The purpose of the work is to identify the features of modern political ideologies associated with digital technological transformations. The remythologizing approach and L. Althusser's refined approach to ideology are used as a methodological lens. Digital technology corporations are considered as specific intellectual ideological devices that form the conditions for digital transformations of most modern political ideologies. It was discovered that such a polyvalent phenomenon as the ideologization of the meme is becoming important in these changes. An analysis of cybercommunism, cyberlibertarianism, cyberanarchism, cyberfascism and neoreactionism led to the conclusion that the digital environment contributes to the remythologization of political consciousness, in which more flexible mythological constructs, rather than strict ideological dogmas, become popular. On the one hand, the key features of modern political ideologies that are changing under the influence of digital technological transformations are revealed, on the other hand, their similarity with classical ideological constructs is revealed. It is shown that all these ideologies consider digital media and technologies as tools for qualitative socio-political transformations in the future.
The purpose of this article is to identify the risks, threats, and challenges associated with possible social changes in the processes of digitalization of society and transformations of traditional communication practices, which is associated with the emergence of new digital subjects of mass public communication that form the pseudo structure of digital interaction of people. The primary tasks of the work were to identify the potential of artificial intelligence technologies and neural networks in the field of social and political communications, as well as to analyze the features of "smart" communications in terms of their subjectness. As a methodological optics, the work used the method of discourse analysis of scientific research devoted to the implementation and application of artificial intelligence technologies and self-learning neural networks in the processes of social and political digitalization, as well as the method of critical analysis of current communication practices in the socio-political sphere. At the same time, when analyzing the current digitalization practices, the case study method was used. The authors substantiate the thesis that introducing technological solutions based on artificial intelligence algorithms and self-learning neural networks into contemporary processes of socio-political communication creates the potential for a wide range of challenges, threats, and risks, the key of which is the problem of identifying the actual subjects of digital communication acts. The article also discusses the problem of increasing the manipulative potential of "smart" communications, for which the authors used the concepts of cyber simulacrum and information capsule developed by them. The paper shows that artificial intelligence and self-learning neural network algorithms, being increasingly widely introduced into the current practice of contemporary digital communications, form a high potential for information and communication impact on the mass consciousness from technological solutions that no longer require control by operators – humans. As a result, conditions arise to form a hybrid socio-technical reality – a communication reality of a new type with mixed subjectness. The paper also concludes that in the current practices of social interactions in the digital space, a person faces a new phenomenon – interfaceization, within which self-communication stimulates the universalization and standardization of digital behavior, creating, disseminating, strengthening, and imposing special digital rituals. In the article, the authors suggest that digital rituals blur the line between the activity of digital avatars based on artificial intelligence and the activity of actual people, resulting in the potential for a person to lose his own subjectness in the digital communications space.
All-Russian online conference with international participation was held at Moscow Region State University. The conference agenda was determined by the need to uncover attempts to falsify the history of the Second World War and to revise its outcomes. Through the participation of specialists in the field of political science and history, the conference had an interdisciplinary character. The article presents the event analytical review in the context of assessing the scientific and political relevance of the issues raised at the conference. The speakers' practical proposals to counteract falsification of history are presented in general terms.
