The existing literature has shown that special interest groups can have both growth enhancing and retarding effects on an economy. In either case it is always assumed that the nature of the special interest groups remains constant over time. The hypothesis of this paper is that a dynamic relationship exists between politicians and lobbyists. In the short run politicians may choose to support "projects" proposed to them by lobbies, because they yield clear economic benefits. However, governmental support may continue after these benefits have been exhausted, implying a cost to society and yielding private rents to the lobbies. A theoretical framework in which established and new lobbies overlap is developed to model the incentives a government might have to behave in a manner consistent with the hypothesis. In this structure despite the fact that politicians support projects from which all productive benefits have been extracted the voters can still rationally reelect them.
The existing literature has shown that special interest groups can have both growth enhancing and retarding effects on an economy. In either case it is always assumed that the nature of the special interest groups remains constant over time. The hypothesis of this paper is that a dynamic relationship exists between politicians and lobbyists. In the short run politicians may choose to support "projects" proposed to them by lobbies, because they yield clear economic benefits. However, governmental support may continue after these benefits have been exhausted, implying a cost to society and yielding private rents to the lobbies. A theoretical framework in which established and new lobbies overlap is developed to model the incentives a government might have to behave in a manner consistent with the hypothesis. In this structure despite the fact that politicians support projects from which all productive benefits have been extracted the voters can still rationally reelect them.
The existing literature has shown that special interest groups can have both growth enhancing and growth retarding effects on an economy. In either case, it is always assumed that the nature of the special interest groups remains constant over time. The hypothesis of this paper is that a dynamic relationship exists between politicians and lobbyists, i.e., that opportunities for rent extraction for special interest groups can evolve over time. In the short run politicians may support "projects" proposed to them by lobbies, because they yield clear economic benefits. However, continued governmental support may imply a cost to society and yield rents to the lobbies. A theoretical framework in which established and new lobbies overlap is developed to model a government's incentives to behave in a manner consistent with the hypothesis. In this framework, voters can still rationally reelect politicians even if the latter support lobbies for an inefficiently long period of time, because if they did not, then the quality of the pool of new projects would deteriorate. Adapted from the source document.
Female crime writers were not always given the same recognition as today. Edgar Allan Poe's detective story 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue', written in 1841, is regarded as the beginning of the detective genre. In the following years, the genre was typically dominated by male authors. Since then considerable progress has been made, and female authors have created a very individual way of writing detective novels. However, experts still disagree on a clear definition of the female crime novel. The present study hopes to gain further insight into female detective novels coming from the USA and Great Britain. After giving basic information on the history of female detective novels and the ideal crime scheme, the study analyses the characteristics of female detective novels as opposed to male detective novels and the appeal of detective novels for women writers. Although female detective novels are not a separate sub-genre but rather a separate field within the genre of detective novels, women have given the genre new impulses.
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The existing literature has shown that special interest groups can have both growthenhancing and retarding effects on an economy. In either case it is always assumed thatthe nature of the special interest groups remains constant over time. The hypothesis ofthis paper is that a dynamic relationship exists between politicians and lobbyists. A theoreticalframework in which established and new lobbies overlap is developed to modelthe incentives a government might have to behave in a manner consistent with thehypothesis. In this structure despite the fact that they support projects from which allproductive benefits have been extracted politicians are still rationally reelected.
ABSTRACTWe present a simple model of the dissolution of states. We combine elements of the literature on the break‐up and integration of states based on models in the fiscal federalism tradition, with elements of the literature that explains the determination of a state's political institutions as a means to credibly promise redistributions in the face of costly, perhaps violent, redistributive conflict. We are able to characterize when the equilibrium involves the dissolution of a country, and when it involves continued unity. We are also able to explore some aspects of the linkages between political institutions and the determination of national boundaries.
The article gives insights into the implementation process of sustainable management strategies in the food service sector. Furthermore, the normative requirements for sustainability in form of a mission statement, called "sustainable food services" are presented. The authors perceive this mission statement as a means to transfer current political demands (as in the SDG of the UN) into the sector. It could serve as a model for the entire food service sector to support and facilitate implementing aspects of sustainability into business practices with the help of sustainable management tools.
