Változás-vezetés; Change Leadership
In: Metszetek: társadalomtudományi folyóirat = Cross-Sections : social science journal, Band 6, Heft 4, S. 5-21
ISSN: 2063-6415
Today, researchers and practitioners also interested in the questions of successful leadership oforganizations as well as efficient and effective change management. In our paper, we combinethese two areas of research and in the form of a literature review examine what kind of leadershipstyle, role, behaviour is needed to successfully convert organizations through change processes.We emphasise the behaviour aspects of change implementation. After defining the concepts thatare most relevant to our topic, we first collect models and research findings from the literatureon change management, which deal with how to lead changes, and then explore the approachesassociated with organizational changes from the leadership literature. Finally, we try to drawconclusions that according to the research we have studied, what are the characteristics ofsuccessful change leadership.