Design of a molecular nanocommunications system with suitable adressing and routing mechanisms ; Projeto de um sistema de nanocomunicações moleculares com mecanismos adequados de endereçamento e encaminhamento
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Comunicações ; Nanotechnology is a new and very promising area of research which will allow several new applications to be created in several fields, such as, biological, medical, environmental, military, agricultural, industrial and consumer goods. Although there are several sub-areas of research within the nanotechnology area, the main sub-areas in which the developed work was based were on target nanocommunications. The advances in this area will allow interconnected devices, at the nano-scale, to achieve collaborative tasks which will greatly change the paradigm in the fields described. In spite of this area of research being in its early stages and the various inherit challenges, there are several researches around the world that are contributing for the advances in different sub-areas, which translate in several small advances in the last years. This trend will enable nanocommunications applications to be a reality in a near future, which in turn motivates new researchers to embark on this area. Determined to learn more about this fascinating area, help the research community design and implement new concepts that can influence the path of this new research area, and the knowledge that advances in this area provides a huge impact, changing the paradigm in different fields, were the main motivations that influenced the pursue of the area of research. During the research and study phase, several new concepts were learned, namely, a completely new paradigm which establish communication through molecules, i.e., molecular communication. This new communication paradigm will open a window for several applications to be possible, thus all work performed aimed at this area specifically. After giving molecular communications a thorough research and studying all related concepts, the main challenges in this research area were targeted and solutions to solve them started to be planned. In this document a description of all the work done is presented, in which a ...