The increase of the social concern for educative results with international comparison of the National Educational Systems performance has had an effect of the mediate diffusion of PISA reports among OCDE country members. In some of them, the poor global results obtained has shocked the public opinion that has started to look for political responsibilities of what is perceived as a progressive deterioration of the Educational System quality. This is what has happened in Spain where the publication of these reports has coincide with the diffusion of other comparative analysis of educational indicators among the 27 members of the European Union. Because of this there are voices strongly claiming for a large State Agreement on Educational Policy among the big parliamentary forces, social agents( unions and business men) and the different sectors of the educational community ( managers, teaching staff, families and students), to strengthen education and improve its results.
Phenomena such as the growth or massification and democratization of access to higher education are at the basis of the new role that universities playin developed societies. In this new function, the university definitively ceasesto havea monopoly on research and the academic body ceases to pivot in a balanced way between the traditional functions of research and teaching (gher & Savage, 2020), to fragment into different ways of exercising the profession with different weights for the various functions. Both the loss of the monopoly of research and the need for alliances with the productive sector, as well as the transformation in the vision of the training of professionals (Bourke, 2019), the rise of privatization and theemergence of new institutional formats of Higher Education, have generated the need to increase the processes of accountability to society (Latif et al, 2019) and, therefore, to implement accreditation and evaluation mechanisms based on standards. In this paper we will analyze three of the logics that have been linked to institutional evaluation: accountability, compliance with requirements and improvement. Through these logics, a culture of quality is externally imposed in universities that tends towards excellence and moves internal processes (Pulido, 2005): (a) of resistance or bureaucratization; (b) of adjustment and implementation; (c) or of appropriation and improvement. It is in this third case, in which the teaching action is modeled, strengthening the emergence of novel professional features and functions. All this occurs in a non-uniform manner depending on the nature of each institution concerned and on the stage of professional development of the teacher, his or her expectations, training, and the life cycle of each teacher. ; Fenómenos como el crecimiento o masificación y la democratización de acceso a la Educación Superior están en la base de la nueva función que las universidades juegan para las sociedades desarrolladas. En esta nueva función la universidad deja de poseer ...
En la Universidad del Siglo XXI, la función de liderazgo está en la base de los procesos de surgimiento, mantenimiento e institucionalización de una nueva cultura de la calidad (Fernández Cruz, 2015). En este contexto, las universidades han creado unas Unidades de Calidad como responsables de los procesos de acreditación, seguimiento y renovación de títulos que deben actuar como verdaderos impulsores de unas acciones de mejora para las que resulta indispensable la puesta en marcha de procesos de evaluación y seguimiento que exigen el ejercicio de un liderazgo que fomente una cultura de calidad que impregne el quehacer diario de la institución. Los nuevos Títulos de Grado establecidos dentro del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior demandan una serie de actuaciones que deben ser ejecutadas por los llamados Coordinadores de Grado como responsables de la coordinación de los equipos docentes. Además de lo anterior, el proceso de internacionalización que conlleva el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior supone el desarrollo de estrategias de liderazgo a nivel interno, que se han traducido hacia el exterior en un fuerte liderazgo institucional (Cleveland-Innes, 2012; Juárez- Casalengua, 2015), y en un impulso y liderazgo político e institucional de la UE. Por otra parte, y dado que la mayoría de los trabajos de investigación sobre liderazgo se han centrado tradicionalmente en los cargos directivos, hemos querido abordar desde una óptica alternativa la función de liderazgo que ejercen los estudiantes universitarios mediante los diferentes cargos de representación que desempeñan. Finalmente, dedicamos un apartado al estudio de la importancia que tiene la formación en liderazgo en los planes de estudio de los futuros maestros, comprobando qué ante la carencia de una formación suficiente, los maestros buscan su preparación en el ejercicio del liderazgo fuera de su formación inicial: a través de cursos de formación continua o incluso de Másteres. ; In the 21st century university, the leadership function is at the base of the processes of emergence, maintenance and institutionalization of a new culture of quality (Fernández Cruz, 2015). In this context, the universities have created Quality Units to facilitate the process of accreditation, monitoring and renewal official degrees. This units must act as real drivers of improvement for which it is essential implement assessment and monitoring procedures that require a leadership that foster a culture quality in the daily activities of the institution. The new official degrees established under European Higher Education Area demand a series of actions that must be carried out by the so-called Degree Coordinators as responsible for the coordination of the teaching teams. In addition to the above, the internationalization that entails the European Higher Education Area implies the development of internal leadership strategies that have been turned into strong institutional leadership (Cleveland-Innes, 2012; Juárez- Casalengua, 2015), and in an impetus and political and institutional leadership of the EU. On the other hand, as most of the research on leadership has traditionally focused on managerial positions, we have wanted to approach from an alternative perspective the leadership function exercised by university students through the different representation positions they perform. Finally, we devote a section to the study of the importance of leadership training in the studies 'plans of future teachers, proving that in the absence of enough training, teachers seek their preparation in the exercise of leadership outside of their training Initial: through continuous training courses or even Masters.
