
15 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12011

"Política del amor". Los afectos y el poder en algunos dramas de Calderón



Open Access#22010

Mandatory Contract Law: Functions and Principles in Light of the Proposal for a Directive on Consumer Rights


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Open Access#42013

COCOPS Executive Survey on Public Sector Reform in Europe


Open Access#52011

The impact of the new public management: Challenges for coordination and cohesion in European public sectors (review essay)


Open Access#62011

Coordinating for Cohesion in the Public Sector of the Future: COCOPS Project Background Paper (Working Paper 1)


Open Access#72013

What determines whether top public sector executives actually use performance information?


Open Access#82019

Institutions or Contingencies? A Cross‐Country Analysis of Management Tool Use by Public Sector Executives


Open Access#92013

Internal and external use of performance information in public organisations: Results from an international executive survey



Youth at war: Feldpost letters of a German boy to his parents, 1943 - 1945

In: Studies on themes and motifs in literature vol. 104

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Open Access#112015

State and Executive Perceptions of Public Sector Reform in Europe


Open Access#122014

Coordinating for Cohesion in the Public Sector of the Future: Final summary policy brief


Open Access#132013

Public Administration Reform in Europe ¿Views and Experiences from Senior Executives in 10 Countries. COCOPS WP3 Cross-national Report


Open Access#142013

Public Administration Reform in Europe. Views and Experiences from Senior Executives in 10 Countries. COCOPS WP3 Cross-national Report


Open Access#152021

Association of variants in the SPTLC1 gene with juvenile amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Johnson, JO; Chia, R; Miller, DE; Li, R; Kumaran, R; Abramzon, Y; Alahmady, N; Renton, AE; Topp, SD; Gibbs, JR; Cookson, MR; Sabir, MS; Dalgard, CL; Troakes, C; Jones, AR; Shatunov, A; Iacoangeli, A; Al Khleifat, A; Ticozzi, N; Silani, V; Gellera, C; Blair, IP; Dobson-Stone, C; Kwok, JB; Bonkowski, ES; Palvadeau, R; Tienari, PJ; Morrison, KE; Shaw, PJ; Al-Chalabi, A; Brown, RH; Calvo, A; Mora, G; Al-Saif, H; Gotkine, M; Leigh, F; Chang, IJ; Perlman, SJ; Glass, I; Scott, AI; Shaw, CE; Basak, AN; Landers, JE; Chiò, A; Crawford, TO; Smith, BN; Traynor, BJ; Fallini, C; Gkazi, AS; Scotter, EL; Kenna, KP; Keagle, P; Tiloca, C; Vance, C; Colombrita, C; King, A; Pensato, V; Castellotti, B; Baas, F; ten Asbroek, ALMA; McKenna-Yasek, D; McLaughlin, RL; Polak, M; Asress, S; Esteban-Pérez, J; Stevic, Z; D'Alfonso, S; Mazzini, L; Comi, GP; Del Bo, R; Ceroni, M; Gagliardi, S; Querin, G; Bertolin, C; van Rheenen, W; Rademakers, R; van Blitterswijk, M; Lauria, G; Duga, S; Corti, S; Cereda, C; Corrado, L; Sorarù, G; Williams, KL; Nicholson, GA; Leblond-Manry, C; Rouleau, GA; Hardiman, O; Veldink, JH; van den Berg, LH; Pall, H; Turner, MR; Talbot, K; Taroni, F; García-Redondo, A; Wu, Z; Glass, JD; Ratti, A; Adeleye, A; Soltis, AR; Alba, C; Viollet, C; Bacikova, D; Hupalo, DN; Sukumar, G; Pollard, HB; Wilkerson, MD; Martinez, EM; Ahmed, S; Arepalli, S; Baloh, RH; Bowser, R; Brady, CB; Brice, A; Broach, J; Campbell, RH; Camu, W; Cooper-Knock, J; Ding, J; Drepper, C; Drory, VE; Dunckley, TL; Eicher, JD; England, BK; Faghri, F; Feldman, E; Floeter, MK; Fratta, P; Geiger, JT; Gerhard, G; Gibson, SB; Hardy, J; Harms, MB; Heiman-Patterson, TD; Hernandez, DG; Jansson, L; Kirby, J; Kowall, NW; Laaksovirta, H; Landeck, N; Landi, F; Le Ber, I; Lumbroso, S; MacGowan, DJL; Maragakis, NJ; Mouzat, K; Murphy, NA; Myllykangas, L; Nalls, MA; Orrell, RW; Ostrow, LW; Pamphlett, R; Pickering-Brown, S; Pioro, EP; Pletnikova, O; Pliner, HA; Pulst, SM; Ravits, JM; Rivera, A; Robberecht, W; Rogaeva, E; Rollinson, S; Rothstein, JD; Scholz, SW; Sendtner, M; Sidle, KC; Simmons, Z; Singleton, AB; Smith, N; Stone, DJ; Troncoso, JC; Valori, M; Van Damme, P; Van Deerlin, VM; Van Den Bosch, L; Zinman, L; Angelocola, SM; Ausiello, FP; Barberis, M; Bartolomei, I; Battistini, S; Bersano, E; Bisogni, G; Borghero, G; Brunetti, M; Cabona, C; Canale, F; Canosa, A; Cantisani, TA; Capasso, M; Caponnetto, C; Cardinali, P; Carrera, P; Casale, F; Colletti, T; Conforti, FL; Conte, A; Conti, E; Corbo, M; Cuccu, S; Dalla Bella, E; D'Errico, E; DeMarco, G; Dubbioso, R; Ferrarese, C; Ferraro, PM; Filippi, M; Fini, N; Floris, G; Fuda, G; Gallone, S; Gianferrari, G; Giannini, F; Grassano, M; Greco, L; Iazzolino, B; Introna, A; La Bella, V; Lattante, S; Liguori, R; Logroscino, G; Logullo, FO; Lunetta, C; Mandich, P; Mandrioli, J; Manera, U; Manganelli, F; Marangi, G; Marinou, K; Marrosu, MG; Martinelli, I; Messina, S; Moglia, C; Mosca, L; Murru, MR; Origone, P; Passaniti, C; Petrelli, C; Petrucci, A; Pozzi, S; Pugliatti, M; Quattrini, A; Ricci, C; Riolo, G; Riva, N; Russo, M; Sabatelli, M; Salamone, P; Salivetto, M; Salvi, F; Santarelli, M; Sbaiz, L; Sideri, R; Simone, I; Simonini, C; Spataro, R; Tanel, R; Tedeschi, G; Ticca, A; Torriello, A; Tranquilli, S; Tremolizzo, L; Trojsi, F; Vasta, R; Vacchiano, V; Vita, G; Volanti, P; Zollino, M; Zucchi, E