7 Ergebnisse
Study: pangasius effect frozen fish fillet imports in European Union
The entry of Pangasius into the E.U. market changed the equilibrium for imported frozen fish fillets. Pangasius is displacing traditional species like cod and hake. In a study, the largest levels of cointegration among species and exporting countries were found in a group including the five top non-European exporters of fish fillets to the E.U. Exports from the U.S. and Russia showed the highest level of significance in the interaction of their prices with those from Vietnam.
Retail concentration in spanish seafood industry
The seafood production sector in Spain is adapting to face the challenges of increasing retail market concentration. Supermarket chains and other retailers are imposing various requirements on suppliers. In a review of government data on seafood sales and prices, the authors found the salmon sector is totally involved in retail concentration. Seabass and sea bream are between identification as products of mass consumption or niche products. Trout and turbot are more traditional species not affected by competition across retail outlets.
Competition across fish species in E.U
In Europe, most frozen white fish fillets operate in an undifferentiated market. Although differences in quality and processing affect pricing, there is also competition across species and exporting countries. Analysis showed that prices for tilapia from the leading exporter China were not affected by any competitor, but pricing for tilapia from other countries was highly related. Low Pangasius prices affected the market share of tilapia, which may help explain why Pangasius is a most popular fish in the European Union.
Analysis of seabream and seabass consumption in the mediterranean countries of the European Union. ; Analyse de la consommation de bar et de daurade dans les pays méditerranéens de l' Union
ABSTRACT. The overall objective of this study is to analyse the situation of the seabream and seabass market, in order to provide relevant information for designing sustainable development strategies. It is divided into two parts: the first is an aggregated study about the factors affecting consumption in the Mediterranean countries of the European Union, which concentrated 79.5% of the consumption of these species in 2005. The second part is more specific and studies the influence that awareness and attitude towards aquaculture has on consumption patterns and valuation of the species, factors that are to be taken into account when designing specific strategies for each market. This latter part is confined to the Spanish market, and therefore results cannot be extrapolated to others, but they may serve as reference given that Spain accounts for 18.6% of total seabream and seabass consumption in the European Union. ; RÉSUMÉ. L' objectif global de cette étude est d' analyser la situation du marché du bar et de la daurade, afin de fournir une information utile pour la mise au point de stratégies de développement durable. Elle est divisée en deux parties : la première est constituée par une étude agrégée sur les facteurs qui influencent la consommation dans les pays méditerranéens de l Union Européenne, qui ont concentré 79,5% de la consommation de ces espèces en 2005. La seconde partie est plus spécifique et examine l' influence que la sensibilisation et l' attitude vis-à-vis de l 'aquaculture présentent sur les tendances de connsommation et d 'appréciation de ces espèces, facteurs qui entrent en ligne de compte pour la conception de stratégies spécifiques à chaque marché. Cette dernière partie se limite au marché espagnol, et par conséquent les résultats ne peuvent pas être extrapolés à d 'autres marchés, mais ils peuvent toutefois servir de référence étant donné que l' Espagne représente 18,6% de la consommation totale de bar et de daurade au sein de l' Union Européenne.
Assessment of the economic performance of the seabream and seabass aquaculture industry in the European Union
Production of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) and European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) is the second most important aquaculture industry in the European Union in value terms. During the last 10 years, the industry has experienced a process of industry concentration with the aim to overcome efficiency and profitability issues. However, the economic performance of the companies is still in general rather poor. The present work analyzes the economic performance of EU seabream and seabass companies in the period 2008?2016. The work is the first study to analyze companies? profitability in the EU as a whole, by country and company size, using economic and financial data extracted from companies? annual accounts. Based on the results, the study discusses the improvement of production and business profitability in recent years and the different factors that may have caused it, as well as the challenges and threats that seabream and seabass companies will have to face in order to achieve economic sustainability. ; This research was undertaken under the MedAID project, which has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement no 727315 (
The decline of mussel aquaculture in the European Union: causes, economic impacts and opportunities
ABSTRATC: In contrast to the increasing aquaculture production of mussels worldwide, production in the European Union (EU) has shown a decreasing trend over the last two decades. Aquaculture production of mussels in the EU peaked in the late 1990s at more than 600 000 tonnes; by 2016, production volume had dropped by 20% to 480 000 tonnes. As mussel production represents more than 1/3 of EU aquaculture production, this decrease is an important contributor to the stagnation of EU aquaculture. Previous studies have suggested diseases, lack of mussel seed (spat), and low profitability as the main causes of the EU mussel production decrease. In this study, we investigate how economic and environmental factors have contributed. Moreover, we examine if the different mussel production techniques (raft, longline, on-bottom, and "bouchot") have been differently affected, by analysing the economic performance and cost structure evolution for the period 2010-2016. We complement these results with a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis of the EU mussel sector based on expert knowledge.