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8 Ergebnisse
In: Public management: an international journal of research and theory, Band 1, Heft 4, S. 555-567
ISSN: 1470-1065
As the event management field expands, there has been an emergence of a distinctive 'events' policy field of study and a need for more advanced texts that look at this subject with a multidisciplinary research and theoretical orientation. Events Policy: From Theory to Strategy is the first text to embrace this new direction in the field of events management. Its main aim is to locate the phenomena of events (and festivity) within a theoretical and strategic framework and, in doing so, demonstrate the links between the development of events in policy-making and the theoretical exploration of the role of events as policy. Building on a strong coherent framework, the book explores the conceptual terrain in which events and festivities are located, evaluates the range of theoretical perspectives pertinent to the study of events policy, appraises the socio-economic and socio-cultural implications of event-led policies internationally and draws together the main theoretical and event policy issues for the future. It utilizes a good range of international cases, from Dubai, Singapore, New Orleans and Glasgow, to help demonstrate the relationships between theory and strategy, and includes useful features to help students understand the subject and deepen their knowledge of the events policy terrain. This groundbreaking volume will be essential reading for students, researchers and academics of events and other related disciplines.
In: Creating Public Value in Practice; Public Administration and Public Policy, S. 331-348
In: Equal opportunities international: EOI, Band 18, Heft 1, S. 8-18
ISSN: 1758-7093
Explores the changing relationship between work and leisure with particular reference to women's equality in economic and other activities through a review of the history of leisure opportunities since the industrial revolution; indicates the ways in which social and economic changes have had a major impact on women's leisure needs and activities. Focuses in particular on the provision of workplace fitness facilities, undertaking a survey of more than 200 companies across a number of industry sectors (the rationale for selection is outlined here) to discover the reasons behind such provision and the actual facilities provided; identifies the reasons behind provision as primarily commercial (e.g. being seen as an additional benefit to help recruit high quality employees) and notes that assessment of user group needs was not carried out, with the result that women's particular needs tended not to be taken into account, for example gyms (favoured by men) being more widely provided than space for aerobic exercise (favoured by women). Concludes that the findings strongly suggest that women remain unequal in their leisure as well as working lives.
In: World leisure journal: official journal of the World Leisure Organisation, Band 42, Heft 4, S. 14-23
ISSN: 2333-4509
In: Public management: an international journal of research and theory, Band 2, Heft 2, S. 263-271
ISSN: 1470-1065
Biblical scholars, theologians, and religious historians have largely ignored the issue of reparations. The time is now to engage with and make the case. Written for students, scholars, and pastors, the essays in Reparations and the Theological Disciplines emphatically advocate for a reparational ethic of remembrance, reckoning, and repair.