Spanish politics from the 19th century echoed the socioeconomicstatus of its most disadvantaged population, although it was not until1911 with the approval of the Cheap Housing Law and successive ones,when, with the support of the State, the construction of this type ofhousing began. Associations and cooperatives tried to detail the lackof such constructions in Huelva, it was not until the Cheap Housing Lawof 1921 that these houses were constructed. From this date until theend of the Civil War, there were not many projects carried out, but theywere interested in their stylistic conception between the traditionaland the modern. ; La situación socioeconómica de la población más desfavorecida tuvo un eco singular en la política española desde el siglo XIX, aunque no fue hasta 1911 con la aprobación de la Ley de Casas Baratas y sucesivas cuando, con el apoyo del Estado, se iniciara la construcción de este tipo de viviendas. Asociaciones y cooperativas trataron de pormenorizar la carencia de estas. En Huelva, no fue hasta la Ley de Casas Baratas de 1921 cuando comenzarán a proyectarse viviendas. Desde esta fecha hasta la finalización de la Guerra Civil, no fueron muchos los proyectos realizados, pero sí interesantes en su concepción estilística entre lo tradicional y lo moderno.
Abstract Territorial displacements, stolen lands, repression, targeted assassinations, and forced disappearances among rural communities in Mexico and Colombia are constant threats that generate complex and urgent questions on the fragile conditions in which the residents of these communities live their day-to-day lives. In this article, I examine recent graphic novels that take an ethical stand to discuss local events in their connections to drug-trafficking, para-State, and other contemporary forms of violence. While there are divergent reasons, conditions and challenges for the creation, distribution, and reception of these graphic novels in such contexts, their authors use similar semiotic and literary mechanisms to imagine and represent these types of violence, and aim to include voices usually omitted, and/or displaced in the narration of these conflicts. I argue that it is precisely due to these inclusions that the role of these works in the politics of narrative and memory of armed conflicts in these Latin American countries is essential for the recognition of new human geographies and cartographies generated by the forced disappearance and uprooting of these communities using violence.
ResumenPartiendo del análisis del ambiente político a finales de los años ochenta en Colombia, Felipe Gómez G. desenreda cada detalle de la película Soplo de vida de Luis y Esteban Ospina. Como resultado el autor nos entrega una perspectiva madura del presente y posibilidades fde la producción de cine en Latinoamérica, enfrentada al poderoso Hollywood y su público. También es interesante ver que este tipo de producciones colombianas son raramente conocidas por el público colombiano. Cualquier parecido con la realiadad no es pura coincidencia.Palabras clave: Proceso de amnistía, Belisario Betancurt,Toma del palacio de Justicia, cine negro, cine latinoamericano.**********************************************************Soplo de vida: men of myddy moralAbstractBased on the analysis of the political environment in late 80´s Colombia, Felipe Gómez G., untangles every detail on the film Soplo de vida, by Luis and Esteban Ospina. The result is a mature perspective og the present times and future possibilities of the Latin American film production facing the powerful Hollywood and its audience. It is also meaningful to see these kind of colombian audience. any resemblance with real life events it is not mere coincidence.Key words: Amnesty process, Belisario Betancur, Palace of Justice siege, black cinema, Latin American cinema.
In: Universitas. Ciencias jurídicas y socioeconómicas / Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Facultad de Ciencias Juridicas y Socioeconomicas, Band 68, Heft 138
A partir de la expedición de la Ley 9 de 1989, en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano se afianzó una novedosa disciplina jurídica denominada derecho urbanístico, la cual ha sido presentada desde entonces desde diversas ópticas, ya sea como un conjunto de relaciones público-privadas, como parte general del derecho público, como una disciplina especial del Derecho Administrativo e incluso, como una nueva disciplina jurídica. Este artículo presenta una serie de reflexiones sobre la naturaleza, objetivos, principios y aplicación del derecho urbanístico y su ubicación dentro de las ciencias jurídicas, y culmina con la presentación de una propuesta de definición acorde con las materias estudiadas.
