Alaska, the best salmon region
Article focusing on the protection of fish populations. Submitted to the Oregon Journal newspaper.
21 Ergebnisse
Article focusing on the protection of fish populations. Submitted to the Oregon Journal newspaper.
Article discussing length of hunting seasons for game birds, including ducks and band-tailed pigeons. Submitted to the Oregon Journal newspaper.
Manuscript campaigning for the federal government to aid in controlling the fish resources of the Sandy River. The author states that the Fish Commission and Game Commission cannot keep up with the demand of maintaining the fish runs. Document provides a condensed history of the river.
Manuscript that ponders how and if the Chinese starling would affect local bird populations. Originating from China, the birds have become well known residents of Vancouver B.C. The author comments on where the birds have been sighted.
Manuscript recalling when hunters and sportsmen attempted to prove that migratory regulations signed by President Roosevelt were unconstitutional. Two cases are mentioned, one from Kentucky involving Judge Ford, the second in Illinois with Judge Major. Both upheld the regulations.
Manuscript discusses the importance of forests and the reality that upkeep is costly and time consuming. Author advocates that the American government should finance this and praises the work being done by the Forest Service. The program took unemployed young men from metropolitan areas and placed them into service for the forests. Not only was this beneficial for the forests, but the author contends that the young men free of the bad influences of the city, made the government's investment sound.
Manuscript in which the author writes as if they are a disgruntled duck hunter. The character goes on to complain about how the laws from the federal and state governments have prevented hunters from being able to hunt as much as they please. The character goes on to lament about how the best shooting was during the winter because it was easier. The character longs for the good old days.
Manuscript describing the problem of pollutants being dumped into the Willamette River and later traveling to the Columbia River where pollution is killing the fish. The author asserts that individual sportsmen and anglers have to follow the pollution laws but companies are not being held to the same standard. The author also states that citizens of Portland were initially on board to install sewage systems but support vanished once it was realized that the funding would come from property owners and not the government.
Manuscript that delves into the game records for duck hunting, finding that the two states with the largest number of birds bagged were permitted to use bait. The author explains that the reason why there was such a concentration of birds in California and Illinois, is that they lie on the most naturally attractive waterways. Other states are mentioned, but the main focus is on California and Illinois. The document goes on to say that the practice of baiting creates an unfair advantage and those that do not bait tend to later follow after seeing the baiters' success. The federal government banned the use of bait in respects to duck hunting.
Manuscript that is composed of various manuscripts, with a focus on closing the waterfowl hunting season. The manuscripts concerning the waterfowl include creating legislation to close or limit the hunting season, the practice of baiting, and protecting waterfowl populations. A manuscript discussing russet-backed thrushes is included.
Manuscript that examines and advocates for the enforcement of legislation in regards to birds, wild life, and their native habitats.
Article discussing the establishment of wildlife refuges. Submitted to the Oregon Journal newspaper.
Article describing the decline of sockeye salmon in the Fraser River in Washington and a treaty that was formed between Canada and America. Submitted to the Oregon Journal newspaper.
Correspondence discussing Oregon and Washington legislation regarding the creation of an Oregon State Fish and Game Commission and Washington State Game Warden position. A second focus is the introduction of Senate Bill No. 701, adding a number of bird species to the list of injurious species of California, including grebes, pelicans, and cormorants.
Correspondence discussing William Finley's lectures for farmers' institutes in California, promoting the agricultural value of birds. Additional topics include a proposal for the federal protection of migratory birds and efforts to remove protection for meadowlarks in California.