En la Universidad del Siglo XXI, la función de liderazgo está en la base de los procesos de surgimiento, mantenimiento e institucionalización de una nueva cultura de la calidad (Fernández Cruz, 2015). En este contexto, las universidades han creado unas Unidades de Calidad como responsables de los procesos de acreditación, seguimiento y renovación de títulos que deben actuar como verdaderos impulsores de unas acciones de mejora para las que resulta indispensable la puesta en marcha de procesos de evaluación y seguimiento que exigen el ejercicio de un liderazgo que fomente una cultura de calidad que impregne el quehacer diario de la institución. Los nuevos Títulos de Grado establecidos dentro del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior demandan una serie de actuaciones que deben ser ejecutadas por los llamados Coordinadores de Grado como responsables de la coordinación de los equipos docentes. Además de lo anterior, el proceso de internacionalización que conlleva el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior supone el desarrollo de estrategias de liderazgo a nivel interno, que se han traducido hacia el exterior en un fuerte liderazgo institucional (Cleveland-Innes, 2012; Juárez- Casalengua, 2015), y en un impulso y liderazgo político e institucional de la UE. ; In the 21st century university, the leadership function is at the base of the processes of emergence, maintenance and institutionalization of a new culture of quality (Fernández Cruz, 2015). In this context, the universities have created Quality Units to facilitate the process of accreditation, monitoring and renewal official degrees. This units must act as real drivers of improvement for which it is essential implement assessment and monitoring procedures that require a leadership that foster a culture quality in the daily activities of the institution. The new official degrees established under European Higher Education Area demand a series of actions that must be carried out by the so-called Degree Coordinators as responsible for the coordination of the teaching teams. In addition to the above, the internationalization that entails the European Higher Education Area implies the development of internal leadership strategies that have been turned into strong institutional leadership (Cleveland-Innes, 2012; Juárez-Casalengua, 2015), and in an impetus and political and institutional leadership of the EU. On the other hand, as most of the research on leadership has traditionally focused on managerial positions, we have wanted to approach from an alternative perspective the leadership function exercised by university students through the different representation positions they perform.
Background: In a situation of compulsory home isolation enacted by governments at the spreading of the Covid-19 pandemic, the emotional health and well-being of students became a key factor in the successful implementation of distance teaching methodologies in face-to-face education universities. Psychological well-being, an essential factor in preventing academic failure, has been threatened in this serious situation of unprecedented and stressful isolation. The aim of this study is to analyze the students' cognitive-emotional regulation as well as their beliefs and perceptions about the pandemic and this lockdown situation. With this extensive study we are carrying out, want to describe the extent to which the lockdown situation is a risk factor, and, in the future, make proposals for preventive and palliative actions, if necessary, to minimize this potential risk. Method: We applied the CERQ Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire by means of an online application together with a questionnaire, CC/covid-19, of objective description and subjective perception of the lockdown situation of the students, their conditions to study, general opinions about the pandemic and specific opinions about the real possibilities of implementing online education in the middle of the academic year at the university. 1910 valid responses from more than 80 universities in 13 different Spanish-speaking countries were obtained and submitted to descriptive analysis and modeling using structural equations. Results: Most of them consider that the lockdown decision is correct, that health systems are not prepared to deal with the pandemic, and that although the universities have adequate means, the teaching staff is not competent to implement online teaching methodologies. They have a good perception of the conditions of isolation, however, the time devoted to studying has not increased. One of the results of our study is the students' self-evaluation about their digital competence and their capacity to perform in online interactive communication. This is key to rejecting a feeling of loneliness or social isolation, even if there is momentary physical separation with friends and classmates which is consistent with the results of emotional well-being the surveyed students present. The cognitive strategies used by the students surveyed have allowed them coping with events arising from the pandemic, mandatory isolation and university closure, certainly adaptive and functional, while maintaining a positive perception of their new living and learning situation. ; FEDER/Junta de AndaluciaConsejeria de Economia y Conocimiento/Proyecto B-SEJ-516-UGR18