The τ--contamination of the golden muon sample at the Neutrino Factory
16 páginas, 6 figuras.-- El Pdf del artículo es la versión pre-print: ArXiv ePrint: 1005.2275 ; We study the contribution of ν e → ν τ → τ → μ transitions to the wrong-sign muon sample of the golden channel of the Neutrino Factory. Muons from tau decays are not really a background, since they contain information from the oscillation signal, and represent a small fraction of the sample. However, if not properly handled they introduce serious systematic error, in particular if the detector/analysis are sensitive to muons of low energy. This systematic effect is particularly troublesome for large θ 13 ≥ 1° and prevents the use of the Neutrino Factory as a precision facility for large θ 13. Such a systematic error disappears if the tau contribution to the golden muon sample is taken into account. The fact that the fluxes of the Neutrino Factory are exactly calculable permits the knowledge of the tau sample due to the ν e → ν τ oscillation. We then compute the contribution to the muon sample arising from this sample in terms of the apparent muon energy. This requires the computation of a migration matrix M ij which describes the contributions of the tau neutrinos of a given energy E i , to the muon neutrinos of an apparent energy E j . We demonstrate that applying M ij to the data permits the full correction of the otherwise intolerable systematic error. ; This work was supported by the European Union under the European Commission Framework Programme 07 Design Study "EUROv", project 212372 and by the spanish ministry for Science and Innovation under the program "CUP" Consolider-Ingenio 2010, project CSD2008-0037. A.D. acknowledges funding by the spanish ministry for Science and Innovation under the project FPA2009-09017and by the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid through project HEPHACOS-CM (S2009ESP-1473). D.M. was supported by the Deutsche Forschungs-gemeinschaft, contract WI 2639/2-1. ; Peer reviewed