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47 Ergebnisse
In: Critical issues in crime and society
In: Critical Issues in Crime and Society Ser
In November 1999, fifty-thousand anti-globalization activists converged on Seattle to shut down the World Trade Organization's Ministerial Meeting. Using innovative and network-based strategies, the protesters left police flummoxed, desperately searching for ways to control the emerging anti-corporate globalization movement. Faced with these network-based tactics, law enforcement agencies transformed their policing and social control mechanisms to manage this new threat. Policing Dissent provides a firsthand account of the changing nature of control efforts employed by law enforcement agencies
In: Mobilization: the international quarterly review of social movement research, Band 13, Heft 1, S. 122-123
ISSN: 1086-671X
In: Convergencia: revista de ciencias sociales, Band 17, Heft 52, S. 63-78
ISSN: 1405-1435
En este articulo se presentan dos comedias de santos donde los protagonistas son sastres. El primer texto, Santo y sastre de Tirso de Molina es bastante conocido y ha recibido cierta atencion critica. El segundo, El lego de Alcala de Luis Velez de Guevara se pudo quiza inspirar en el primero como respuesta para atacar al mercedario, enemigo literario y politico de Velez. ; Article sur deux comedias de santos ou les protagonistes sont des tailleurs. Le premier texte, Santo y sastre de Tirso de Molina, assez connu des spécialistes aurait pu inspirer le deuxième, El lego de Alcala de Luis Vélez de Guevara. J'avance dans l'article que le deuxième auteur aurait écrit sa pièce en réponse à la première pour attaquer Tirso de Molina, son ennemi littéraire et politique.
En este articulo se presentan dos comedias de santos donde los protagonistas son sastres. El primer texto, Santo y sastre de Tirso de Molina es bastante conocido y ha recibido cierta atencion critica. El segundo, El lego de Alcala de Luis Velez de Guevara se pudo quiza inspirar en el primero como respuesta para atacar al mercedario, enemigo literario y politico de Velez. ; Article sur deux comedias de santos ou les protagonistes sont des tailleurs. Le premier texte, Santo y sastre de Tirso de Molina, assez connu des spécialistes aurait pu inspirer le deuxième, El lego de Alcala de Luis Vélez de Guevara. J'avance dans l'article que le deuxième auteur aurait écrit sa pièce en réponse à la première pour attaquer Tirso de Molina, son ennemi littéraire et politique.
In: The Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, Band 21, Heft 2, S. 302-305
As a response to Raj S. Chari (2005) on Ramiro's original paper, the Communist Party of Spain (PCE) & the United Left (IU) show that internal & environmental factors are crucial in political success. The crisis of the PCE & IU is clearly demonstrated in its declining nationwide electoral results in the last decade. A deeper look at strained relations within the party show that the internal functionality of the party has diminished with low participation, weak finances, & poor channels of communication. The root of communisms' lack of political popularity stems from the inability of the PCE and IU to correctly adapt their strategies to the political environment in the 1990s. Although the PCE controlled the IU between 1986-2000, the ties between the communist parties are weakening, clearly seen in the inability for the PCE & IU to come to any policy agreements in the past three party conferences. Altering, but not dismantling, fundamentals of these communist parties did not result in political success in Spain. Across Europe, other communists parties have undergone different identity changes and strategy to remain politically relevant. 1 Reference. G. Chen
In: South European society & politics, Band 10, Heft 2, S. 207-223
ISSN: 1743-9612
In: South European society & politics, Band 10, Heft 2, S. 207-224
ISSN: 1360-8746
In: The Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, Band 20, Heft 2, S. 1-29
In the past two decades, West European communist parties have gone through a period of crisis & transformation. The importance of the challenges they have been facing has forced these parties to decide about matters related to the very nature of their organizations. The case of the Communist Party of Spain (PCE) responds to this logic of party crisis & subsequent choices made with the goal of reviving the party. During the past two decades the PCE has experienced important changes in its organization & strategy, mainly a consequence of leadership decisions to pursue electoral advantage rather than ideological goals, after identifying an electoral space to the Left of the Socialist Party & sponsoring the creation of the United Left (IU) to fill that space. 5 Tables. Adapted from the source document.
Analyzes the political & organizational dimensions of the evolution of the Communist Party of Spain (PCE) & United Left (IU) by examining PCE & IU behavior between 1986 & 2000. The organizational scope focuses on formation & development strategy & the political scope examines the strategies taken towards the PSOE, their main electoral competitor, & towards CC OO, their traditional union ally. Factors that affected the strategies of PCE & IU, mainly the influence of electoral competition & internal organizational dynamics, are identified. Adapted from the source document.
In: Cuban studies: Estudios cubanos, Band 25, S. 27
ISSN: 0361-4441
In: Nationalism and ethnic politics, Band 1, Heft 1, S. 11-32
ISSN: 1353-7113
The political & spatial reorganization brought about by the progressive consolidation of the Spanish Estado de las Autonomias (State of Autonomies) is in line with a model of multiple ethnoterritorial concurrence, which relates sociopolitical substate ethnic mobilizations to the competitive interplay among Spanish regions & nationalities pursuing political & economic power, as well as the achievement of legitimation for their institutional development. Ten axioms, premises, principles, & rules are identified as being mainly responsible for setting the conceptual boundaries of the type of plural competition & solidarity put into play in contemporary decentralized Spain. 2 Tables, 2 Figures. Adapted from the source document.
In: Nationalism and ethnic politics, Band 1, Heft 4, S. 143-145
ISSN: 1353-7113
In: New West Indian guide: NWIG = Nieuwe west-indische gids, Band 67, Heft 1-2, S. 47-67
ISSN: 2213-4360
Comparative study of the mid-19th-c. world market sugar pressures in Cuba and Puerto Rico. Both colonies responded differently to these pressures, a reflection of divergent levels of capital resources and adaptability. The Cubans sought to expand sugar production, while planters in Puerto Rico fell victim to stagnation and decline.