The article gives insights into the implementation process of sustainable management strategies in the food service sector. Furthermore, the normative requirements for sustainability in form of a mission statement, called "sustainable food services" are presented. The authors perceive this mission statement as a means to transfer current political demands (as in the SDG of the UN) into the sector. It could serve as a model for the entire food service sector to support and facilitate implementing aspects of sustainability into business practices with the help of sustainable management tools.
Das Forschungsprojekt "Verringerung von Lebensmittelabfällen - Identifikation von Ursachen und Handlungsoptionen in Nordrhein-Westfalen" (Zeitrahmen: 9/2011 - 2/2012) im Auftrag des Ministeriums für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Landwirtschaft, Natur- und Verbraucherschutz in Nordrhein-Westfalen (MKULNV) steht im Kontext der Diskussion um eine neue Wertschätzung für Lebensmittel und einen nachhaltigen Lebensstil. Das Institut für nachhaltige Ernährung und Ernährungswirtschaft (iSuN) der Fachhochschule Münster wurde gemeinsam mit der Verbraucherzentrale Nordrhein-Westfalen beauftragt, die Studie mit dem Schwerpunkt der Identifikation von Ursachen und Handlungsoptionen zur Verringerung von Lebensmittelabfällen in Nordrhein-Westfalen durchzuführen. Der Lebensmittelmarkt ist stark arbeitsteilig organisiert und global vernetzt. Die Situation in Nordrhein-Westfalen unterscheidet sich dabei nicht wesentlich von der in ganz Deutschland oder in Europa. Die Orientierung auf Nordrhein-Westfalen erfolgte über die Auswahl von Interwiepartnern und Unternehmensexperten sowie über die Auswahl der für Nordrhein-Westfalen besonders relevanten Produktgruppen Gemüse, Brot und Backwaren, Milch und Milchprodukte sowie Fleisch und Wurstwaren. Handlungsoptionen zur Verringerung von Lebensmittelabfällen in Nordrhein-Westfalen sind prinzipiell auf andere Bundesländer in Deutschland übertragbar. Die Studie setzt sich aus insgesamt vier Forschungsbausteinen zusammen. Im Forschungsbaustein A werden die Ursachen von Lebensmittelabfällen für die vier relevanten Produktgruppen analysiert und Handlungsempfehlungen zur Reduzierung von Lebensmittelabfällen abgeleitet. Betrachtet werden die jeweiligen Wertschöpfungsketten von der Landwirtschaft bis zum Handel. Die analysierten Ursachenfelder zeigen stufenübergreifende Wirkungen innerhalb der Wertschöpfungskette, die zu Lebensmittelabfall führen. Aus diesem Grunde ist besonders die Betrachtung der Schnittstellen für die Entwicklung von Maßnahmen entscheidend. Forschungsbaustein B untersucht auf der Grundlage persönlicher Interviews und anonymer Onlineinterviews Ursachen, die Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher veranlassen, Lebensmittel wegzuwerfen und leitet daraus Empfehlungen zur Verringerung von Lebensmittelabfällen ab. Die Befragungen zeigen, dass insbesondere komplexe, oft schlecht planbare Lebens- und Arbeitssituationen dazu führen, dass Lebensmittel weggeworfen werden müssen. Forschungsbaustein C analysiert statistisch verfügbare Daten, aus denen sich Lebensmittelabfallmengen für Nordrhein-Westfalen hochrechnen lassen. Forschungsbaustein D zeigt auf, dass die Entstehung von Lebensmittelabfällen nennenswerte soziale, ökonomische und ökologische Wirkungen nach sich zieht, die zu beachten sind. Mit der modellhaften Betrachtung der Ressourcenverbräuche und Umweltbelastungen ausgewählter Lebensmittel werden die Dimensionen der ökologischen Wirkung von Lebensmittelabfällen deutlich gemacht. Die Ressourcenverbräuche in den Vorketten der Lebensmittel betragen ein Vielfaches des Abfallaufkommens. Die ökologischen Fußabdrücke von Lebensmitteln der vier Produktgruppen verteilen sich anders als das Abfallaufkommen, da den verschiedenen Lebensmitteln unterschiedliche Ressourcenverbräuche zugeordnet sind. Bei den Lebensmittelabfällen hat die Produktgruppe Obst und Gemüse mengenmäßig den größten Anteil, dafür aber einen deutlich geringeren Anteil an den Ressourcenverbräuchen als Fleischprodukte. Aus dem Kontext der vier Forschungsbausteine leitet die Studie Handlungsvorschläge zur Verringerung und Vermeidung der Lebensmittelabfälle in Nordrhein-Westfalen in den vier grundlegenden Kategorien "Prozessoptimierung/Schnittstellenmanagement", "Strukturen und Regeln", "Verwerten statt Entwerten" sowie "Wertschätzen und Aufwerten" ab. Anhand dieser Handlungsfelder können konkrete Ansätze für die Teilnehmer des Runden Tisches "Neue Wertschätzung für Lebensmittel" aber auch für die Politik in Nordrhein-Westfalen abgeleitet werden, um Lebensmittelabfälle zu vermeiden