The Relation of CUN-BAE Index with Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference in Adults Aged 50 to 85 Years: The MCC-Spain Study
Backgound: Traditional anthropometrics such as body mass index (BMI) or waist circumference (WC) do not fully capture the complex biology of body fat (BF) in the elderly. The Clinica Universidad de Navarra-Body Adiposity Estimator (CUN-BAE) index, based on BMI, is proposed as a better indicator of BF. However, its relation with BMI is not clear. The aim was to compare the agreement between CUN-BAE, BMI, and WC in those aged 50 years. Methods: A cross-sectional sample of 3153 Caucasian healthy adults was taken from the MCC-Spain study. The Pearson's correlation and its 95% confidence interval (CI), adiposity distribution, and Kappa Index (95%CI) were calculated. Results: The correlation of CUN-BAE with WC is 0.18 (95%CI 0.14–0.21) and that with BMI is moderate (r 0.58; 95%CI 0.55–0.60), but both increased strongly by sex. Agreement (normal weight/overweight/obesity) of CUN-BAE with BMI is 7% and with WC is 18%. Conclusions: The correlation and the degree of agreement of CUN-BAE with BMI and WC are low in individuals aged over 50, but it is higher by sex. Thus, this different criterion of obesity may have clinical applications. More studies with a gold standard are needed to evaluate the CUN-BAE in elderly adults. ; The study was partially funded by the "Accion Transversal del Cancer", approved by the Spanish MinistryCouncil on 11 October 2007, by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III-FEDER, Spanish Government (PI08/1770, PI08/0533,PI08/1359, PI09/00773-Cantabria, PI09/01286-León, PI09/01903-Valencia, PI09/02078-Huelva, PI09/01662-Granada,PI11/01403, PI11/01889-FEDER, PI11/00226, PI11/01810, PI11/02213, PI12/00488, PI12/00265, PI12/01270, PI12/00715,PI12/00150, PI14/01219, PI14/0613), by the Fundación Marqués de Valdecilla (API 10/09), by the ICGC InternationalCancer Genome Consortium CLL (The ICGC CLL-Genome Project is funded by Spanish Ministerio de Economía yCompetitividad (MINECO) through the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) and Red Temática de Investigación delCáncer (RTICC) del ISCIII (RD12/0036/0036)), by the Junta de Castilla y León (LE22A10-2), by the Consejería de Saludof the Junta de Andalucía (2009-S0143), by the Conselleria de Sanitat of the Generalitat Valenciana (AP_061/10), bythe Recercaixa (2010ACUP 00310), by the Regional Government of the Basque Country, by the Consejería de Sanidadde la Región de Murcia, by the European Commission grants FOOD-CT-2006-036224-HIWATE, by the SpanishAssociation Against Cancer (AECC) Scientific Foundation, by the Catalan Government DURSI grant 2014SGR647,by the Fundación Caja de Ahorros de Asturias, and by the University of Oviedo. Veronica Dávila-Batista:predoctoral contract financed by the Junta de Castilla y Leon and the European Social Fund (EDU/1083/2013), andshe also obtained a CIBERESP grant for a stay in an international research centre