La generación perdida: la juventud de 1929
In: Historia
100 Ergebnisse
In: Historia
In: Monografías del CESEDEN 125
In: Historia de España 3er milenio 24
In: Colección Historia Biblioteca Nueva
In: Cuadernos de investigación no 1
In: Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala Dirección General de Investigación
In: International journal of legal information: IJLI ; the official journal of the International Association of Law Libraries, Band 51, Heft 3, S. 158-165
ISSN: 2331-4117
AbstractThis article analyzes the so-called "humanitarian corridors" put in place by the Ecuadorian government as part of a domestic policy to move Venezuelan migrants out of Ecuador. Within this context, the author examines the concept of the humanitarian corridor from the perspective of international law, and demonstrates that Ecuador's corridors did not serve the purpose for which they were allegedly created.
In: Revista de las Cortes Generales, S. 163-196
ISSN: 0213-0130
El artículo plantea la política simbólica de la Transición democrática española a partir, por un lado, del debate sobre la capacidad de los regímenes democráticos para desarrollar una simbología propia y, por otro, de los particulares condicionantes históricos en que se desarrolló la Transición. Así, la herencia simbólica del franquismo obligó a desmantelar progresivamente sus elementos más característicos y a dotar al nuevo régimen de una simbología alternativa, que expresara sus principales valores políticos. La importancia de la Constitución de 1978 como mito fundacional de la nueva democracia se explica tanto por su capacidad para enlazar con la tradición liberal española, muy marcada por el constitucionalismo histórico, como por la legitimidad sin precedentes de un texto constitucional aprobado por primera vez en un referéndum popular. El artículo ofrece una amplia base empírica (Tabla I y Gráfico I) que permite constatar el protagonismo de la Constitución en la creación de un espacio público democrático y en el desarrollo de una intensa política conmemorativa. Finalmente, se valora en qué medida la crisis del sistema a partir de la recesión económica de 2008-2012 y del resquebrajamiento del modelo autonómico han erosionado los símbolos más representativos de la democracia instaurada a finales de los años setenta.
In: Historia contemporánea: revista del Departamento de Historia Contemporánea, Heft 65, S. 307-309
ISSN: 1130-2402, 2340-0277
In: International journal of legal information: IJLI ; the official journal of the International Association of Law Libraries, Band 49, Heft 3, S. 171-175
ISSN: 2331-4117
AbstractCensorship normally refers to the Government's actions to ban different forms of freedom of speech (i.e. suppression of words or images). However, cries of censorship were heard as a result of the decision taken by television broadcast networks to interrupt the transmission of a Presidential press conference in November 2020. Some interpreted this act as censorship against public authorities. Others thought it was a legal (and necessary) measure to combat fake news. This article addresses whether the decision to limit a televised broadcast by President Trump was censorship or, alternatively, whether it was a valid, innovative measure to fight fake news. To tackle these issues, it is necessary that some of the related duties and rights television broadcast stations have before the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), governmental authority in charge of these matters, must be revised.
In: Contributions to the history of concepts, Band 15, Heft 1, S. 47-68
ISSN: 1874-656X
The concept of populism has generated endless controversy marked by both the contrasting political feelings it conveys and a particular problem of definition. This article—based on political speeches, academic literature, and relevant online sources, such as Google Ngram Viewer, catalogs of great libraries, and digital archives of newspapers—adopts a pragmatic approach to the concept throughout its history, from the moment when the noun appeared in North American political life in the late nineteenth century until the most recent "populist moment" in response to the economic crisis that started in 2008. The study of its changing meanings shows, however, some elements of continuity that make sense of what Margaret Canovan defined as "a notoriously vague term."
In: Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, Band 35, Heft 1, S. 227-230
ISSN: 1988-2572
In: Politics, religion & ideology, Band 16, Heft 2-3, S. 282-297
ISSN: 2156-7697