The " brain drain" - an imperialist policy
In: International affairs: a Russian journal of world politics, diplomacy and international relations, Heft 11, S. 60-67
ISSN: 0130-9641
326 Ergebnisse
In: International affairs: a Russian journal of world politics, diplomacy and international relations, Heft 11, S. 60-67
ISSN: 0130-9641
World Affairs Online
In: Lomonosov Economics Journal, Heft 5, 2024, S. 132-152
Dynamic development of scientific and technological progress is a factor in changing the views of scientists regarding objects, processes and phenomena characteristic of an organization, which gives rise to new interpretations of the concepts of economic categories and the emergence of new scientific trends. In 1970-2023, the number of approaches and interpretations of the concept of "productive potential" increased. Initially the category was considered only from the position of an industrial enterprise, but now the concept can take into account not only industry aspects, but also multilevel — enterprise, industry, economy as a whole. It should be noted that there is no common understanding of the structure and main elements of the production potential of an agricultural organization. Today, the view of production processes in the agricultural sector is constructively changing and the reason for this is the scale of market saturation with multi-format digital technologies, which predetermined the need for this study. The purpose of the study was to reveal the transforming approaches to the concept of "production potential", the change in its structure and composition over a number of years, as well as the current impact on this process of digitalization of agriculture. The findings can serve as a justification of the approach to the generation of production potential of an agricultural organization from the position of implementing digital innovations and creating its digital ecosystem, which will make it possible to carry out a technological upgrade and increase competitive advantages.
In: Social sciences: a quarterly journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Band 54, Heft 3, S. 81-94
In: Journal of Eurasian studies, Band 14, Heft 2, S. 89-91
ISSN: 1879-3673
In: Charles University in Prague Faculty of Law Research Paper No. I/3, 2023
In: The soviet and post-soviet review, Band 50, Heft 2, S. 253-255
ISSN: 1876-3324
In: Problemy dalnego vostoka, Heft 6, S. 167
In the summer of 1953, the small village of Yukamura in Okayama Prefecture, Japan, became a major archeological site. The excavation of the Tsuki-no-wa tomb (created in late 4th — early 5th century) was initiated by the local residents with no professional training in archeology. The project became one of the most ambitious and successful endeavors of the People's History Movement (kokumin-teki rekishigaku undo) led by the Marxist historians in early 1950s in Japan. The "memory" of the excavation has been meticulously documented in scientific papers, tourist pamphlets, individual memoirs, as well as in the film. A short documentary, The Tsuki-no-wa Tomb (1954), was created at the behest of the people involved in the project. While the film was favorably received by the critics, the Minister of Education refused to grant it with an official "recommendation." Today the short documentary is considered a symbol of the political and cultural mainstream, which adheres to the ideas of social equality and democracy, the importance of a scientific approach, the concept of the "monoethnic" origins of Japan, and the symbolic status of the emperor. In this paper, the paradoxical role of the Japanese leftists in supporting the dominant worldview is examined though the study of The Tsuki-no-wa Tomb. Through analyzing the cinematic text, as well as the history of its production and reception, we come to a better understanding of the ideological and organizational underpinnings of the People's History Movement, illuminating the film's role in the development of historical science and documentary filmmaking in postwar Japan.
The article presents the relationships between the architecture of military hospitals and the changes that have taken place in the organization of hostilities, the attitude towards the army and the soldier, as well as the development of medical technologies. The case of military hospitals highlights the way architecture reflects many insights about the importance and value of each functional element in architectural design and facade solutions. Several of the crucial factors determining the change in the architecture of military hospitals were the shift in the ideology of war and the role of the soldier, the transformation of dominant views concerning medicine and hygiene, and the development of military equipment and weapons. A military hospital has several characteristics specific to this type, which include the closure of the system, the uneven nature of the incoming flow of casualties, and the specific community which makes a military hospital a machine for returning combatants to service. Through the changes in the architecture of military hospitals, it is possible to see the development of medicine, the change in the role of the soldier, the doctor, the division into the classes of "soldiers" and "officers, " military and civil, the attitude to discipline and the organization of treatment, and the development of military technologies. The timeline of the study covers a period of 313 years, during which the architecture of the hospitals has undergone five major changes corresponding to five temporal stages explicated by this paper. Materials for the study include field diaries and notes, historical references, archival materials, books and articles on Russian history, military history and medicine, as well as interviews with military doctors, historians, and gunsmiths. © 2020 National Research University Higher School of Economics.
