18 Ergebnisse
Learning from the Metaheuristics: Protocols for Automated Negotiations
In: Group decision and negotiation, Band 24, Heft 2, S. 299-332
ISSN: 1572-9907
Grundlagen der Wirtschaftsinformatik
In: Physica-Lehrbuch
Weder Heim noch Familie?; Neither residential care home nor family?: Eine geschlechterkritische Analyse sozialpädagogischer Wohngemeinschaften in den 1970er-Jahren am Beispiel von Zürich und Innsbruck; A gender-critical analysis of socioeducational residential communities in the 1970s using the exam...
In: Soziale Passagen: Journal für Empirie und Theorie sozialer Arbeit
ISSN: 1867-0199
ZusammenfassungIn den 1970er-Jahren etablierten sich im deutschsprachigen Raum sozialpädagogische WGs (Wohngruppen, Wohngemeinschaften) als alternative Angebote der stationären Jugendhilfe. Ihre Entstehungsgeschichte und insbesondere deren geschlechterspezifische Implikationen, die sich bis heute als relevant erweisen, sind bislang kaum erforscht. Anhand zweier Fallbeispiele aus Zürich, Schweiz, und Innsbruck, Österreich, arbeitet die vorliegende Untersuchung heraus, wie in den zeitgenössischen Debatten um die neuen Unterbringungsformen sowohl Ideen von vergeschlechtlichter Familienähnlichkeit als auch familienkritische Ansätze verhandelt wurden. Dabei wird die Ausgestaltung der sozialpädagogischen WGs aus einer geschlechterkritischen Perspektive analysiert und mit Rückgriff auf das von Niederberger und Bühler-Niederberger entwickelte Konzept der Gesellungsformen eingeordnet. Hierbei zeigt sich ein differenziertes Bild: Einerseits lassen sich in den neuen Ansätzen der 1970er-Jahre neben den Gesellungsformen Familie und Organisation Spuren einer dritten Form, dem Kollektiv, nachweisen. Andererseits wird die damit einhergehende Möglichkeit veränderter Geschlechterverhältnisse durch deren Retraditionalisierung im Feld der stationären Jugendhilfe stark restringiert.
Erziehungsräumliche (Dis-)Kontinuitäten: Der Beitrag der Wissenschaft zur Reorganisation verräumlichter Formen sozialer Kontrolle in der Heimerziehung der 1970er Jahre am Beispiel Tirols
In: Soziale Probleme: Zeitschrift für soziale Probleme und soziale Kontrolle, Heft 1, S. 23-36
ISSN: 2364-3951
Am Beispiel Tirols untersucht der vorliegende Beitrag, basierend auf Archivrecherchen und Dokumentenanalysen, die Reorganisation verräumlichter Formen sozialer Kontrolle in der Heimerziehung der 1970er Jahre. Im Fokus steht dabei die Rolle wissenschaftlichen Wissens vor dem Hintergrund des zeitspezifischen Vertrauens in die Planbarkeit sozialer Vorgänge durch eine wissenschaftsaffine Sozialpolitik ebenso wie durch eine interventionsbereite Sozialforschung. Anhand einer spezifischen Quelle, deren strategische Bedeutung im Feld der Jugendwohlfahrt wir vorab skizzieren, wird der darin angelegte transformatorische Zugang nachgezeichnet und gezeigt, wie in diesem Kontext soziale Kontrolle als Verhaltenssteuerung und die Gruppe als Erziehungsraum rekonzeptualisiert werden.
Nachhaltigkeit des urbanen Gütertransports stärken: Kann ein Transition-Management-Ansatz elektrische Nutzfahrzeuge fördern?