und "neue Märkte" zur Reduzierung von Warenverlusten bzw. Weiterverwendung von Lebensmittelabfällen zu identifizieren. ; The research project "Reducing Food Waste - Identification of causes and courses of action in the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia" ("Verringerung von Lebensmittelabfällen - Identifikation von Ursachen und Handlungsoptionen in Nordrhein-Westfalen") (timeframe: 9/2011 - 2/2012) is connected to the discussion on a new appreciation of foodstuffs and a sustainable lifestyle. The Institute of Sustainable Nutrition and Food Production (iSuN) of the University of Applied Sciences Münster and the Consumer Center of North Rhine-Westphalia were given by the Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Agriculture, Nature Conservation and Consumer Protection (MKUNLV) the task of conducting a study, focused on the identification of causes of food waste and possible courses of action in North Rhine-Westphalia. The food market operates highly globalized and works based on a division of labor and the north rhine-westphalian situation does not differ much from the German or European situation. Orientation towards North Rhine-Westphalia within the study was achieved by the choice of interview-partners and business experts. This orientation was further supported through the choice of the locally relevant product groups vegetables, bread and bakery, milk and milk products as well as meat and sausage products. Courses of action for a reduction of food waste in North Rhine-Westphalia can possibly be transferred to other German federal states. The study consists of four research-components. Research-component A analyses the causes of food waste within the four relevant product groups and deduces the implicit possibilities for procedure recommendations. The analysis of causes is based on the value chain of the specified product group, from agriculture to retail. The potential arrays of causes show that practices which lead to food waste often take effect across various levels of the value chain. Therefore it is important to take the interfaces between levels into account, in order to develop practical measures that decrease creation of food waste. The analysis of face-to-face interviews and anonymous online-interviews in private households was performed in Research-component B. Therein, reasons for the wasting of foodstuffs through consumers were detected and based on the findings, recommendations to reduce food waste are made. The interviews show that, especially, the complex and unpredictable lifestyles and job-situations lead to the tossing of food. Research-component C analyses the available statistics, in order to gain data on the amount of food waste produced in North Rhine-Westphalia. Research-component D shows that the creation of food waste leads to considerable social, economic and ecologic effects. The dimensions of ecological effects of food waste are shown through an exemplary consideration of the consumption of resources and environmental effects of selected foods. The foodstuffs consume resources within the upstream chain, that amount to multiples of the waste that is later created through the tossing of these foods. Within foods from the four examined food groups, ecologic footprints divide differently from the way, the amount of waste created through them divides. This is due to the different amounts of resources that are used up per kilogram of each food. While vegetables and fruits are accountable for the highest amount of food waste, their share of the consumption of resources is lower than that of meats. Out of the four research-modules, the study devises commendations on reducing food waste in North Rhine-Westphalia within the four categories "process enhancement/interface management", "structures and rules", "Re-use/recover instead of devaluate" and "appreciate and enhance". Based on these categories, practical approaches can be developed for the participants of the round table "new appreciation for food" ("Neue Wertschätzung für Lebensmittel") as well as for north rhine-westphalian politics, in order to avoid the creation of food waste and to find new markets that can help to reduce the loss of goods or to find subsequent uses for discarded foods.
Dieses Diskussionspapier skizziert Handlungsansätze für politische EntscheidungsträgerInnen zur Förderung von nachhaltigen Ernährungssystemen in Deutschland. Es basiert auf den Ergebnissen aus sechs BMBF-Projekten, die sich im Rahmen der Fördermaßnahme "Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften" (im Rahmen der Sozial-Ökologischen Forschung SÖF) mit nachhaltiger Ernährung befassten.