISSN: 0040-2842, 0090-6514
Hungarian Marxism can be seen as not simply a geographical term, but the name of a school. As such, it is more Hegelian, more dialectical, & more concerned with alienation than is Austro-Marxism. Alienation has two sources: (1) the failure to see societies in historical perspective, characteristic of the right, & (2) detotalization, the egocentrization of political thought in fanaticism, characteristic of the left. The main political project is the effort to find a concrete solution to the problem of alienation. Humanist Marxism, founded in the nonmaterialist part of Marx's thought, & serving a demystifying function, is the only alternative to turning Marxism into a new school of apologetics. W. H. Stoddard.
In: L Homme et la société, Band 35, Heft 1, S. 45-61