Diatom thanatocoenosis in a middle Galician Ría: Spatial patterns and their relationship to the seasonal diatom cycle in the water column and hydrographic conditions
13 páginas, 6 figuras, 1 tabla ; Modern diatom distribution patterns in the surface sediment of the Ferrol Ría and their relationship to the hydrography and diatom patterns in the water column were studied to determine the hydrographic influence on the record of these biogenic components. Diatom abundance in the water column was assessed for different oceanographic periods and compared with the biosiliceous sedimentary record. Very low abundances were found in the water column during the winter, whereas in spring and summer, diatoms proliferated. Chaetoceros spp. formed the bulk of the water column community during spring and summer, followed by Thalassionema nitzschioides and Rhizosolenia spp. Nitzschia longissima represented a significant portion of the winter assemblage, together with Paralia sulcata and benthic taxa. Leptocylindrus danicus, N. longissima and Skeletonema costatum characterized the autumn campaign, when stratification of the waters occurs, with L. danicus being especially abundant in the outer ría. Seasonal hydrographic and associated productivity patterns govern the abundance and assemblage of the diatoms preserved in surface sediments. Samples located in the inner ría area and its margins exhibited the highest abundances of diatoms, and were primarily dominated by benthic species. The freshwater group, crysophycean cysts and phytoliths were present in the landward stations influenced by river runoff. The middlería was characterized by P. sulcata and Thalassiosira spp., with minor occurrences of the benthic and freshwater group. Chaetoceros R.S., L. danicus R.S. and T. nitzschioides typified the outer ría, an assemblage that corresponds to nutrient-rich coastal areas of high productivity influenced by oceanic waters, demonstrating the impact of oceanic waters flowing into the embayment due to enhanced tidal mixing through the narrow channel. Therefore, sediment diatom assemblages reflect diatom production patterns in the water column of the Ría. However, we must proceed with caution when interpreting the paleorecord in the inner area due to the high contribution of allochthonous taxa, which is indicative of low water depths. This paper contributes to a better understanding of diatom thanatocoenosis in the Galician Rías, where very few studies of this kind have been done to date ; This work was supported by FEDER-CICYT under the project 'Biogeochemical Processes in the Ferrol Ría: Fertilization by Nutrients and Spatio- temporal Variation of Metals in the Sediment', ref. 1FD97-0479-C03-02. Patricia Bernárdez thanks the Spanish Government (FPU program) and Xunta de Galicia for financial support. ; Peer reviewed