In: Theorie und Praxis der Nachhaltigkeit; Innovation in der Nachhaltigkeitsforschung, S. 79-96
Creativity in an Affective Context: Reappraisal Inventiveness and Malevolent Creativity as Extensions of Creativity Research Toward More Real-World Creative Behavior
In: European psychologist, Band 27, Heft 3, S. 216-226
ISSN: 1878-531X
Abstract. Everyday life often requires considerable creativity in dealing with challenging circumstances. This implies that creativity regularly operates in an affective context, however, this "C" of creativity is rarely addressed in contemporary research. In this brief review article, we address some important milestones in this nascent field of research. Starting with early accounts on emotional creativity, we discuss seminal research intertwining creativity and mood states, and finally introduce two recent developments in this field: reappraisal inventiveness as the capacity to generate manifold cognitive reappraisals for aversive situations, and malevolent creativity as creative ideation intentionally used to damage others. We discuss the conceptual origins of reappraisal inventiveness and malevolent creativity and provide an extensive review of past behavioral and neuroscientific findings regarding these differently motivated instances of affective creativity. Additionally, novel pilot findings and prospects on both lines of research will be provided, which may help to advance investigations into more real-world applications of creative cognition.
"Spiritus contra Spiritum?": Spiritual Well-Being and Depression Among Male Alcohol Dependents in Treatment
In: Alcoholism treatment quarterly: the practitioner's quarterly for individual, group, and family therapy, Band 30, Heft 1, S. 67-77
ISSN: 1544-4538
An 18-year climatology of derechos in Germany
In: Natural hazards and earth system sciences: NHESS, Band 20, Heft 5, S. 1335-1351
ISSN: 1684-9981
Abstract. Derechos are high-impact convective wind events that can cause fatalities and widespread losses. In this study, 40 derechos affecting Germany between 1997 and 2014 are analyzed to estimate the derecho risk. Similar to the United States, Germany is affected by two derecho types. The first, called warm-season-type derechos, form in strong southwesterly 500 hPa flow downstream of western European troughs and account for 22 of the 40 derechos. They have a peak occurrence in June and July. Warm-season-type derechos frequently start in the afternoon and move either eastward along the Alpine forelands or northeastward across southern central Germany. Associated proximity soundings indicate strong 0–6 and 0–3 km vertical wind shear and a median of mixed-layer convective available potential energy (mixed-layer CAPE) around 500 J kg−1. The second derecho type, the cold-season-type derecho, forms in strong northwesterly 500 hPa flow, frequently in association with mid-tropospheric potential vorticity (PV) intrusions, and accounts for 18 of the 40 derechos. They are associated with a secondary peak from December to February. Cold-season-type derechos start over or close to the North Sea and primarily affect northern and central Germany; their start time is not strongly related to the peak of diurnal heating. Proximity soundings indicate high-shear–low-CAPE environments. A total of 15 warm-season-type and 9 cold-season-type derechos had wind gusts reaching 33 m s−1 in at least three locations. Although warm-season derechos are more frequent, the path length of cold-season-type derechos is on average 1.4 times longer. Thus, these two types of German derechos are likely to have similar impacts.
Ecological Momentary Assessment of Creative Ideation: Measuring Creative Potential in an Everyday Life Context
In: European psychologist, Band 27, Heft 3, S. 177-190
ISSN: 1878-531X
Abstract. Creative ideas in daily life show substantial variation in quality. Yet, most studies investigate the creative ideation process in highly controlled laboratory contexts, which challenges the ecological validity of creativity research findings. In this article, we advocate the use of ambulatory assessments of creative ideation to gain deeper insight into the variability of ideation processes (between- and within-subjects) in everyday life. We demonstrate this approach by the example of the ambulatory battery of creativity (ABC), which constitutes a reliable and valid approach to assess divergent thinking ability in the verbal and figural domain in everyday life context. Furthermore, it differentiates between-person and within-person variation of creative ideation performance. The first part of this paper will shortly describe the general approach using ABC as an example. In the second part, we use the 7 C's heuristic to explore applications and implications of this novel method for creativity research. We focus on four C's with special relevance for ambulatory assessment: Creator, Creating, Context, and Curricula. To this end, we review the findings of strongly controlled laboratory studies and discuss and illustrate applications of the ambulatory assessment. We conclude that the assessment of creative ideation performance in the field might help move the spotlight of creative ideation research from the laboratory to more naturalistic settings. This would increase the ecological validity of creative ideation research and facilitate fresh or unprecedented perspectives on past and future questions on a person's creative potential and its moment-to-moment fluctuation.
