In a contractual relationship, each party who agrees to an agreement must carry out all the provisions contained in the agreement. If the contract made by the parties does not include a force majeure clause as the reason for the parties to postpone the performance, and what if the parties who make the contract do not include an epidemic of disease outbreaks as part of the force majeure situation, can the agreement be cancelled. The research method used is a normative research method. The approach method used in this research is the statutory approach and the conceptual approach. The determination of COVID-19 as a national disaster cannot be used as a reason for force majeure to occur. The existence of a causality or cause-and-effect relationship to the determination of COVID-19 as a national disaster on the implementation of the agreement is important to be studied to determine the force majeure situation, in relation to proving the element of "an unexpected thing causes the parties to be unable to carry out theirobligations". In determining the existence of a causal relationship, it is important to determine the extent to which the agreement cannot be implemented. Whether the achievements in the agreement can not be fulfilled as a whole or only partially. Keywords: Force Majeure, Agreement
AbstractThe number of foreigners who want to invest in Indonesia, especially Bali, require soil to achieve that purpose. The Indonesian government responded to the need foreigners to obtain land through Law No. 5 of 1960 About the Basic Regulation of Agrarian given the right to use a specific period. However, foreigners who want to invest in Indonesia wants the status of property rights. Because, property rights do not have a term. While the ownership rights of use are limited by time period, if the time limit runs out and he must be extended. Therefore, the WNA smuggling law through Nominee Agreement that is using the name of the citizen as a cover to gain ground on ownership status. How Provisions Regulation Legislation In the Set Tenure Land Rights in Indonesia against foreign citizens and legal consequences of Nominee Agreement made by the parties. This study was a normative law research by case approach and the approach legislation. Data used is secondary data through a study of the documents comprising the primary legal materials, secondary law and tertiary legal materials, then analyzed using descriptive analytical techniques. WNA research results in Indonesia may have rights to the land, namely the right to use in accordance with Article 42 of the BAL. The legal consequences of Nominee Agreement made by the parties is void because it violates the objective requirements nominee agreement that is because a lawful agreement to Article 1320 (4) Civil Code because Nominee Agreement violates the provisions of the law firm said that BAL should not be ownership of the land with property rights are controlled by foreigners. Keywords: nominee agreement, foreigners, smuggling law AbstrakBanyaknya WNA yang hendak berinvestasi di Indonesia, khususnya Bali, memerlukan tanah untuk mewujudkan maksud tersebut. Pemerintah Indonesia menanggapi keperluan WNA untuk mendapatkan tanah melalui Hak Pakai dengan jangka waktu tertentu. Namun orang asing yang ingin berinvestasi di Indonesia menghendaki dengan status hak milik. Karena, hak milik tidak mempunyai jangka waktu. Sedangkan hak pakai kepemilikannya dibatasi oleh jangka waktu, apabila batas waktunya habis maka haruslah diperpanjang. Oleh sebab itu pihak WNA melakukan penyelundupan hukum melalui Perjanjian Nominee yaitu menggunakan nama pihak WNI sebagai kedok untuk mendapatkan tanah dengan status hak milik. Bagaimana Ketentuan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan dalam Mengatur Penguasaan Hak Atas Tanah di Indonesia Terhadap Warga Negara Asing dan Akibat hukum dari Perjanjian Nominee yang dibuat oleh para pihak. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam jenis penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan kasus dan pendekatan undang-undang. Jenis data yang digunakan yaitu data sekunder melalui studi dokumen berupa bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder dan bahan hukum tersier, selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik deskriptif analitis. Hasil penelitian WNA di Indonesia dapat memiliki hak atas tanah yaitu dengan Hak Pakai sesuai dengan Pasal 42 UUPA. Akibat hukum dari Perjanjian Nominee yang dibuat oleh para pihak ialah Batal demi hukum karena Perjanjian nominee melanggar syarat obyektif perjanjian yaitu sebab yang halal dalam Pasal 1320 ayat (4) KUHPerdata karena Perjanjian Nominee melanggar ketentuan undang-undang yaitu UUPA yang tegas mengatakan tidak boleh kepemilikan tanah dengan Hak milik dikuasai oleh pihak WNA. Kata kunci : perjanjian nominee, warga negara asing, penyelundupan hukum
In Indonesia the cities have continously grown. However they varied in size. Some cities have the population above two million citizens, while some have below than fivehundred thousands. Some economic factors are hypothesized to influence such distribution. This study aims to test the rank-size rule (Zipf's law) and to find thedeterminants of size distribution of cities. The panel data method is employed to satisfy the objectives of study. All district and provincial level data are used for year 1995, 2000 and 2005. The pareto exponent shows that the rank-size rule does not matter in Indonesia.Level of agglomeration economies, local government expenditure and number of administrative city increases the concentration of size of cities. The labor force participation and region's openness affects the size of cities to be more equally distributed.Keywords: cities, rank-size rule, Zipf's law, pareto exponent, panel data