In: Technology Transfer: Innovative Solutions in Social Sciences and Humanities, 3, 77–79. doi:
In: Baltic accent, Band 11, Heft 2, S. 47-57
In his novels, Dostoevsky refers to the Pushkin text to describe characters. For Dostoevsky, Pushkin is an ethical and aesthetic touchstone; the writer's voice is consonant with that of the poet's persona. In some cases, the Pushkin text is embedded in religious discourse (the parable of the prodigal son). In interpreting the Pushkin text, Dostoevsky's characters present and disclose themselves. The 'dreamer' from 'White Nights' invokes the Pushkin text to convey the values of his own. In her peculiar account of the 'poor knight' ballad, Aglaya is transforming religious discourse into aesthetic and mundane. Pushkin's St Petersburg text, whose sign is wet snow, creates the space in which contradiction-ridden Hermann (The Queen of Spades) and Dostoevsky's paradoxalists develop. The Pushkin code in Dostoevsky's texts is what the images of characters are built on. It is a text-producing and plot-building technique and an element of literary discourse, of author-reader interactions. These techniques are used by Vladimir Nabokov in Despair and "The Visit to the Museum".
Izmail Old Believers Diocese is one of the oldest Old Believers dioceses. Its foundation dates back to 1857 when the territory of Bessarabia was a part of Principality of Moldavia. The diocese was quite unusual because due to its geopolitical position it was a part of different states. Because of that fact, there were problems with its subordination, since in 1881 Bila Tserkva Metropolitanate and Moscow Archdiocese signed an agreement on the division of parishes and dioceses according to which those located in Russia were subordinated to the Moscow Archbishop, and foreign – to the Metropolitan of Bila Tserkva. Of course, no one wanted to let someone else have their dioceses and parishes. The first two bishops of Izmail were called archbishops, the third – Anastasii was a bishop. In 1906, after the death of bishop Anastasii, the diocese was taken over by Archbishop John of Moscow. The attempts of Old Believers of the widowed Izmail Diocese to restore the functioning of an independent cathedra headed by its own bishop during 1906-1919 are analyzed in the paper on the basis of documents collected in the Russian State Archives of Ancient Acts, most of which are being put into scientific circulation for the first time. Almost every year they sent a request to the Local Council of Old Believers Bishops to appoint their own bishop, even offered candidacies of well-known Old Believers figures Arsenii Uralskyi, Inokentii Nyzhegorodskyi, Oleksii Bohatenkov, Mykhailo Semenov, etc. In their opinion, those authoritative persons could enlighten the region, establish an economic part in abandoned communities, but all attempts were in vain. Usually, they received the answer that the Council was looking for a candidate. In 1907, Izmail cathedra was given for the temporary governing of the former non-Encyclical Petro Bessarabskyi. They tried to explain such a decision by the affairs of peace and close unity of the former non-Encyclicals with Encyclicals. However, the diocese could not accept Petro's governing. When he took the vows of scheme in 1910, Izmail Diocese was again given to the former non-Encyclical Bishop Kyrylo of Odesa and Balta. If from the beginning of his governing the representatives of Izmail Diocese still asked the Local Council to appoint their own bishop, then from 1914 they had already reconciled with Bishop Kyrylo, besides the political situation (World WarI, the Revolution) did not help to resolve the issue. The revival of the independent Izmail Diocese took place only after the transition of Bessarabia to Romania in 1918. On October27, 1919, Bishop Feohen was appointed to Izmail Old Believers cathedra by Metropolitan Macarii of Bila Tserkva. ; У статті розглянута історія Ізмаїльської старообрядницької єпархії в 1906-1919рр. В цей період вона припинила існувати як самостійна єпархія, опинилася під тимчасовим управлінням різних єпископів – спочатку Іоанна Московського, потім колишніх неокружників Петра Бессарабського та Кирила Одеського і Балтського. Це викликало занепокоєння місцевих старообрядців, які майже щорічно подавали прохання Освяченому Собору старообрядницьких єпископів поставити їм власного єпископа, навіть пропонували кандидатури – Арсенія Уральського, Інокентія Нижегородського, Олексія Богатенкова, Михайла Семенова тощо, але безрезультатно. Відродження самостійної Ізмаїльської єпархії сталося лише після переходу Бессарабії до Румунії.