The purpose of this article is to identify the risks, threats, and challenges associated with possible social changes in the processes of digitalization of society and transformations of traditional communication practices, which is associated with the emergence of new digital subjects of mass public communication that form the pseudo structure of digital interaction of people. The primary tasks of the work were to identify the potential of artificial intelligence technologies and neural networks in the field of social and political communications, as well as to analyze the features of "smart" communications in terms of their subjectness. As a methodological optics, the work used the method of discourse analysis of scientific research devoted to the implementation and application of artificial intelligence technologies and self-learning neural networks in the processes of social and political digitalization, as well as the method of critical analysis of current communication practices in the socio-political sphere. At the same time, when analyzing the current digitalization practices, the case study method was used. The authors substantiate the thesis that introducing technological solutions based on artificial intelligence algorithms and self-learning neural networks into contemporary processes of socio-political communication creates the potential for a wide range of challenges, threats, and risks, the key of which is the problem of identifying the actual subjects of digital communication acts. The article also discusses the problem of increasing the manipulative potential of "smart" communications, for which the authors used the concepts of cyber simulacrum and information capsule developed by them. The paper shows that artificial intelligence and self-learning neural network algorithms, being increasingly widely introduced into the current practice of contemporary digital communications, form a high potential for information and communication impact on the mass consciousness from technological solutions that no longer require control by operators – humans. As a result, conditions arise to form a hybrid socio-technical reality – a communication reality of a new type with mixed subjectness. The paper also concludes that in the current practices of social interactions in the digital space, a person faces a new phenomenon – interfaceization, within which self-communication stimulates the universalization and standardization of digital behavior, creating, disseminating, strengthening, and imposing special digital rituals. In the article, the authors suggest that digital rituals blur the line between the activity of digital avatars based on artificial intelligence and the activity of actual people, resulting in the potential for a person to lose his own subjectness in the digital communications space. ; Celem niniejszego artykułu jest identyfikacja ryzyk, zagrożeń i wyzwań związanych z możliwymi zmianami społecznymi w procesach cyfryzacji społeczeństwa oraz przekształceniami tradycyjnych praktyk komunikacyjnych, co wiąże się z pojawieniem się nowych cyfrowych podmiotów masowej komunikacji publicznej tworzących pseudostrukturę cyfrowej interakcji pomiędzy ludźmi. Podstawowymi zadaniami pracy była identyfikacja potencjału technologii sztucznej inteligencji i sieci neuronowych w obszarze komunikacji społecznej i politycznej, a także analiza cech komunikacji "inteligentnej" pod kątem jej podmiotowości. Jako optykę metodologiczną w pracy wykorzystano metodę analizy dyskursu badań naukowych poświęconych wdrożeniu i zastosowaniu technologii sztucznej inteligencji oraz samouczących się sieci neuronowych w procesach cyfryzacji społecznej i politycznej, a także metodę krytycznej analizy aktualnych praktyk komunikacyjnych w sferze społeczno-politycznej. Jednocześnie przy analizie aktualnych praktyk digitalizacyjnych zastosowano metodę studium przypadku. Autorzy uzasadniają tezę, że wprowadzenie do współczesnych procesów komunikacji społeczno-politycznej rozwiązań technologicznych opartych na algorytmach sztucznej inteligencji i samouczących się sieciach neuronowych stwarza potencjał dla szerokiego wachlarza wyzwań, zagrożeń i ryzyka, których kluczem jest problem identyfikacji rzeczywistych podmiotów aktów komunikacji cyfrowej. W artykule omówiono również problem zwiększenia potencjału manipulacyjnego "inteligentnej" komunikacji, do czego autorzy wykorzystali opracowane przez siebie koncepcje cyber simulacrum i kapsuły informacyjnej. Artykuł pokazuje, że sztuczna inteligencja i samouczące się algorytmy sieci neuronowych, coraz szerzej wprowadzane do obecnej praktyki współczesnej komunikacji cyfrowej, stwarzają duży potencjał oddziaływania informacyjno-komunikacyjnego na świadomość masową z rozwiązań technologicznych, które nie wymagają już kontroli przez operatorów – ludzi. W efekcie powstają warunki do uformowania hybrydowej rzeczywistości społeczno-technicznej – rzeczywistości komunikacyjnej nowego typu o mieszanej podmiotowości. W artykule stwierdzono również, że w obecnych praktykach interakcji społecznych w przestrzeni cyfrowej człowiek staje przed nowym zjawiskiem – interfaceization, w ramach którego autokomunikacja stymuluje uniwersalizację i standaryzację zachowań cyfrowych, tworzenie, rozpowszechnianie, wzmacnianie i narzucanie szczególnego cyfrowego rytuału. W artykule autorzy sugerują, że cyfrowe rytuały zacierają granicę między aktywnością cyfrowych awatarów opartych na sztucznej inteligencji a aktywnością rzeczywistych ludzi, co skutkuje możliwością utraty przez człowieka własnej podmiotowości w cyfrowej przestrzeni komunikacyjnej.