The issue of the Ninth (9th) Law of 1989 consolidated a novel discipline within the Colombian legal system: Urban Law. Since then, such discipline has been presented from different perspectives, either as set of public and private relationships, as general component of Public Law, as a specific discipline of Administrative Law, or even as a brand new discipline. This article considers Urban Law's nature, purposes, principles and its enforcement; it also deals with its placement within the legal sciences. Finally, according to the previously studied subjects, we present a proposal of Urban Law's definition. ; A partir de la expedición de la Ley 9 de 1989, en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano se afianzó una novedosa disciplina jurídica denominada derecho urbanístico, la cual ha sido presentada desde entonces desde diversas ópticas, ya sea como un conjunto de relaciones público-privadas, como parte general del derecho público, como una disciplina especial del Derecho Administrativo e incluso, como una nueva disciplina jurídica. Este artículo presenta una serie de reflexiones sobre la naturaleza, objetivos, principios y aplicación del derecho urbanístico y su ubicación dentro de las ciencias jurídicas, y culmina con la presentación de una propuesta de definición acorde con las materias estudiadas.
This article shows, chronologically, the evolution of the Colombian Urban Law, from the Spanish legislation uttered during the Colony to our days. The main purpose of the article is to study the different institutions that originated the current urban laws, from the Statue of Felipe II, to the current Law 388 of 1997, including the Civil Code regulations and its amendments, the causes that led to the Law 9 of 1989 (also known as the Urban Reform Law), as well as the regulations derived from the latter and the 1991 Constitution. ; El presente artículo muestra, de manera cronológica, la evolución del derecho urbanístico colombiano, iniciando desde las legislaciones españolas proferidas en la colonia hasta nuestros días. El principal objetivo del texto es estudiar las diferentes instituciones que dieron origen a las normas urbanísticas vi- gentes en la actualidad, comenzando con las recopilaciones contenidas en las ordenanzas de Felipe II, pasando por las disposiciones del Código Civil y su legislación posterior, por los antecedentes que dieron origen a la Ley 9 de 1989 (Ley de Reforma Urbana), por las normas urbanísticas establecidas en dicha ley y por la Constitución Política de 1991, hasta llegar a la actualmente vigente Ley 388 de 1997.
Recently, the populist political style has been adopted throughout the world, by leaders who profess the most dissolute political ideologies, to get their voters' intention to vote. Simultaneously, contemporary sociological phenomena, such as the emergence of the cognitive miser, as a characteristic feature of contemporary men, characteristically corralled by an unprecedented flood of information, have significantly weakened their cognitive ability to reflect, particularly in the political arena. En the context of neuromarketing, this work offers a neurosegmentation strategy based on the identification of cognitive abilities, as well as on the implicit and subconscious attitudes of voters, which can be used as a basis for an eventual micropersuasion strategy that would be sensitive to these psychological characteristics. ; Recientemente, el estilo político populista ha sido adoptado a lo largo y ancho del mundo, por líderes que profesan las ideologías políticas más disímbolas, para hacerse con la intención de voto de sus electores. Simultáneamente, fenómenos sociológicos contemporáneos, como el surgimiento del indigente cognitivo, como rasgo característico del hombre contemporáneo, característicamente acorralado por un diluvio sin precedentes de información, han debilitado significativamente su capacidad cognitiva de reflexión, particularmente en el ámbito político. Atendiendo a estas preocupaciones, en este trabajo se plantea desde la perspectiva del neuromarketing político, una estrategia de neurosegmentación que fundamentada, tanto en la identificación de las habilidades cognitivas, como en las actitudes implícitas y subconscientes de los electores, pueda servir de base a una eventual estrategia de micropersuasión que sea especialmente sensible a dichas características psicológicas.
<p>A finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX, llegaron a México varios grupos de inmigrantes entre los que destacan: los barcelonetes, españoles y libaneses. Algunos de ellos hicieron gala de una notable capacidad empresarial, que les permitió sentar las bases del desarrollo comercial, industrial y financiero del México del siglo XX. En este artículo se estudian algunas características del gobierno social de las comunidades en que se insertaron dichos inmigrantes y se analiza la forma en que éstas pudieron haber fortalecido su capacidad de generar empresas.</p>
The Latin American Comics Archive (LACA)1 is an ongoing project combining capabilities for Spanish language and culture teaching, research in the Humanities, and digital technologies as a tool for expanding the access and analysis of Latin American comics for both scholars and students. Thanks to a Digital Humanities Mellon Seed Grant, LACA started out with a small representative sample of Latin American comics that were digitized and encoded in CBML over the 2016-2017 academic year. In the Fall of 2017, a pilot course allowed students and researchers to access and explore these source materials as pedagogical tools for learning and researching about Spanish language and Latin American culture. The use of digital tagging and annotation tools on the archive enabled for the analysis of the visual and verbal language of comics, as well as cultural and linguistic items or themes, and a variety of formal categories. Students and researchers were able to collaborate in the definition of key terms to be annotated and used for the research of topics in the digitized comics, with the object of ultimately creating or collaborating in critical editions of comics for use by others, and the expansion of the archive, which will eventually be open to general scholarly use by students and researchers. Integrated applications could also allow for the production of short critical interventions in comic format.
