Cover -- Contents -- Preface -- Introduction -- 1 Sociology and Virtual Religion: Issues of Memory and Identity -- 2 Who Sees There? Tales of Character, Virtue and Trust -- 3 Visual Culture and the Virtual: The Internet and Religious Displays -- 4 To See or Not to See: The Plight of the Voyeur -- 5 Piety and Visual Culture: Seeking to See the Unseen -- 6 Dark into Light: A Sociological Navigation -- Notes and References -- Bibliography -- Index -- A -- B -- C -- D -- E -- F -- G -- H -- I -- J -- K -- L -- M -- N -- O -- P -- R -- S -- T -- U -- V -- W -- Y.
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Cover -- Contents -- Preface -- Introduction -- 1 Sociology and Theology: a Career in Misunderstanding -- 2 Liturgical Theology: Some Sociological Implications -- 3 Sociological Understandings of Liturgy: Some Aspects -- 4 Angels and Surplices: Appearing as Holy Becoming -- A Rumour of Angels: Sociological Amplifications of the Incredible -- Cleanliness and Godliness: The Issue of Whiter Than White Surplices -- Experiences of Misunderstanding the Issue of Innocence -- 5 Simulation and Dissimulation: Self-revealing Paradoxes -- Meaningful Limits to Impression Management -- Lies and Deception: Holy and Unholy Concealments of the Self -- Concealing as a Form of Revealing: A Defence of Virtuous Dissimulation -- 6 Holy and Unholy Rites: Lies and Mistakes in Liturgy -- Action and Structure: An Ambiguous Interconnection -- Dark and Dumb Ceremonies: Fibs in Forms of Rite -- Ritual Malapropoisms: Handling Liturgical Misadventures -- 7 Sacred and Profane Abasements: The Management of Esteem -- Deferential Gestures: The Art of Bowing -- The Art of Placing a Profane Grovel -- Sacred Bows and Unholy Deliveries -- 8 Altar Servers and Waiters: Serving in Worlds Apart -- Altar Serving: A Marginal Tradition -- An Unobtrusive Presence: The Art of Good Waiting -- Rules for Serving the Sacred in a Pious Manner -- 9 Liturgy as Ritual: Playing on Social Limits -- Liturgy as Ritual: Forms of Holy Openings -- Liminal Rites: Casting the Social to Limbo -- Awful Silence: The Real Absence in Sacred Rite -- 10 Action, Symbol, Text: Hermeneutics and Sociology -- Hermenuetics and Sociology: Horizons of Interest -- Holy Understandings: Hermeneutics and the Discovery of the Sacred -- Mirroring the Holy in Rite: The Beginning of a Hermeneutic Understanding -- 11 Apophatic Liturgy: Re-presenting the Absent in Rite -- Holy Games: Understanding Infinite Re-plays.
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This study into the role of social housing as essential infrastructure assessed evaluation tools and techniques needed to enable investment by government. Cost-benefit analyses and business case preparation provide a means to quantify productivity, while the broader range of societal outcomes also needs to be considered.
Growing numbers of voters across the country are demanding that governments, both state and federal, act decisively to ensure that more Australians have access to affordable, secure and suitable housing. While rising house prices benefit many, there is growing recognition that declining home ownership and a lack of suitable and affordable rental accommodation is bad for our community and, in the long run, bad for the economy.We are the first to acknowledge that housing markets are complex and that a long-term, coordinated approach involving all levels of government is required to address the housing crisis. However, this does not mean the Tasmanian government can sit on its hands and wait for the Commonwealth or other states to act. We urge the next Tasmanian government to lead by example and introduce evidence-based reforms that are likely to deliver longer term results, while encouraging other Australian governments to follow by introducing complementary measures.This report outlines the three areas of reform we believe are needed to improve housing outcomes in Tasmania: a phased-in overhaul of property taxation; planning and other regulatory reform; and strategic government spending (incentives and infrastructure).Included in this report is a summary of the Tasmania-relevant findings from a year-long national research project on pathways to state and local housing tax reform, which we recently undertook for the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI). Our analysis is based on new and sophisticated modelling of the market values and sales of the 8,593,202 residential properties in CoreLogic's national residential property database in 2016 (see the full report for detailed administrative and policy design recommendations).