The purpose of this article is to identify the risks, threats, and challenges associated with possible social changes in the processes of digitalization of society and transformations of traditional communication practices, which is associated with the emergence of new digital subjects of mass public communication that form the pseudo structure of digital interaction of people. The primary tasks of the work were to identify the potential of artificial intelligence technologies and neural networks in the field of social and political communications, as well as to analyze the features of "smart" communications in terms of their subjectness. As a methodological optics, the work used the method of discourse analysis of scientific research devoted to the implementation and application of artificial intelligence technologies and self-learning neural networks in the processes of social and political digitalization, as well as the method of critical analysis of current communication practices in the socio-political sphere. At the same time, when analyzing the current digitalization practices, the case study method was used. The authors substantiate the thesis that introducing technological solutions based on artificial intelligence algorithms and self-learning neural networks into contemporary processes of socio-political communication creates the potential for a wide range of challenges, threats, and risks, the key of which is the problem of identifying the actual subjects of digital communication acts. The article also discusses the problem of increasing the manipulative potential of "smart" communications, for which the authors used the concepts of cyber simulacrum and information capsule developed by them. The paper shows that artificial intelligence and self-learning neural network algorithms, being increasingly widely introduced into the current practice of contemporary digital communications, form a high potential for information and communication impact on the mass consciousness from technological solutions that no longer require control by operators – humans. As a result, conditions arise to form a hybrid socio-technical reality – a communication reality of a new type with mixed subjectness. The paper also concludes that in the current practices of social interactions in the digital space, a person faces a new phenomenon – interfaceization, within which self-communication stimulates the universalization and standardization of digital behavior, creating, disseminating, strengthening, and imposing special digital rituals. In the article, the authors suggest that digital rituals blur the line between the activity of digital avatars based on artificial intelligence and the activity of actual people, resulting in the potential for a person to lose his own subjectness in the digital communications space. ; Celem niniejszego artykułu jest identyfikacja ryzyk, zagrożeń i wyzwań związanych z możliwymi zmianami społecznymi w procesach cyfryzacji społeczeństwa oraz przekształceniami tradycyjnych praktyk komunikacyjnych, co wiąże się z pojawieniem się nowych cyfrowych podmiotów masowej komunikacji publicznej tworzących pseudostrukturę cyfrowej interakcji pomiędzy ludźmi. Podstawowymi zadaniami pracy była identyfikacja potencjału technologii sztucznej inteligencji i sieci neuronowych w obszarze komunikacji społecznej i politycznej, a także analiza cech komunikacji "inteligentnej" pod kątem jej podmiotowości. Jako optykę metodologiczną w pracy wykorzystano metodę analizy dyskursu badań naukowych poświęconych wdrożeniu i zastosowaniu technologii sztucznej inteligencji oraz samouczących się sieci neuronowych w procesach cyfryzacji społecznej i politycznej, a także metodę krytycznej analizy aktualnych praktyk komunikacyjnych w sferze społeczno-politycznej. Jednocześnie przy analizie aktualnych praktyk digitalizacyjnych zastosowano metodę studium przypadku. Autorzy uzasadniają tezę, że wprowadzenie do współczesnych procesów komunikacji społeczno-politycznej rozwiązań technologicznych opartych na algorytmach sztucznej inteligencji i samouczących się sieciach neuronowych stwarza potencjał dla szerokiego wachlarza wyzwań, zagrożeń i ryzyka, których kluczem jest problem identyfikacji rzeczywistych podmiotów aktów komunikacji cyfrowej. W artykule omówiono również problem zwiększenia potencjału manipulacyjnego "inteligentnej" komunikacji, do czego autorzy wykorzystali opracowane przez siebie koncepcje cyber simulacrum i kapsuły informacyjnej. Artykuł pokazuje, że sztuczna inteligencja i samouczące się algorytmy sieci neuronowych, coraz szerzej wprowadzane do obecnej praktyki współczesnej komunikacji cyfrowej, stwarzają duży potencjał oddziaływania informacyjno-komunikacyjnego na świadomość masową z rozwiązań technologicznych, które nie wymagają już kontroli przez operatorów – ludzi. W efekcie powstają warunki do uformowania hybrydowej rzeczywistości społeczno-technicznej – rzeczywistości komunikacyjnej nowego typu o mieszanej podmiotowości. W artykule stwierdzono również, że w obecnych praktykach interakcji społecznych w przestrzeni cyfrowej człowiek staje przed nowym zjawiskiem – interfaceization, w ramach którego autokomunikacja stymuluje uniwersalizację i standaryzację zachowań cyfrowych, tworzenie, rozpowszechnianie, wzmacnianie i narzucanie szczególnego cyfrowego rytuału. W artykule autorzy sugerują, że cyfrowe rytuały zacierają granicę między aktywnością cyfrowych awatarów opartych na sztucznej inteligencji a aktywnością rzeczywistych ludzi, co skutkuje możliwością utraty przez człowieka własnej podmiotowości w cyfrowej przestrzeni komunikacyjnej.
This study aims to determine the extent of the substantive nature of the dependence of contemporary state sovereignty on technological development in the field of artificial intelligence and neural network technologies, as well as to identify new socio-political challenges to Russia's state sovereignty in the context of global digital technological transformations. As a methodological lens, the method of critical discourse analysis of thematic academic studies was chosen, as well as the method of expert interviews. This made it possible to more deeply reveal the substantive features of influence of artificial intelligence technologies and neural network algorithms' development processes on the contemporary state sovereignty parameters. Based on the results of the study, by the aggregation of the results obtained, the authors concluded that a whole range of challenges to the sovereignty of the contemporary state related to technological development in the digital sphere has formed, as well as there is the high influence of digital technological development processes on the state sovereignty of Russia. The main challenge for our country is the thesis that a state unable to create independent and competitive technologies, products, and solutions in the digital sphere will inevitably be in direct technological dependence on other states, which directly affects the ability to provide its own sovereignty and independence.
