25 Ergebnisse
Mutual Vulnerability
In: Anthropological quarterly: AQ, Band 75, Heft 1, S. 152-154
ISSN: 1534-1518
Patrolling the Border: Experiments in Poetics
In: American anthropologist: AA, Band 98, Heft 4, S. 853-856
ISSN: 1548-1433
The Poetics of Mind: Figurative Thought, Language and Understanding. Raymond W. Gibbs Jr. Dancing with the Devil: Society and Cultural Poetics in Mexican‐American South Texas. José E. Limón. Madison
Spielerisch und planvoll: Zur Theorie der Tropen in der Anthropologie
In: Historische Anthropologie: Kultur, Gesellschaft, Alltag, Band 2, Heft 1, S. 1-19
ISSN: 2194-4032
Culture and transcendent humanization On the "dynamic of the categorical"*
In: Ethnos, Band 59, Heft 3-4, S. 143-167
ISSN: 1469-588X
General/Theoretical Anthropology: Anthropology through the Looking‐Glass: Critical Ethnography in the Margins of Europe. Michael Herzfeld
In: American anthropologist: AA, Band 92, Heft 1, S. 254-255
ISSN: 1548-1433
General/Theoretical Anthropology: Man's Glassy Essence: Explorations in Semiotic Anthropology. Milton Singer
In: American anthropologist: AA, Band 88, Heft 3, S. 768-769
ISSN: 1548-1433
General, Applied and Theoretical: Meditations on Hunting. JOSé ORTEGA Y GASSET. Translated and with preface by Howard B. Wescott
In: American anthropologist: AA, Band 76, Heft 4, S. 868-869
ISSN: 1548-1433
Religion: Schism and Renewal in Africa: An Analysis of Six Thousand Contemporary Religious Movements. DAVID B. BARRETT
In: American anthropologist: AA, Band 75, Heft 6, S. 1872-1874
ISSN: 1548-1433
Le Renard Pâle: Tome I. Le Mythe cosmogonique, Fascicule I: la Création du monde MARCEL GRIAULE and GERMAINE DLETEBLEN
In: American anthropologist: AA, Band 69, Heft 5, S. 527-528
ISSN: 1548-1433
Symbolic Consensus in a Fang Reformative Cult1
In: American anthropologist: AA, Band 67, Heft 4, S. 902-929
ISSN: 1548-1433
African Religious Movements—Types and Dynamics
In: The journal of modern African studies: a quarterly survey of politics, economics & related topics in contemporary Africa, Band 2, Heft 4, S. 531-549
ISSN: 1469-7777
For those who follow African events closely it is the phenomenon of nationalism which attracts greatest attention. It was a rising sense of national identity which threw off the colonial yoke, and this ongoing creation and exaltation of culture and society at the national level can either foster or frustrate the creation of viable political units. We are therefore obliged to keep abreast of African nationalism if we are to understand the course of events and forecast the shape of things to come in this developing continent.
Beyond Metaphor: The Theory of Tropes in Anthropology
In: Man: the journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Band 28, Heft 1, S. 178
Persuasions and Performances: The Play of Tropes in Culture
In: Man: the journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Band 23, Heft 1, S. 182
Bwiti: An Ethnography of the Religious Imagination in Africa
In: Man: the journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Band 18, Heft 4, S. 795