Environmental Management
In: Environmental Science, Engineering and Technology Ser.
Intro -- Contents -- Preface -- Chapter 1 -- A Study on Structure and Governance of Ecosystem Services of Bulgarian Farms -- Abstract -- Introduction -- 1. Methods and Data -- 2. Type and Amount of Farms' Ecosystem Services -- 3. Dominating Mechanisms of Management of Farms' Ecosystem Services -- 4. Private, Collective and Market Modes -- 5. Providing Outside Access to the Territory of the Farm -- 6. Efficiency and Importance of Farms' Ecosystem Services Provision -- 7. Factors in the Governance of Agro-Ecosystem Services -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 2 -- Reexamining Competitiveness of Bulgarian Farms -- Abstract -- Introduction -- Research Methodology -- The Level of Competitiveness of Bulgarian Farms -- Level of Competitiveness of Farms with Different Specializations -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 3 -- Distribution and Composition of Metallic Mining Solid Wastes in the Central Mexico Region, and the Need for Adequate Environmental Management -- Abstract -- Introduction -- The Importance of Mining in Mexico -- Mining Wastes -- Mine Tailing Deposits in Mexico -- Information Availability about Mine Tailing Deposits in Mexico -- Mexican Normativity relation to Mining Wastes -- Metallic Mining Production in Central México Region -- Metal Mines in the Central México Region -- Classification of Metal Mines in the Central México Region -- Status of Metal Mines in Central México Region -- Mine Tailing Deposits in the Central México Region -- Mine Tailing Amounts in the Central México Region -- Characterization of Mine Tailing in the Central México Region -- Conclusion -- References -- Biographical Sketch -- Chapter 4 -- Mining Waste Management Alternatives, Biological Monitoring and Bioremediation Strategies -- Abstract -- Introduction -- Mining Waste -- Impacts of Heavy Metals on the Environment and Human Health.