Analysis of studies and research projects regarding the detection of nanomaterials in different environmental compartments and deduction of need for action regarding method development: final report
In: Texte 2019, 133
The aim of the present report was to obtain an overview of current strategies and methods for the detection of (manufactured) nanomaterials (NMs) in the environmental compartments surface water, soil, sediment, air, biota and sewage sludge. Based on this several recommendations for future needs of action in the short to long term are derived in order to establish a standardized detection of NMs in the environment that is necessary in order to check the pollution in the environment, to check whether or not potential risk management measures take the intended effect and to validate NM release models with real data. A literature review was performed using predominantly "Web of Science" and screening for literature, such as review articles summarising the state of the art of NM detection techniques for environmental samples. More than 160 scientific publications were evaluated concerning NM detection methods. Results of the literature survey clearly show that a combination of detection techniques is necessary in order to detect and identify NMs, and to differentiate between natural NMs and manufactured NMs. The crucial step is accurate sample preparation for the selected detection method which means in most cases complete removal of the (disturbing) matrix and transfer of the NM in appropriate media for measurement. So far field studies in terms of detection of unknown amounts of unspecific engineered NMs in natural samples are rare and only existing for a few compartments, mainly surface waters. Hence, it is concluded that the need of action is focused on the development, standardization and validation of existing methods in a combinatory approach.