In: Universitas. Ciencias jurídicas y socioeconómicas / Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Facultad de Ciencias Juridicas y Socioeconomicas, Band 68, Heft 139
En los sistemas de tradición civil los límites a la propiedad intelectual suelen estar estructurados desde la perspectiva de las regulaciones generales y abstractas que el legislador ha prejuzgado como necesarios y pertinentes. Aunque reconocemos la importancia y utilidad de este tipo de decisiones normativas, también debemos señalar que las mismas pueden obviar escenarios particulares no incorporados en una norma de carácter general, o que por sus características (temporales o modales) no pudieron ser tenidos en cuenta al momento de crear el límite normativo.
En este sentido, proponemos el uso de la figura del abuso del derecho como un eventual remedio para el ejercicio antisocial de derechos de propiedad intelectual. Y para tal efecto, utilizaremos la función social de la propiedad intelectual como criterio para definir los casos en que el uso abusivo (contrario a los propósitos del derecho) puede ser determinado; siempre y cuando, la estructura teórica utilizada permita entender a la función social como un límite a la propiedad, dado que, en el caso contrario, el ejercicio antisocial de la propiedad intelectual deberá ser entendido simplemente como una violación al mismo derecho por parte de su titular. Finalmente, presentaremos el caso de una figura similar, el Misuse en propiedad intelectual, la cual ha servido para este mismo propósito en el sistema del common law.
Objective: to identify the socio-demographic and clinical factors in laparoscopic cholecystectomy in two decades of experience in the Military Hospital of the city of Cuenca. Cholecystectomy is the most common surgery to treat pathologies such as cholelithiasis, acute cholecystitis and vesicular polyposis, currently the laparoscopic technique is the treatment of choice. Materials and Methods. a descriptive, retrospective study of patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the last two decades; we worked with 468 clinical records that met the inclusion criteria. Results. 61,8% were women and 38,2% were men with a mean age of 50,77 years and standard deviation (SD) of 0,727. The surgical indications were cholelithiasis 60,2%, acute cholecystitis 29,2%, vesicular polyposis 4,7%, choledocholithiasis 4,5%, sclerotrophic vesicle 0,9%. The postoperative stay was 80,6% less than three days and 19.4% equal to or greater than 4 days; with an average of 1,09 and DS = 0,292. The conversion percentage to open surgery was 0,4%. The surgical time was 50,2% within 31-60 min and 46,2% more than 60 minutes with an average of 42,43min and DS = 0,564. When the age and operative time were related, it was evidenced that in those older than 60 years, they had more days of hospitalization with statistical significance, with a value of p = 0,0006. Conclusion. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy decreases the operative and hospitalization times, contributing directly to the decrease in morbidity and mortality due to this type of pathologies and allowing health services in developing countries to improve the quality of care for their populations. ; Objetivo: identificar los factores socio-demográficos y clínicos, en la colecistectomía laparoscópica en dos décadas de experiencia en el Hospital Militar de la ciudad de Cuenca. La colecistectomía es la cirugía más común para tratar patologías como la colelitiasis, colecistitis agudas y poliposis vesicular, siendo en la actualidad la técnica laparoscópica el tratamiento de elección. Materiales y Métodos: estudio de tipo descriptivo, retrospectivo, de pacientes sometidos a colecistectomía laparoscópica en las últimas dos décadas; se trabajaron con 468 historias clínicas que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Resultados: un 61,8% fueron mujeres con una edad media de 50,77 años y un desvío estándar (DS) de 0,727. Las indicaciones quirúrgicas fueron colelitiasis 60,2%, colecistitis aguda 29,2%, poliposis vesiculares 4,7%, coledocolitiasis 4,5%, vesícula esclerotrófica 0,9%. La estancia postoperatoria fue de 80,6% menos de tres días y el 19,4% igual o mayor a 4 días; con un promedio de 1,09 y un DS=0,292. El porcentaje de conversión a cirugía abierta fue del 0,4%. El tiempo quirúrgico fue en 50,2% dentro de 31-60min y 46,2% más de 60 minutos con un promedio de 42,43min y un DS=0,564. Al relacionar la edad y el tiempo operatorio se evidenció que en los mayores de 60 años tenían más días de hospitalización con significancia estadística, con un valor de p=0,0006. Conclusión: La colecistectomía laparoscópica disminuye los tiempos operatorios y de hospitalización, contribuyendo directamente al descenso de la morbilidad y mortalidad por este tipo de patologías y permitiendo a los servicios de salud, de países en vías de desarrollo, mejorar la calidad de la atención de sus poblaciones.