In: Technology transfer: innovative solutions in Social Sciences and Humanities, S. 77-79
The reorientation of the modern school to the conditions of partnership, cooperation, interaction, equality and systematicity in the educational process leads to the development of key and subject competencies that become important and decisive values of the New Ukrainian School. Each child is a unique, independent, creative person, endowed with abilities and opportunities, the development of which should be supported and increased by both the family and the school. The famous Ukrainian teacher, academician O. Savchenko, in the pedagogy of partnership of the New Ukrainian School, determined the principles of social partnership. In her opinion, the constructive model of interaction between the family and the school, on the one hand, provides for productive and responsible models of behavior between family, children and teachers, combining respect, trust, dialogue, volunteerism, equality and responsibility, and on the other hand provides opportunities for improving the educational process, educational activities and systematic work on the study of subject competencies. A means of creating a new educational environment is the formation of the subject competencies of younger pupils in the process of studying the "Design and Technology" course. Four-year students of the Faculty of Psychology and Education, majoring in primary education, were actively involved in the system work, they actively prepared, organized, and conducted a lesson on the subject of "Making viburnum twigs using quilling technique". The most effective and interesting forms for parents, children, and teachers turned out to be forms that demonstrated their attitude to their own children, expressed a desire to help, and provided a developing environment during the lesson. The experience of primary school teachers shows that the implementation of the partnership principle, as of now the problem is relevant and timely for primary education, the family and the New Ukrainian School as a whole.
In: Public Administration and Regional Development, Heft 3, S. 162-177
В статті розкрито змістовне навантаження понять «безпека», «безпека життєдіяльності», «цивільний контроль». Проаналізовано види безпеки та встановлено, що виокремлюють такі види безпеки: безпеку людини; національну безпеку, що складається з державної безпеки, безпеки політичної, економічної, воєнної, технологічної, екологічної, гуманітарної, демографічної, інформаційної, банківської, продовольчої, енергетичної тощо; безпеку життєдіяльності, складовими якої є: безпека праці, безпека військової служби, громадська безпека, безпека харчових продуктів, безпека особиста та ін. Показано що безпека являє собою досить суперечливий, довгостроковий феномен політичної сфери суспільного життя. Наголошено що специфіка політичного розвитку ставить питання про наростання проблем захисту національних інтересів, що вимагає не механічного нарощування зусиль в тому чи іншому загрозливому напрямку, а переосмислення засад функціонування системи забезпечення національної безпеки.
Здійснено огляд нормативно-правових актів, що регулюють питання забезпечення безпеки в державі, суспільстві і безпеки громадянина. З'ясовано складові, які забезпечують умови безпечного середовища для населення України.
The article is devoted to the problem of censorship of the media landscape, which characterizes the power relations in any of their forms and is manifested through power authority. The latter organizes the media landscape in acceptable forms, exercising control, imposing restrictions and prohibitions. The author justifies the position about the socio-political and ambivalent nature of censorship, shows that the adaptation of censorship to the task of retaining and retaining power is one of the moments of its evolution as a state institution.