Meteorological causes of the catastrophic rains of October/November 2019 in equatorial Africa
The rains of October and November 2019 brought disaster to much of equatorial Africa. In East Africa tremendous rains triggered flooding and landslides in Kenya, causing over 100 deaths and the displacement of some 18,000 people. The situation was exacerbated by an unprecedented locust plague made possible by the intense rains. Floods in the Democratic Republic of the Congo displaced some 40,000 people. The level of the Mono River jumped a meter in four days, producing floods that affected some 50,000 residents of Benin and Togo. This article places the October and November 2019 rainfall extremes in historic context and analyzes the juxtaposition of forcings required to explain these unprecedented hydro-climatic extremes in equatorial Africa. The meteorological factors considered include the Dipole Mode Index, zonal winds over the central Indian Ocean, the Walker circulation, moisture flux and divergence, ENSO and tropical sea-surface temperatures in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, and zonal circulation. The Dipole Mode Index reached record levels and anomalously high values persisted for five months. This was clearly a major factor in eastern Africa. The impact there was enhanced by increased moisture flux from the Indian Ocean and a marked reduction of the descending branch of the Indian Ocean Walker cell, which strongly controls October–November rainfall. The factors in other regions included extremely warm SSTs in the tropical eastern Atlantic Ocean, the Walker circulation, anomalous moisture flux and flux divergence, and changes in the zonal winds.
Chancen für alle: Entwicklung und Verbreitung der Investmentfonds-Idee ; dieses Werk wird herausgegeben aus Anlass des Ausscheidens des langjährigen Hauptgeschäftsführers des BVI, Dr. Manfred Laux
Operations research proceedings 2016: selected papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg, Germany, August 30 - September 2, 2016
In: Operations research proceedings
A new and flexible rainy season definition: Validation for the Greater Horn of Africa and application to rainfall trends
In: Seregina, Larisa S., Fink, Andreas H. orcid:0000-0002-5840-2120 , van der Linden, Roderick orcid:0000-0002-7364-323X , Elagib, Nadir A. and Pinto, Joaquim G. (2019). A new and flexible rainy season definition: Validation for the Greater Horn of Africa and application to rainfall trends. Int. J. Climatol., 39 (2). S. 989 - 1013. HOBOKEN: WILEY. ISSN 1097-0088
Previous studies on observed or projected rainfall trends for the Greater Horn of Africa (GHA) generally focus on calendric 3-month periods, and thus partly neglect the complexity of rainfall seasonality in this topographically heterogeneous region. This study introduces a novel and flexible methodology to identify the rainfall seasonality, the onset, cessation and duration of the rainy seasons and the associated uncertainties from rainfall time series. The definition is applied to the Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Stations (CHIRPS) satellite product and an extensive rain gauge data set. A strong agreement with known seasonal dynamics in the region and the commonly used calendric rainy seasons is demonstrated. Compared to the latter definition, a clear added value is found for the new approach as it captures the local rainfall features (associated with, for example, the sea breeze), thus facilitating evaluations across rainfall seasonality borders. While previously known trends are qualitatively confirmed, trends are amplified in some regions using the flexible definition method. Notably, a drying trend in Tanzania and Democratic Republic of Congo and a wetting trend in central Sudan and parts of eastern Ethiopia and Kenya can be detected. The trends are regionally associated with changes in rainy season cessation. CHIRPS and station trend patterns are consistent over larger regions of the GHA, but differ in regions with known rainfall contributions from warmer cloud tops. Discrepancies are found in coastal and topographically complex areas, and regions with an unstable seasonality of rainfall. As expected, CHIRPS shows spatially more homogeneous trends compared to station data. The more precise definition of the rainy season facilitates the assessment of rainfall characteristics like intensity, rainfall amounts or temporal shifts of rainy seasons. This novel methodology could also provide a more adequate calibration of climate model simulations thus potentially enabling more realistic climate change projections for the GHA.