Key points• In general, crisis and emergency responses are reportedly effectivein meeting the short-term needs of women and children, especiallynon-Indigenous women and children in major urban areas. However,this is not universal. Indigenous women and children in remoteand regional areas face acute shortages in housing support andculturally safe service.• Moving from short-term or transitional accommodation intopermanent, independent housing is very difficult, and sometimesunachievable, for women and children affected by domestic andfamily violence (DFV).• Specialist Homelessness Services (SHSs) and other human servicesare not able to compensate for the absence of affordable, suitablehousing across the housing system: the provision of such housingis not within their remit or control yet it is critical to allowing womenand children to flourish in the longer-term.• Social housing is valued by tenants, and investment to overcomecurrent undersupply could address problems with pathways topermanent housing.Executive summaryAHURI Final Report No. 339 Inquiry into integrated housing support for vulnerable families 2Executive summary• In social housing's currently marginalised state, tensions existbetween aspirations to support vulnerable groups and policiesrelating to tenancy management: in particular, the role of sociallandlords in relation to crime and anti-social behaviour.• Housing pathways are constrained by capacity and resource scarceconstraints within housing support systems. These constraintsappear to be more significant barriers to safe and sustainablehousing pathways than problems of integration between systems.• Other areas of government policy, such as the income supportsystem, exacerbate poverty and disadvantage and makere-establishing stable housing more difficult for women whohave experienced DFV.
This report examines the formal social housing pathways set out in policy and how these differ across jurisdictions. It uses a systems thinking approach to examine how actors, levers, feedback loops, incentives and disincentives influence formal social housing pathways. The discussion presents evidence from a comprehensive policy review, as well as data from interviews and a workshop with key stakeholders, including government representatives and community housing managers.
Considering social housing as infrastructure may improve investment in the sector, as well as increase transparency and efficiency in project appraisal and funding prioritisation. It explored different methods of calculating the benefits of social housing relative to cost, including the savings that might accrue in other areas of government expenditure. The research also modelled ways to best finance and fund social housing, revealing that a capital investment strategy supplemented by efficient financing is substantially more cost-effective than a commercially financed model reliant on an operating subsidy.
D. A. Fink et al.; 15 págs.; 17 figs.; 3 tabs.; Open Access funded by Creative Commons Atribution Licence 3.0 ; A Laser Ion Source and Trap (LIST) for a thick-target, isotope-separation on-line facility has been implemented at CERN ISOLDE for the production of pure, laser-ionized, radioactive ion beams. It offers two modes of operation, either as an ion guide, which performs similarly to the standard ISOLDE resonance ionization laser ion source (RILIS), or as a more selective ion source, where surface-ionized ions from the hot ion-source cavity are repelled by an electrode, while laser ionization is done within a radiofrequency quadrupole ion guide. The first physics application of the LIST enables the suppression of francium contamination in ion beams of neutron-rich polonium isotopes at ISOLDE by more than 1000 with a reduction in laser-ionization efficiency of only 20. Resonance ionization spectroscopy is performed directly inside the LIST device, allowing the study of the hyperfine structure and isotope shift of 217Po for the first time. Nuclear decay spectroscopy of 219Po is performed for the first time, revealing its half-life, α- to-β-decay branching ratio, and α-particle energy. This experiment demonstrates the applicability of the LIST at radioactive ion-beam facilities for the production and study of pure beams of exotic isotopes. Published by the American Physical Society ; This work was supported by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF, Germany) within the Wolfgang- Gentner programme as well as through the consecutive project fundings of 06Mz9181I, 06Mz7177D, and 05P12UMCIA, by FWO-Vlaanderen (Belgium), by GOA/2010/010 (BOF-KULeuven), by the IUAP-Belgian State Belgian Science Policy (BRIX network P7/12), by the U.K. Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), by the European Union within FP7 (ENSAR No. 262010), by the Slovak Research and Development Agency (Contract No. APVV-0105-10), by the Slovak grant agency VEGA, and the Reimei Foundation of JAEA (Contract No. 1/0576/13). T. E. C. was supported by STFC Ernest Rutherford Grant No. ST/J004189/1. ; Peer Reviewed