Impact of the declining water supply on the economy of Curry and Roosevelt counties
Introduction; Physical cause of the problem; Groundwater conditions; Anticipated effects of continued groundwater mining; The agricultural picture; The past; Irrigation development; The local economy; Employment; The future; General procedures; Source of data; The simulation model; Base-year situation; Irrigated crops and acreages; Dryland crops and acreages; Ranching; Budgets for the principal agricultural land uses; Income and costs of agriculture; Purchases and employment in the community; Projections as irrigation water is used up; Types of projections; Alternatives without irrigation; Irrigation decline by 10-year intervals; Special situation: No government programs; Comments on procedure; Simulation model; Sensitivity of study to changes in budget estimates; Conclusions; Literature cited; Appendix ; Bulletin containing the results of a study into the declining availability of water for irrigation in Curry and Roosevelt counties in New Mexico, including projections on the economic impact of limited irrigation, and possible alternatives to crops and operations that require high levels of irrigation.