The Dallol geothermal area in the northern part of the Danakil Depression (up to 124–155 meter below sea level) is deemed one of the most extreme environments on Earth. The area is notable for being part of the Afar Depression, an incipient seafloor-spreading center located at the triple junction, between Nubian, Somali and Arabian plates, and for hosting environments at the very edge of natural physical-chemical extremities. The northern part of the Danakil Depression is dominated by the Assale salt plain (an accumulation of marine evaporite deposits) and hosts the Dallol volcano. Here, the interaction between the evaporitic deposit and the volcanisms have created the unique Dallol hot springs, which are highly acidic (pH ~ 0) and saline (saturation) with maximum temperatures ranging between 90 and 109 °C. Here we report for the first time evidence of life existing with these hot springs using a combination of morphological and molecular analyses. Ultra-small structures are shown to be entombed within mineral deposits, which are identified as members of the Order Nanohaloarchaea. The results from this study suggest the microorganisms can survive, and potential live, within this extreme environment, which has implications for understanding the limits of habitability on Earth and on (early) Mars ; Europlanet 2020 RI received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No 654208
The Dallol geothermal area in the northern part of the Danakil Depression (up to 124–155 meter below sea level) is deemed one of the most extreme environments on Earth. The area is notable for being part of the Afar Depression, an incipient seafloor-spreading center located at the triple junction, between Nubian, Somali and Arabian plates, and for hosting environments at the very edge of natural physical-chemical extremities. The northern part of the Danakil Depression is dominated by the Assale salt plain (an accumulation of marine evaporite deposits) and hosts the Dallol volcano. Here, the interaction between the evaporitic deposit and the volcanisms have created the unique Dallol hot springs, which are highly acidic (pH ~ 0) and saline (saturation) with maximum temperatures ranging between 90 and 109 °C. Here we report for the first time evidence of life existing with these hot springs using a combination of morphological and molecular analyses. Ultra-small structures are shown to be entombed within mineral deposits, which are identified as members of the Order Nanohaloarchaea. The results from this study suggest the microorganisms can survive, and potential live, within this extreme environment, which has implications for understanding the limits of habitability on Earth and on (early) Mars. ; European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No 654208
The Mars Science Laboratory mission investigated Vera Rubin ridge, which bears spectral indications of elevated amounts of hematite and has been hypothesized as having a complex diagenetic history. Martian samples, including three drilled samples from the ridge, were analyzed by the Sample Analysis at Mars instrument suite via evolved gas analysis-mass spectrometry (EGA-MS). Here, we report new EGA-MS data from Martian samples and describe laboratory analogue experiments. Analyses of laboratory analogues help determine the presence of reduced sulfur in Martian solid samples, which could have supported potential microbial life. We used evolved carbonyl sulfide (COS) and carbon disulfide (CS) to identify Martian samples likely to contain reduced sulfur by applying a quadratic discriminant analysis. While we report results for 24 Martian samples, we focus on Vera Rubin ridge samples and select others for comparison. Our results suggest the presence of reduced sulfur in the Jura member of Vera Rubin ridge, which can support various diagenetic history models, including, as discussed in this work, diagenetic alteration initiated by a mildly reducing, sulfite-containing groundwater. ; With funding from the Spanish government through the "María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence" accreditation (MDM-2017-0737)
Viking missions reported adverse conditions for life in Mars surface. High hydrogen signal obtained by Mars orbiters has increased the interest in subsurface prospection as putative protected Mars environment with life potential. Permafrost has attracted considerable interest from an astrobiological point of view due to the recently reported results from the Mars exploration rovers. Considerable studies have been developed on extreme ecosystems and permafrost in particular, to evaluate the possibility of life on Mars and to test specific automated life detection instruments for space missions. The biodiversity of permafrost located on the Bering Land Bridge National Preserve has been studied as an example of subsurface protected niche of astrobiological interest. Different conventional (enrichment and isolation) and molecular ecology techniques (cloning, fluorescence >in situ> probe hybridization, FISH) have been used for isolation and bacterial identification. ; The expedition to Imuruk Lake was supported by Centro de Astrobiologia-INTA (Spain). The laboratory experimental procedures were supported by Grant AYA 2010–2013 "Desarrollo de Tecnología para la identificación de vida de forma automática" from the Spanish Government. ; Peer Reviewed