Decent work: An aim for all made by all
In: International journal of social sciences: IJoSS, Band IV, Heft 3, S. 30-42
ISSN: 1804-980X
7 Ergebnisse
In: International journal of social sciences: IJoSS, Band IV, Heft 3, S. 30-42
ISSN: 1804-980X
Structured Abstract Purpose: this article systemizes the main historical milestones which led to the current concept of decent work and presents some implications for business. Approach: after presenting the scenario which gives a special meaning and importance to decent work, the historical landmarks are systematized until the definition of the Decent Work Agenda. Findings: Decent work is a concept that has evolved since the ILO Foundation in 1919 and had several important steps throughout its development: Philadelphia Declaration in 1944, ILO constitution update in 1946, Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, Human Development Report, first edition in 1990, World Summit for Social Development in 1995, ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work in 1998, World Economic Forum in 1999, Global Compact in 2000, United Nations Millennium Declaration in 2000, ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization in 2008, Global Jobs Compact in 2009, and inclusion in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Throughout this development we can witness the refinement and operationalization of the concept, its institutionalization and its spread at political level, at least as an intention. Practical implications: the business area is a privileged forum to turn policies into practices and some examples are provided. Value: although decent work emerged in a very different social and economic scenario from the present time, it is claimed to be even more topical and relevant for the development of business and society today.
In: International labour review, Band 157, Heft 2, S. 243-265
ISSN: 1564-913X
AbstractThis research develops a Decent Work Questionnaire (DWQ) to measure workers' perceptions of decent work. Current measurements of decent work are almost completely lacking at the individual worker level of analysis, and this study contributes to filling the gap. The authors designed their DWQ based on the substantive elements used by the ILO in its Decent Work Agenda, with the final 31‐item version of the DWQ yielding seven factors related to decent work. Showing good reliability coefficient values and good convergent and discriminant validity, this DWQ could open up new avenues for empirical studies on the concept of decent work.
In: Revue internationale du travail, Band 157, Heft 2, S. 275-299
ISSN: 1564-9121
RésuméLes auteurs cherchent à élaborer un outil de mesure du travail décent reposant sur un questionnaire inédit axé sur les perceptions des travailleurs. Les items proposés se fondent sur les «éléments fondamentaux» du travail décent selon l'OIT. Une première version de soixante‐douze items est administrée sur deux grands échantillons au Portugal et au Brésil. Les analyses factorielles exploratoire et confirmatoire menées sur cette base permettent d'isoler sept facteurs spécifiques et un facteur global du travail décent. Avec de bons coefficients de fiabilité et une bonne validité convergente et discriminante, le questionnaire proposé ouvre la voie à de nouvelles études empiriques dans le domaine.
In: Revista internacional del trabajo, Band 137, Heft 2, S. 265-290
ISSN: 1564-9148
ResumenSe propone un Cuestionario del Trabajo Decente como herramienta de medición basada en las percepciones de los trabajadores, cubriendo así un vacío de investigación: el análisis a escala individual. Los autores parten de los elementos fundamentales del Programa de Trabajo Decente de la OIT. La versión definitiva del cuestionario comprende 31 enunciados vinculados, mediante análisis factorial, a siete factores. Las pruebas de fiabilidad, validez convergente y validez discriminante arrojan buenos valores, por lo que el cuestionario podría abrir nuevas vías de investigación empírica sobre la base del concepto de trabajo decente.
In: International labour review
ISSN: 0020-7780
In: International labour review, S. 21
ISSN: 1564-913X