The Integrated Atlas of Dementia Care in the Australian Capital Territory: A Collective Case Study of Local Service Provision
In: Health services insights, Band 17
ISSN: 1178-6329
Background: This study evaluates the dementia care system in a local area and aimed to include all specialised services designed to provide health and social services to people with dementia or age-related cognitive impairment, as well as general services with a high or very high proportion of clients with dementia. Methods: The study used an internationally standardised service classification instrument called Description and Evaluation of Services and DirectoriEs for Long Term Care (DESDE-LTC) to identify and describe all services providing care to people with dementia in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). Results: A total of 47 service providers were eligible for inclusion. Basic information about the services was collected from their websites, and further information was obtained through interviews with the service providers. Of the 107 services offered by the 47 eligible providers, 27% (n = 29) were specialised services and 73% (n = 78) were general services. Most of the services were residential or outpatient, with a target population mostly of people aged 65 or older, and 50 years or older in the case of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. There were government supports available for most types of care through various programmes. Conclusions: Dementia care in the ACT relies heavily on general services. More widespread use of standardised methods of service classification in dementia will facilitate comparison with other local areas, allow for monitoring of changes over time, permit comparison with services provided for other health conditions and support evidence-informed local planning.