In: Vestnik Rossijskogo universiteta družby narodov: RUDN journal of political science. Serija Politologija = Political science, Band 25, Heft 1, S. 113-133
Global technological transformations of key areas of life of contemporary society, the formation and active functioning of global and national digital institutions that influence current socio-political processes, and the digitalization of social relations form a demand for comprehensive scientific research on the processes of digital influence on the development and functioning of modern social systems. This article is aimed at considering the problem of the relationship between digital and worldview aspects of the functioning of modern societies. In connection with this, the research issue was to determine the degree and nature of the influence of digitalization processes, as well as directly the digital environment and institutions on the content aspects of the individual's worldview. This research question is directly related to the study of the phenomenon of public consent in the context of the formation of digital polymentality. To answer the research question posed in the paper, the authors conducted a discourse analysis of the existing scientific literature on the relationship between digitalization and worldview in the pro et contra logic. An international expert study was also conducted, which made it possible to identify the main expert positions on the study, as well as the key risks, threats, and challenges in the field of preserving the traditional worldview and achieving public consent based on the unity of value-semantic and worldview ideas of individuals. The main conclusion of the paper is the fundamental ambiguity of the positions of scientists and experts, justified by the results of the study, in assessing the degree and nature of the influence of digitalization, the digital environment and institutions on the content parameters of the worldview of a modern person, as well as the ambiguity of the value-semantic attitudes formed and maintained in the digital environment.
The article is devoted to the analysis of patterns and factors in the formation of historical ideas of Russian students about the Great Patriotic War under the influence of the information environment. The key components of the information space are considered as factors that have a sustainable impact on the content and structure of the historical memory of young Russian citizens. The basis of empirical data was the materials of three sociological studies conducted by the authors during 2021-2022.
This article is devoted to identifying the features of the formation and transformation of the worldview and its key components in the context of the intensive development of the modern digital communication environment. In this regard, the paper puts forward a research hypothesis that the digital information and communication environment, as well as digital communication technologies, mechanics, affordances and algorithms, are not value-neutral and have the potential to influence the content aspects of the worldview of individuals. To confirm this hypothesis, the authors carried out a discourse analysis of modern research on this issue, as well as an international expert study with the aggregation and analysis of the results. The article defines and discusses the peculiarities of the influence of digital tools on the mass perceptions of users of the digital environment about objective reality, as well as on traditional worldview and value-semantic models. Based on the results of the study, a conclusion was drawn about the high level of value coloring and the significant impact of the digital information and communication environment, as well as digital communication technologies, mechanics, affordances, and algorithms on the modern worldview of individuals. It is concluded that the modern space of digital communications has acquired an independent ontological status, which, in the context of a significant drop in the volume of direct experience of the interaction of individuals with reality, is the foundation for intensive replacement of traditional ways of understanding the world and of the formation of worldview ideas through real social interaction with digital, maximally virtualized ways of understanding the world. The authors also conclude that high speed and intensity, seeming randomness and multidirectionality, as well as the high dynamics of the structure of digital communications, determine the crisis of the value-semantic and worldview self-identification of a modern person.
The main purpose of the article was the analysis of experts' ideas about the digital space of modern politics. The authors put forward a hypothesis about the formation of an independent ontological space of modern digital politics, which has its own principles of functioning. The intensive introduction of digital technologies into the modern practice of socio-political management, the active development of the global digital infrastructure lead today to the formation of a new type of sociotechnical reality and an independent phygital space of politics within which virtualized constructs, values, meanings are formed and communication interaction is transformed. In the digital space of politics, there is an algorithmization of power, with the help of which political institutions actively borrow corporate techniques of predictive analytics, ranking, filtering information to study target audiences, manage the political agenda and correct public sentiment; new hybrid actors with serious power potential and the ability to form the design of modern politics for their own purposes and interests appear in current political practice. To confirm the working hypothesis, the authors conducted an international expert survey, which allowed to study the views of experts on the features of the digitalization of modern politics and the characteristics of the emerging sociotechnical reality. The results of the study confirm the hypothesis, however, experts assess the speed and trends of the formation of this new type of policy in different ways. Based on the results of theoretical and empirical research, the authors highlight the key trends in the formation of the modern socio-technical space of politics.